Компания МЕТТЭМ осуществляет строительство домов по новой высокоэффективной технологии с использованием сборного каркаса и термопрофильных стен.
В настоящее время компания ООО "МЕТТЭМ-Строительный технологии" реализует проекты в рамках программ доступное жилье и детские сады - детям в следующих регионах РФ: Москва и Московская область, Нижний Новгород, Псков, Самара, Ульяновск, Калининград, Республика Хакасия, Иркутск.
МЕТТЭМ-Строительные технологии
Москва, ул. Энергетическая, д. 12, корп. 2
+7 (495) 968-7358
#меттэм, #меттэм-ст, #меттэм-строительныетехнологии, #девелопмент, #власкинсергей
В данной презентации описаны основные преимущества использования панелей Rodeca для остекления фасадов крупный и малых зданий (бассейны, спортзалы, производственные помещения)
This document provides an introduction to Channel 4's style guide for creating factual program inserts. It discusses key elements Channel 4 looks for in promotional materials like unique fonts, consistent color schemes, prominent logos and how templates can be used to follow the style guide requirements. Examples are given of how images, colors and fonts were selected from Channel 4 templates to create a factual insert that adheres to the network's branding guidelines.
Este documento introduce el tema de la contaminación ambiental y sus diferentes tipos. Explica que analizará la creación de presentaciones y la contaminación ambiental, la cual es un gran problema para la humanidad debido a que es causada por el ser humano. Además, menciona que describirá los tipos de contaminación ambiental, incluyendo la contaminación del agua.
Rabbi Bob Jacobs led a Kol Nidre service at The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles. Participants sang songs, read passages from prayer and song books, and listened to explanations of the evening service. People held cards to read names of recently passed relatives and friends during the Mourner's Kaddish. At the end, guests greeted each other and spoke to the Rabbi before leaving.
For a school research project, the author conducted surveys in Birmingham asking 17 people questions about music magazines. Most respondents were between ages 16-25 and listened to pop, R&B, or dubstep music. While 76% of respondents did not read music magazines, the majority were interested in updates on artists, songs, albums and preferred a magazine published weekly or every two weeks. The top three areas respondents lived in were Hall Green, Acocks Green and Sparkhill.
This document outlines the responsibilities and skills required for an assistant production role. The responsibilities include caring for actors, getting lunch, acquiring props, making tea, moving vehicles and set pieces. The ideal candidate has common sense, good communication, energy, attention to detail, and a passion for the film industry. They should be pleasant, sensitive, curious, flexible in their thinking, know when not to speak, and willing to do any task required.
This document discusses the concept of "blue ocean strategy", which involves creating new market space by exploring opportunities outside existing industry boundaries to render competition irrelevant. It outlines key principles of blue ocean strategy, including reconstructing market boundaries, focusing on the big picture rather than numbers, reaching beyond existing demand, and getting the strategic sequence right. The document also notes risks to consider in both formulating and executing a blue ocean strategy.
The document describes an analysis of 3 magazines: Kerrang, DJ Mag, and Top of the Pops. For each magazine, the front cover, contents page, double page spreads, and advertisements were analyzed. Details are provided on the elements analyzed for each magazine.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to a target audience of young people and students about rising university tuition fees. Key findings include: most of the target audience were males aged 16-18 living in postcode areas B28 or B27. Over 60% were currently students and 40% felt directly affected by rising tuition costs. The majority disagreed with higher fees and thought a documentary on the topic would be useful. This research provided insights to help focus the documentary.
This document provides an introduction to Channel 4's style guide for creating factual program inserts. It discusses key elements Channel 4 looks for in promotional materials such as unique fonts, consistent color schemes, prominent logos and positioning, and using representative imagery. The document also shows examples of how these style elements have been applied in fictional Channel 4 inserts created by the author as a template to develop their own factual insert promotional material.
The document discusses research conducted through questionnaires given to 15-18 year old students about a potential school magazine. 10 questionnaires were completed, with most respondents being male, aged 16, and not regularly reading other magazines. The majority would pay £1-£1.99 for the magazine and preferred it being published either monthly or weekly. Overall, most felt a school magazine would be useful.
This document discusses IP addressing and routing in computer networks. It covers MAC addresses, IP addresses (including IPv4 and IPv6), IP address classes (A, B, C, D, E), network masks, loopback addresses, routing algorithms like flooding, distance vector, and link state. It also defines terms like routers, gateways, ping, bandwidth, transmission time, propagation delay, routing tables, and shortest path trees. The goal of computer networks is to provide fast, accurate, adequate, and secure communication between systems.
أعد تقرير "تنشيط سوق العمل: تحول أسواق العمل المدفوع بالتقنية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا" بالتعاون بين كل من كلية "إنسياد" لإدارة الأعمال ومركز النمو الاقتصادي بأبوظبي وشركة "إس إيه بي الشرق الأوسط"، وتم إطلاقه يوم 21 مايو على هامش المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي. ويفيد التقرير أن التقنيات الحديثة ستكون عاملاً حاسماً في تغيير أسس محاربة البطالة بين الشباب في إطار الاقتصاد الرقمي الناشئ في المنطقة، شريطة التعاون البنّاء بين القطاعين العام والخاص مع المجتمع بشكل عام.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and symbols with no discernible topic, structure or message.
Поликарбонат сотовый торговых марок Novattro и Actual на Украинском рынке строительных материалов, в частности поликарбоната листового, представляет ЧП "Поликарбонат", являясь официальным представителем SafPlast Innovative", современного производителя поликарбоната.
Polycarbonate honeycomb brands Novattro and Actual on the Ukrainian market of building materials, in particular polycarbonate sheet, is PE "polycarbonate" as the official representative of SafPlast Innovative ", a modern manufacturer of polycarbonate.
+380675755532 +380997147098
Наплавляемые материалы относятся к материалам повышенной индустриальной готовности, содержащие дополнительные клеящие битумные или битумно-полимерные слои, нанесенные в заводских условиях.
Больше информации на сайте:
This document outlines the responsibilities and skills required for an assistant production role. The responsibilities include caring for actors, getting lunch, acquiring props, making tea, moving vehicles and set pieces. The ideal candidate has common sense, good communication, energy, attention to detail, and a passion for the film industry. They should be pleasant, sensitive, curious, flexible in their thinking, know when not to speak, and willing to do any task required.
This document discusses the concept of "blue ocean strategy", which involves creating new market space by exploring opportunities outside existing industry boundaries to render competition irrelevant. It outlines key principles of blue ocean strategy, including reconstructing market boundaries, focusing on the big picture rather than numbers, reaching beyond existing demand, and getting the strategic sequence right. The document also notes risks to consider in both formulating and executing a blue ocean strategy.
The document describes an analysis of 3 magazines: Kerrang, DJ Mag, and Top of the Pops. For each magazine, the front cover, contents page, double page spreads, and advertisements were analyzed. Details are provided on the elements analyzed for each magazine.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to a target audience of young people and students about rising university tuition fees. Key findings include: most of the target audience were males aged 16-18 living in postcode areas B28 or B27. Over 60% were currently students and 40% felt directly affected by rising tuition costs. The majority disagreed with higher fees and thought a documentary on the topic would be useful. This research provided insights to help focus the documentary.
This document provides an introduction to Channel 4's style guide for creating factual program inserts. It discusses key elements Channel 4 looks for in promotional materials such as unique fonts, consistent color schemes, prominent logos and positioning, and using representative imagery. The document also shows examples of how these style elements have been applied in fictional Channel 4 inserts created by the author as a template to develop their own factual insert promotional material.
The document discusses research conducted through questionnaires given to 15-18 year old students about a potential school magazine. 10 questionnaires were completed, with most respondents being male, aged 16, and not regularly reading other magazines. The majority would pay £1-£1.99 for the magazine and preferred it being published either monthly or weekly. Overall, most felt a school magazine would be useful.
This document discusses IP addressing and routing in computer networks. It covers MAC addresses, IP addresses (including IPv4 and IPv6), IP address classes (A, B, C, D, E), network masks, loopback addresses, routing algorithms like flooding, distance vector, and link state. It also defines terms like routers, gateways, ping, bandwidth, transmission time, propagation delay, routing tables, and shortest path trees. The goal of computer networks is to provide fast, accurate, adequate, and secure communication between systems.
أعد تقرير "تنشيط سوق العمل: تحول أسواق العمل المدفوع بالتقنية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا" بالتعاون بين كل من كلية "إنسياد" لإدارة الأعمال ومركز النمو الاقتصادي بأبوظبي وشركة "إس إيه بي الشرق الأوسط"، وتم إطلاقه يوم 21 مايو على هامش المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي. ويفيد التقرير أن التقنيات الحديثة ستكون عاملاً حاسماً في تغيير أسس محاربة البطالة بين الشباب في إطار الاقتصاد الرقمي الناشئ في المنطقة، شريطة التعاون البنّاء بين القطاعين العام والخاص مع المجتمع بشكل عام.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It consists of random letters and symbols with no discernible topic, structure or message.
Поликарбонат сотовый торговых марок Novattro и Actual на Украинском рынке строительных материалов, в частности поликарбоната листового, представляет ЧП "Поликарбонат", являясь официальным представителем SafPlast Innovative", современного производителя поликарбоната.
Polycarbonate honeycomb brands Novattro and Actual on the Ukrainian market of building materials, in particular polycarbonate sheet, is PE "polycarbonate" as the official representative of SafPlast Innovative ", a modern manufacturer of polycarbonate.
+380675755532 +380997147098
Наплавляемые материалы относятся к материалам повышенной индустриальной готовности, содержащие дополнительные клеящие битумные или битумно-полимерные слои, нанесенные в заводских условиях.
Больше информации на сайте:
Вам знакома песочная анимация? Художники рисуют песком на стекле с подсветкой и, через видеокамеру, проецируют этот процесс на экран.
Картины на песке оригинальны, необычны, но недолговечны. Их нельзя сохранить в первоначальном виде. Это особенность песочного творчества. Возможно, в этом есть та изюминка, которая делает песочную анимацию столь привлекательной. Единственная возможность сохранить песочные картины – это сфотографировать их.
Календарь Sand Drive - это в первую очередь Песочные картины, а уж «календарь» - во-вторую. Т.е., сначала «творчество», «дизайн», а «тайм-менеджмент» - как приложение.
Получилось эдакое пересечение трех продуктов:
- песочная картина;
- набор постеров;
- настенный календарь.
Заказать Календарь Sand Drive 2017
7. - Рост тарифов
- Увеличение применения
стекла в архитектуре
- Отсутствие российских
создание высокотехнологичного
производства сложных пленок