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Expedia & Amazon Affiliation Program Affiliation terms / Commissions Structure / Marketing Tools Baert Cynthia Richmond Edward
EXPEDIA Affiliation Terms comparison - Expedia might have many advantages as you already saw but it also have numerous requirements. - As you can see there are requirements for both parties which needs to be respected
Expedia Commission Structure • All the commissions are regrouped and paid at the same time each month. •  Paiements are Timely & Accurates if of course you reached a minimal amount. Paiments are free, quick and directly sent on your bank account. •  Secured transactions whether thanks to a transfer on your account or if you prefer by check. •  You can select your currency without having to pay outragous exchange rates.
expedia Marketing Tools •  As you can see the only marketing tools offered are the banners present on the website & additional services. •  They offer travel services, tools & advices  helping customers in their travel which is an advantage for the affiliate companies. •  They are also present on Facebook in order to market themselves & their affiliates but also to acquire new customers.
Participation terms amazon : program requirements •
Participation terms amazon : program requirements •
Amazon Commission Structure •
Amazon Commission Structure •
Amazon Marketing Tools •
Amazon summary •   Participation terms : You agree that you will comply with the  Associates Program Participation Requirements  and all pages, schedules, policies, guidelines, and other documents and materials referenced in this Operating Agreement  You will provide us with any information that we request to verify your compliance with this Operating Agreement. You must, however, clearly state the following on your site: “[Insert your name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to [insert the applicable site name  •  Commission Structure : Amazon offers two options: Performance fee structure : when joining the program, you are automatically enrolled in the Performance Fee Structure.  This Structure allows you to earn higher fees when you generate sufficient referrals. Rate range from 4% -> 8% Classic Fee Structure: This is our fixed-referral-rate plan. You earn a 4% advertising fee on items offered by Amazon or by third parties •   Marketing Tools :  Kindle books Blogger Twitter Facebook Widgets  Banner
conclusion Expedia  VS  amazon • To conclude this work, we would choose to use the affiliate program of expedia because the information that you need is quite easy to find, easy to understand compared to Amazon. •  We would use this affiliate program for all types of hotel sites ( If we do not have enough choice for the client, we prefer them to go to an associate rather than a totally other website)and travel sites and destination sites.

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Expedia amazon comparison

  • 1. Expedia & Amazon Affiliation Program Affiliation terms / Commissions Structure / Marketing Tools Baert Cynthia Richmond Edward
  • 2. EXPEDIA Affiliation Terms comparison - Expedia might have many advantages as you already saw but it also have numerous requirements. - As you can see there are requirements for both parties which needs to be respected
  • 3. Expedia Commission Structure • All the commissions are regrouped and paid at the same time each month. • Paiements are Timely & Accurates if of course you reached a minimal amount. Paiments are free, quick and directly sent on your bank account. • Secured transactions whether thanks to a transfer on your account or if you prefer by check. • You can select your currency without having to pay outragous exchange rates.
  • 4. expedia Marketing Tools • As you can see the only marketing tools offered are the banners present on the website & additional services. • They offer travel services, tools & advices helping customers in their travel which is an advantage for the affiliate companies. • They are also present on Facebook in order to market themselves & their affiliates but also to acquire new customers.
  • 5. Participation terms amazon : program requirements •
  • 6. Participation terms amazon : program requirements •
  • 10. Amazon summary • Participation terms : You agree that you will comply with the Associates Program Participation Requirements and all pages, schedules, policies, guidelines, and other documents and materials referenced in this Operating Agreement You will provide us with any information that we request to verify your compliance with this Operating Agreement. You must, however, clearly state the following on your site: “[Insert your name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to [insert the applicable site name • Commission Structure : Amazon offers two options: Performance fee structure : when joining the program, you are automatically enrolled in the Performance Fee Structure. This Structure allows you to earn higher fees when you generate sufficient referrals. Rate range from 4% -> 8% Classic Fee Structure: This is our fixed-referral-rate plan. You earn a 4% advertising fee on items offered by Amazon or by third parties • Marketing Tools : Kindle books Blogger Twitter Facebook Widgets Banner
  • 11. conclusion Expedia VS amazon • To conclude this work, we would choose to use the affiliate program of expedia because the information that you need is quite easy to find, easy to understand compared to Amazon. • We would use this affiliate program for all types of hotel sites ( If we do not have enough choice for the client, we prefer them to go to an associate rather than a totally other website)and travel sites and destination sites.