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Congratulations iMA High Red
A warm welcome from your iMA Practitioner, Donnie MacNicol, contact details below. This
short guide providesyouwithan insight into your owncommunication style and how you can use
this to engage effectively with others. We then include guidance on its application in
improving the performance of teams and delivery of change. We hope you find it of value and
look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions or would like support.
iMA High Red at a Glance
Identifying yourself as iMA High Red is an important step towards your future success and happiness. This is a basic
building block for you to learn the things you need to know about how you can relate to and communicate better
with the majority of people who are on a different wavelength than iMA High Reds. You and all other iMA High Reds
are assertive, left brain thinking and measure your personal worth through results, track record and measurable
o You are cool, independent and competitive. You shape the environment that you work in by overcoming
opposition in order to accomplish results.
o You need to be in control of your situation and you need tangible evidence of progress.
o You have a no nonsense communication style, can appear that to have a low tolerance for others feelings,
like to be in control and you work impressively by yourself.
o When stressed you may become dictatorial and restless. Others may see you as blunt, irritable and un-
Those speaking the other 3 dialects can learn to use iMA and modify the way they communicate with you by
speaking in a way that you find it easiest to listen to. When this happens communication, trust and co-
operation will go up and stress and tension will go down.
To find and meet other iMA High Reds that: think, use time, make decisions, handle their emotions, manage
stress, communicate and look at and filter the world through your eyes and ears click on the iMAges below.
Communication from people we are connected to gets far better reception than from those we are not.
Change and projects
When dealing with people there are no certainties, but there are probabilities that most of the time, in most
situations, people will behave in a patterned, programmed and predictable way.
Working with High Reds individually and in teams in a change context we have found that typically they:
• May see rigorous processes as bureaucratic
• May wish to adapt processes and structures to suit the situation
• Will be happy making decisions, often without all information being available
• Typically wish to lead the process and decision making.
The figure below provides details of all four colour styles together with tips on how to communicate and
engage with them more effectively.
Congratulations iMA High Red
Effective collaboration and teamworking are key to success in today’s challenging business environment.
Having awareness of personal and team styles provides insights to improve connectivity and performance. As
a first step why not get your colleagues to complete the diagnostic by asking them to visit
Questions you can then ask of yourself and the team:
• How can we adapt the way we communicate to give each person what they need to be effective?
• Howcould we work effectively as a team, makinguseof thestrengthsand resourceseach person brings?
• Howdo weminimizeconflictbydistinguishingbetween whatweaimto achieveand howweeach work?
• How do we improve the performance of our projects by taking into account the different ways in which
we perceive, design, adopt, practice, involve others and share knowledge differently?
The highest value is gained in a team workshop where members begin to learn and practice new ways of
working. The workshops we facilitate answer these questions and create teams who are “more than the sum
of their parts”. We also work with individuals (through coaching, mentoring and training to develop project
leadership capability) and organisations (creating communities of practice, developing effective project
cultures, developingand implementing project management codes of practice and associated career frameworks).
If you would like to know more about iMA and how it can help improve:
• Communication and engagement - read our article on Slideshare on the application of iMA in teams and
project delivery here. Also available are a range of other similar published articles and presentations.
• Project performance – Read about groundbreaking iMAPraxis Initiative by reading out LinkedIn post here.
If you have any questions or are looking for support please contact me. Alternatively you can follow me on LinkedIn,
Twitter (@donniemacnicol) or Facebook.
Team Animation work with leaders, teams and organisations in a range of
contexts, primarily when undergoing change and delivering projects. We have
found iMA to be a fantastic tool in helping to improve communication and
engagement, build leadership capability and teams, resolve conflict and improve the
adoption of new ways of working such as project and programme management.
Donnie Mac Nicol, Director or 07799 766238.
January 2017

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Valuetainment Culture booklet - Enlighten, Entertain and Empower
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iMA High Red Description

  • 1. Congratulations iMA High Red A warm welcome from your iMA Practitioner, Donnie MacNicol, contact details below. This short guide providesyouwithan insight into your owncommunication style and how you can use this to engage effectively with others. We then include guidance on its application in improving the performance of teams and delivery of change. We hope you find it of value and look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions or would like support. iMA High Red at a Glance Identifying yourself as iMA High Red is an important step towards your future success and happiness. This is a basic building block for you to learn the things you need to know about how you can relate to and communicate better with the majority of people who are on a different wavelength than iMA High Reds. You and all other iMA High Reds are assertive, left brain thinking and measure your personal worth through results, track record and measurable progress. o You are cool, independent and competitive. You shape the environment that you work in by overcoming opposition in order to accomplish results. o You need to be in control of your situation and you need tangible evidence of progress. o You have a no nonsense communication style, can appear that to have a low tolerance for others feelings, like to be in control and you work impressively by yourself. o When stressed you may become dictatorial and restless. Others may see you as blunt, irritable and un- cooperative. Those speaking the other 3 dialects can learn to use iMA and modify the way they communicate with you by speaking in a way that you find it easiest to listen to. When this happens communication, trust and co- operation will go up and stress and tension will go down. To find and meet other iMA High Reds that: think, use time, make decisions, handle their emotions, manage stress, communicate and look at and filter the world through your eyes and ears click on the iMAges below. Communication from people we are connected to gets far better reception than from those we are not. Change and projects When dealing with people there are no certainties, but there are probabilities that most of the time, in most situations, people will behave in a patterned, programmed and predictable way. Working with High Reds individually and in teams in a change context we have found that typically they: • May see rigorous processes as bureaucratic • May wish to adapt processes and structures to suit the situation • Will be happy making decisions, often without all information being available • Typically wish to lead the process and decision making. The figure below provides details of all four colour styles together with tips on how to communicate and engage with them more effectively.
  • 2. Congratulations iMA High Red Effective collaboration and teamworking are key to success in today’s challenging business environment. Having awareness of personal and team styles provides insights to improve connectivity and performance. As a first step why not get your colleagues to complete the diagnostic by asking them to visit Questions you can then ask of yourself and the team: • How can we adapt the way we communicate to give each person what they need to be effective? • Howcould we work effectively as a team, makinguseof thestrengthsand resourceseach person brings? • Howdo weminimizeconflictbydistinguishingbetween whatweaimto achieveand howweeach work? • How do we improve the performance of our projects by taking into account the different ways in which we perceive, design, adopt, practice, involve others and share knowledge differently? The highest value is gained in a team workshop where members begin to learn and practice new ways of working. The workshops we facilitate answer these questions and create teams who are “more than the sum of their parts”. We also work with individuals (through coaching, mentoring and training to develop project leadership capability) and organisations (creating communities of practice, developing effective project cultures, developingand implementing project management codes of practice and associated career frameworks). If you would like to know more about iMA and how it can help improve: • Communication and engagement - read our article on Slideshare on the application of iMA in teams and project delivery here. Also available are a range of other similar published articles and presentations. • Project performance – Read about groundbreaking iMAPraxis Initiative by reading out LinkedIn post here. If you have any questions or are looking for support please contact me. Alternatively you can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter (@donniemacnicol) or Facebook. Team Animation work with leaders, teams and organisations in a range of contexts, primarily when undergoing change and delivering projects. We have found iMA to be a fantastic tool in helping to improve communication and engagement, build leadership capability and teams, resolve conflict and improve the adoption of new ways of working such as project and programme management. Donnie Mac Nicol, Director or 07799 766238. January 2017