The document discusses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Batch and how it can help customers run batch computing workloads on AWS. It notes that AWS Batch automatically provisions the optimal quantity and type of compute resources (e.g., EC2 instances) required to run jobs efficiently. It also allows customers to integrate their own scheduling and application code with AWS Batch through simple API calls or SDKs.
The document discusses Amazon Route 53 and Route 53 Resolver for hybrid cloud DNS. It explains that Route 53 Resolver allows DNS queries to be resolved between on-premises networks and AWS resources using private and public DNS zones. It provides examples of configuring inbound and outbound endpoints to allow resolution of queries from VPCs and on-premises to internet domains and private domains. The document also mentions additional capabilities like resolving queries for internal domain names in a VPC.
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on AWS Glue. It introduces AWS Glue as a fully managed and serverless ETL service that can manage metadata for various data sources. The webinar will cover the background of AWS Glue, its key features including being serverless and enabling secure development in notebooks, use cases, pricing, and a conclusion. It also provides details on the components and functions of AWS Glue like the data catalog, orchestration, and serverless engines.
This document discusses Amazon SageMaker, an AWS service that allows users to build, train, and deploy machine learning models. It provides an overview of SageMaker's key capabilities like the SageMaker SDK, hosted Jupyter notebooks, built-in algorithms, and integration with other AWS services. Examples of using SageMaker with frameworks like Chainer and TensorFlow are also presented.
The document provides an overview of an AWS webinar on CloudFormation that will cover:
1) An introduction to CloudFormation and how to get started with it.
2) Development, testing, deployment, and operation methods for CloudFormation.
3) The webinar is intended for those new to CloudFormation or already using it to learn about useful CloudFormation features and efficient automation methods in 2020.
Snowball and Snowball Edge devices can be used to transfer large amounts of data into and out of AWS cost effectively. Snowball supports offline data transfers of up to 80TB while Snowball Edge provides up to 100TB of storage along with local compute and storage capabilities. The seminar covered how to set up and use Snowball and Snowball Edge devices including creating jobs, transferring and processing data, and networking options when used with services like S3, EC2, and Lambda.
20200422 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amaz...Amazon Web Services Japan
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). The webinar will cover the basics of ECS, its main components, container execution environments, key ECS features, task definitions, and container execution. It includes introductions to the presenter and notices about pricing and content details. The target audience is those considering using containers in production environments on AWS.
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
This document discusses DNS and Amazon Route 53. It begins with an overview of DNS records like NS, A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR and MX records. It then covers DNS concepts such as the domain name system, domain name registration and resolution. The document also discusses how Route 53 can be used to configure DNS settings across public and private hosted zones for routing traffic to AWS resources.
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
20190521 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)Amazon Web Services Japan
This document summarizes an AWS webinar on Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). It discusses how Amazon SES can be used to send emails using SMTP or APIs. It also covers topics like delivery optimization, reputation management, and monitoring email sending activity. Configuration options like dedicated IPs and suppression lists are presented as ways to improve deliverability.
Snowball and Snowball Edge devices can be used to transfer large amounts of data into and out of AWS cost effectively. Snowball supports offline data transfers of up to 80TB while Snowball Edge provides up to 100TB of storage along with local compute and storage capabilities. The seminar covered how to set up and use Snowball and Snowball Edge devices including creating jobs, transferring and processing data, and networking options when used with services like S3, EC2, and Lambda.
20200422 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amaz...Amazon Web Services Japan
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). The webinar will cover the basics of ECS, its main components, container execution environments, key ECS features, task definitions, and container execution. It includes introductions to the presenter and notices about pricing and content details. The target audience is those considering using containers in production environments on AWS.
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
This document discusses DNS and Amazon Route 53. It begins with an overview of DNS records like NS, A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR and MX records. It then covers DNS concepts such as the domain name system, domain name registration and resolution. The document also discusses how Route 53 can be used to configure DNS settings across public and private hosted zones for routing traffic to AWS resources.
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
20190521 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)Amazon Web Services Japan
This document summarizes an AWS webinar on Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). It discusses how Amazon SES can be used to send emails using SMTP or APIs. It also covers topics like delivery optimization, reputation management, and monitoring email sending activity. Configuration options like dedicated IPs and suppression lists are presented as ways to improve deliverability.
PDF版 世界中のゲーム分析をしてきたPlayFabが大進化!一緒に裏側の最新データ探索の仕組みを覗いてみよう Db tech showcase2020Daisuke Masubuchi
世界中のオンラインゲームやスマフォアプリの分析をしてきたPlayFab。最近、従来のイベント分析に加えて様々なテレメトリーを包含したクラウド分析機能が備わりました。今回は、その裏の Azure Data Explorer a.k.a Kusto での構成や仕組みをご紹介します。Windowsのテレメトリー分析やAzureのログ解析基盤の裏側と共通した仕掛けが含まれているのでお楽しみに!ゲーム業界に限らず、ビックデータ運用を考えている大規模なSaaS事業やIoT事業にもご参考いただけたら幸いです。
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*本資料は 2020年11月11日に開催された DB Tech Showcase イベントにてお話させていただいた、同タイトルのセッション資料となります