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Prepared by Danish Iqbal

Distinguish between managing and leading
Recognize the skills and characteristics of leaders
Understand that leaders use different styles
Create an inspiring vision and align people to achieve it
Understand what motivates people, and how to foster an inspiring work environment
Learn techniques for energizing problem employees

Comprehensive path through the entire topic


What Leaders Really Do


Skills and Characteristics of Leaders


Adapting Your Leadership Style


Aligning People Through Successful Communication


Motivating Others


Energizing Difficult People


Creating a Work Environment that Motivates

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

What Leaders Really Do?
The aim of management is to obtain well-defined, orderly results. Therefore, managers engaged in the planning and
budgeting process typically:
Craft specific targets or goals for the future (typically short-term)
Establish detailed steps for achieving the desired targets
Allocate the resources required to accomplish them
On the other hand, leadership's function is to enable change. Setting the direction for that change is of paramount
importance. While there's nothing magical about this kind of work, it is more inductive and intuitive than planning and
budgeting, and does not result in detailed plans. Setting a direction for change requires leaders to:
Gather a range of data and look for patterns, relationship, and linkages
Develop a vision of the future (often the distant future)
Craft the strategies necessary for achieving that vision

The definition of leadership is to have inspired, energized followers.
–Warren G. Bennis
Organizing is a management process that, at its core, involves creating systems that enable people to implement plans
as precisely and efficiently as possible. The processes of organizing and staffing require managers to:
Choose a job hierarchy and justify reporting relationships
Staff the positions with the appropriate people
Provide training for those who need it
Communicate plans to the workforce
Decide how much authority to delegate, and to whom
The organizing and staffing processes critical to effective management illustrate the complex problem of designing a
well-functioning system. However, its leadership counterpart, aligning people, is not a design issue, but rather a
communications challenge.
To align people to a vision, a leader must:
Solicit input and discussion from a wide range of people
Help people to comprehend a vision of an alternative future
Get them to believe in and become energized by this vision once it is understood
Prepared by Danish Iqbal
While organizing people to fulfill a short-term plan is difficult, getting a large number of people from inside and outside
the company first to believe in an alternative future, and then to take initiatives based on this shared vision, is often
even more challenging.


Processes like controlling activities and solving problems are mechanisms managers put in place to make it easy for
people to complete their daily jobs. Managers use these processes to:
Efficiently compare the behavior of the system they've organized and staffed with the original plan and budget
If the comparison reveals a divergence from the original course, take the corrective actions necessary to get the
plan back on track
The leadership processes of motivating and inspiring are quite different. Motivating and inspiring energizes people not
by pushing or pulling them in the right direction, but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement—a sense of
belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and having control over one's life.
Effective leaders motivate in a variety of ways.
For example, they:
Articulate a vision in a manner that stresses the values of their audience
Involve people in deciding how to achieve the shared vision
Support employees' efforts to realize the vision by providing coaching, feedback, and role modeling
Recognize and reward success
Management skills are essential. But in response to an ever-changing economic and social marketplace, managers are
increasingly being called upon to be leaders as well. As a result, the ability to lead—that is, identify a vision, align people
to it, and motivate them to achieve it—has become even more critical for today's managers.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal


In the past, leaders generally knew they were invested with formal authority. As such, their directives carried
organizational weight. Today's organizations are flatter and less hierarchical. Many leaders now do not have formal
authority and, even if they do, find it is not particularly useful. Instead, they recognize that leading requires the mastery
of certain skills, all of which can be learned and developed.
Successful leadership requires strong:
Communication skills:

To speak and write persuasively

Interpersonal skills:

To listen and hear what people are saying and react in constructive ways (active listening)

Conflict-resolution skills:

To handle friction and inevitable tensions

Negotiation skills:

To bring different groups together in order to reach mutually agreeable goals

Motivational skills:

To align people who may not report to you toward a goal

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

In addition to mastering certain concrete skills, effective leaders generally share a cluster of essential characteristics.
These characteristics can be categorized as components of emotional intelligence—the ability to manage yourself and
your relationships effectively. Research has shown that what distinguishes outstanding leaders is their degree of
emotional intelligence, not their technical or analytical skills. Five key components of emotional intelligence (EI) are:

The ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effect on


The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, suspend judgment, and think before


The ability to pursue goals with energy and persistence, for reasons that go beyond money or status


The ability to understand people's emotional makeup

Social skill:

The ability to manage relationships, build networks, and find common ground

Contemporary business leadership calls for generous portions of decisiveness, coolness under fire, and results-oriented
thinking. It also calls for courage in the face of conflicting demands. The ability to make trade-offs between people,
resources, money, and deadlines—often causing short-term pain for the sake of long-term benefit—remains a vital
element of effective leadership.
Likewise, leaders must be future-focused; they must know how their group or unit fits into the bigger organizational
picture. They must be able to efficiently organize short-term tasks according to long-term priorities.
Perhaps one of the most important responsibilities of today's leaders is creating the conditions that enable employees
to excel. To achieve this aim, the most successful leaders are also the most flexible: they have learned to adapt their
leadership style to the situation.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

Leadership style isn't just a function of personality. The best leaders actively choose their leadership style to fit a given

There are a number of ways to classify leadership styles. One approach categorizes styles according to emotional
intelligence competencies, some of which work better than others in specific situations, and affect the organization or
group in different ways. These styles are:
Coercive: This "do what I say" style demands immediate compliance. It is especially useful in turnaround
situations, in a crisis, and with problem employees. However, using this style inhibits your organization's
flexibility and can dampen employee motivation.
Authoritative: This style mobilizes people toward a vision. Specifically, it provides an overarching goal, but gives
others the freedom to choose their own way of reaching it. This approach is most effective when a business is at
sea and needs direction, or during an economic or business downturn. This style is less successful when the
leader is working with a team of experts who may have more experience—and may disagree with his approach.
Affiliative: This "people-first" style engenders the creation of emotional bonds and team harmony. It is best
used when team coherence is important or in times of low employee morale. But this approach's focus on praise
may permit poor performance among employees to continue unchecked, and employees may lack a sense of
overall direction.
Democratic: This style builds consensus through participation. It is most appropriate when organizational
flexibility and a sense of individual responsibility is needed. The downside of this style, however, is that it may
result in indecision, and some people may be left feeling confused and leaderless.
Pacesetting: This style expects excellence and self-direction. It works best for highly skilled and motivated
people who work well on their own. Other people, however, may feel overwhelmed by a pacesetting leader's
demands for excellence. Their self-esteem, trust, and, ultimately, their morale may drop under the regime of
this type of leader.
Coaching: This style focuses on personal development. Coaching leaders help people identify their strengths and
weaknesses, and tie them to their career aspirations. While this style is highly successful with people who want
to change or improve professionally, it is largely unsuccessful with those who are resistant to learning or
changing their ways.
While some styles may be more comfortable for you to adopt than others, the more you stretch yourself to learn a
range of styles, the more effective you will be as a leader. Generally speaking, being able to switch among four styles—
authoritative, affiliative, democratic, and coaching—as conditions dictate tends to create the optimal work environment.
When leading people in a one-on-one situation, the style you adopt should reflect the needs and personality of the
individual you are working with. It is important to remember that everyone has different capabilities and strengths
which will likely fluctuate on a project-by-project basis. Therefore, the same person may need you to provide a different
leadership style, depending on the task at hand.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal


To realize a vision, leaders need to ensure that people are constantly aligned throughout what can be a long and
arduous process. The key to keeping people energized and moving on the same path is motivation.
Leaders do not achieve their goals by force or pushing people in a certain direction. Instead, successful leaders get the
results they seek by appealing to people's inner drives, needs, and desires.

Motivation is the art of getting other people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
–Dwight Eisenhower
There are numerous ways to get people motivated. One popular approach relies on enhancing or improving factors that
are external to the specific job a person performs. These "external" factors are aspects of a job that are related to job
environment, not the job content itself. External factors include:
Company policies and benefits
Working conditions
Salary and other forms of compensation
Job security
Some experts have demonstrated that externally focused incentives provide only a short-term means of motivation.
They argue that, to be effective and keep people moving forward, leaders need to continuously provide these rewards—
while upping the ante each time. Using only external factors to motivate employees, therefore, can become increasingly
costly over time.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

An alternative and more sustainable approach to motivation draws upon tapping into employees' desire to perform.
Using this approach, leaders try to inspire people by enriching their jobs and giving them broad responsibilities that
increase their overall job satisfaction. This type of intrinsic motivation relies on "internal" factors that are related to job
content (the nature of the work itself), and comes from within employees. Internal motivational factors include:
Achievement on the job
Direct feedback from people internal and external to the company about the quality of their work
The work itself
A sense of responsibility for the work they are doing
Opportunities for growth or learning
Some experts note that the presence of a strong external reward structure diminishes an individual's ability to react to
internal motivators. Others maintain that these two means of motivating people are complementary, and that leaders
should strive to provide both where possible. One thing is certain: all people have individual drives, needs, and desires.
Because of this, they will be motivated by different factors.
Finding out what motivates people on an individual level is critical. Taking the time to discover what inspires each of
your key stakeholders, and devising the plan that best meets their needs, will help ensure that people stay motivated for
the long term.


Celebrating milestones, whether large or small, is critical to keeping people motivated. Good leaders not only recognize
individuals for their efforts, but also the successful completion of goals on the group, unit, and organizational level.
Broadcast every milestone reached or project completed to upper management, colleagues, and even outside
stakeholders. Recognize everyone responsible for achieving the milestone, and strive to provide each person the type of
"reward" that best motivates him or her.
Taking the time to celebrate is essential because it acknowledges people's hard work, boosts morale, and helps keep up
the momentum necessary to achieve your vision.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal


When leaders offer their vision of a new future, they recognize that the change required comes with inherent
challenges. They recognize that a certain level of stress is healthy and necessary for change to occur. However, they also
know that people can't—or won't—learn new ways of doing things if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
To help motivate people without immobilizing them, create a holding environment—a "safe" organizational space in
which the conflicts, emotions, and stresses related to the change associated with your vision can be worked out.
In the early stages of implementing a vision, a leader may establish a holding environment for the team to talk openly
about the initial challenges, to frame and debate issues, and to clarify assumptions. Over time, the scope of the issues
discussed will likely broaden.

While a certain level of conflict is likely to be the norm, it is your responsibility as a leader to identify whether it is
destructive or constructive. Destructive conflict undermines the trust that is vital to a working relationship and includes:
Personal attacks, either directly or through gossip
Pointless griping about irrelevant issues or external forces that cannot be controlled
Handle destructive conflict by acknowledging the problem and using persuasion, reminding others of the vision, or
otherwise deploying your power as a leader to resolve the conflict.
Constructive conflict, on the other hand, concerns divergent perspectives on your most important tasks or priorities—
and needs to be incorporated into your vision. Ask pointed questions to draw the issues out, then insist that your
employees discuss them openly and work out solutions.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

In an environment of change, a leader is responsible for regulating the distress that team members are feeling; this
entails ensuring that the team members remain motivated and in control of their workloads. Effective leaders are
masters of sequencing and pacing work. They know how to prioritize and order tasks to minimize confusion and chaos.
Successful leaders do not strive to eliminate all of their team's stressors, but instead help team members manage them.
You can establish a holding environment that fosters motivation by:
Treating everyone, at every level of the organization, with the same respect
Giving everyone's ideas serious consideration
Being fair, kind, and courteous at all times
Being honest, admitting when you make a mistake or when you don't have an answer
Never putting other people down
Protecting your unit or group by defining a boundary around your people and sheltering them from
interference, going to bat for your team to get the resources you need, and showing courage in sticking up for
your people
Not tolerating scapegoating or misapplied blame
Using every reasonable opportunity to foster others' professional growth

Prepared by Danish Iqbal


There are many benefits of establishing a holding environment. Specifically, it:
Reinforces trust among all stakeholders
Forces people together to address issues
Fosters a positive attitude
Upholds principles of mutual respect and consideration
Protects its members
Helps a leader address the conflict necessary to reach goals
In a holding environment, your team members should feel comfortable sharing the fears, frustrations, and pain
associated with the realization of your vision. One of your greatest challenges, then, is to be able to understand and
empathize with team members' experience without easing up on the tension necessary to see the vision through.

Prepared by Danish Iqbal

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Leading and motivating

  • 2. 2 LEADING AND MOTIVATING TOPIC OBJECTIVES Distinguish between managing and leading Recognize the skills and characteristics of leaders Understand that leaders use different styles Create an inspiring vision and align people to achieve it Understand what motivates people, and how to foster an inspiring work environment Learn techniques for energizing problem employees Comprehensive path through the entire topic o What Leaders Really Do o Skills and Characteristics of Leaders o Adapting Your Leadership Style o Aligning People Through Successful Communication o Motivating Others o Energizing Difficult People o Creating a Work Environment that Motivates Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 3. 3 What Leaders Really Do? PLANNING AND BUDGETING VERSUS SETTING A DIRECTION The aim of management is to obtain well-defined, orderly results. Therefore, managers engaged in the planning and budgeting process typically: Craft specific targets or goals for the future (typically short-term) Establish detailed steps for achieving the desired targets Allocate the resources required to accomplish them On the other hand, leadership's function is to enable change. Setting the direction for that change is of paramount importance. While there's nothing magical about this kind of work, it is more inductive and intuitive than planning and budgeting, and does not result in detailed plans. Setting a direction for change requires leaders to: Gather a range of data and look for patterns, relationship, and linkages Develop a vision of the future (often the distant future) Craft the strategies necessary for achieving that vision ORGANIZING AND STAFFING VERSUS ALIGNING PEOPLE The definition of leadership is to have inspired, energized followers. –Warren G. Bennis Organizing is a management process that, at its core, involves creating systems that enable people to implement plans as precisely and efficiently as possible. The processes of organizing and staffing require managers to: Choose a job hierarchy and justify reporting relationships Staff the positions with the appropriate people Provide training for those who need it Communicate plans to the workforce Decide how much authority to delegate, and to whom The organizing and staffing processes critical to effective management illustrate the complex problem of designing a well-functioning system. However, its leadership counterpart, aligning people, is not a design issue, but rather a communications challenge. To align people to a vision, a leader must: Solicit input and discussion from a wide range of people Help people to comprehend a vision of an alternative future Get them to believe in and become energized by this vision once it is understood Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 4. 4 While organizing people to fulfill a short-term plan is difficult, getting a large number of people from inside and outside the company first to believe in an alternative future, and then to take initiatives based on this shared vision, is often even more challenging. CONTROLLING AND PROBLEM SOLVING VERSUS MOTIVATING AND INSPIRING Processes like controlling activities and solving problems are mechanisms managers put in place to make it easy for people to complete their daily jobs. Managers use these processes to: Efficiently compare the behavior of the system they've organized and staffed with the original plan and budget If the comparison reveals a divergence from the original course, take the corrective actions necessary to get the plan back on track The leadership processes of motivating and inspiring are quite different. Motivating and inspiring energizes people not by pushing or pulling them in the right direction, but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement—a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and having control over one's life. Effective leaders motivate in a variety of ways. For example, they: Articulate a vision in a manner that stresses the values of their audience Involve people in deciding how to achieve the shared vision Support employees' efforts to realize the vision by providing coaching, feedback, and role modeling Recognize and reward success Management skills are essential. But in response to an ever-changing economic and social marketplace, managers are increasingly being called upon to be leaders as well. As a result, the ability to lead—that is, identify a vision, align people to it, and motivate them to achieve it—has become even more critical for today's managers. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 5. 5 SKILLS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADERS LEADING TODAY'S BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS In the past, leaders generally knew they were invested with formal authority. As such, their directives carried organizational weight. Today's organizations are flatter and less hierarchical. Many leaders now do not have formal authority and, even if they do, find it is not particularly useful. Instead, they recognize that leading requires the mastery of certain skills, all of which can be learned and developed. Successful leadership requires strong: Communication skills: o To speak and write persuasively Interpersonal skills: o To listen and hear what people are saying and react in constructive ways (active listening) Conflict-resolution skills: o To handle friction and inevitable tensions Negotiation skills: o To bring different groups together in order to reach mutually agreeable goals Motivational skills: o To align people who may not report to you toward a goal Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 6. 6 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE CAPABILITIES In addition to mastering certain concrete skills, effective leaders generally share a cluster of essential characteristics. These characteristics can be categorized as components of emotional intelligence—the ability to manage yourself and your relationships effectively. Research has shown that what distinguishes outstanding leaders is their degree of emotional intelligence, not their technical or analytical skills. Five key components of emotional intelligence (EI) are: Self-awareness: o The ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effect on others Self-regulation: o The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, suspend judgment, and think before acting Motivation: o The ability to pursue goals with energy and persistence, for reasons that go beyond money or status Empathy: o The ability to understand people's emotional makeup Social skill: o The ability to manage relationships, build networks, and find common ground ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS BEYOND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Contemporary business leadership calls for generous portions of decisiveness, coolness under fire, and results-oriented thinking. It also calls for courage in the face of conflicting demands. The ability to make trade-offs between people, resources, money, and deadlines—often causing short-term pain for the sake of long-term benefit—remains a vital element of effective leadership. Likewise, leaders must be future-focused; they must know how their group or unit fits into the bigger organizational picture. They must be able to efficiently organize short-term tasks according to long-term priorities. Perhaps one of the most important responsibilities of today's leaders is creating the conditions that enable employees to excel. To achieve this aim, the most successful leaders are also the most flexible: they have learned to adapt their leadership style to the situation. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 7. 7 ADAPTING YOUR LEADERSHIP STYLE Leadership style isn't just a function of personality. The best leaders actively choose their leadership style to fit a given situation. LEADERSHIP STYLES There are a number of ways to classify leadership styles. One approach categorizes styles according to emotional intelligence competencies, some of which work better than others in specific situations, and affect the organization or group in different ways. These styles are: Coercive: This "do what I say" style demands immediate compliance. It is especially useful in turnaround situations, in a crisis, and with problem employees. However, using this style inhibits your organization's flexibility and can dampen employee motivation. Authoritative: This style mobilizes people toward a vision. Specifically, it provides an overarching goal, but gives others the freedom to choose their own way of reaching it. This approach is most effective when a business is at sea and needs direction, or during an economic or business downturn. This style is less successful when the leader is working with a team of experts who may have more experience—and may disagree with his approach. Affiliative: This "people-first" style engenders the creation of emotional bonds and team harmony. It is best used when team coherence is important or in times of low employee morale. But this approach's focus on praise may permit poor performance among employees to continue unchecked, and employees may lack a sense of overall direction. Democratic: This style builds consensus through participation. It is most appropriate when organizational flexibility and a sense of individual responsibility is needed. The downside of this style, however, is that it may result in indecision, and some people may be left feeling confused and leaderless. Pacesetting: This style expects excellence and self-direction. It works best for highly skilled and motivated people who work well on their own. Other people, however, may feel overwhelmed by a pacesetting leader's demands for excellence. Their self-esteem, trust, and, ultimately, their morale may drop under the regime of this type of leader. Coaching: This style focuses on personal development. Coaching leaders help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, and tie them to their career aspirations. While this style is highly successful with people who want to change or improve professionally, it is largely unsuccessful with those who are resistant to learning or changing their ways. While some styles may be more comfortable for you to adopt than others, the more you stretch yourself to learn a range of styles, the more effective you will be as a leader. Generally speaking, being able to switch among four styles— authoritative, affiliative, democratic, and coaching—as conditions dictate tends to create the optimal work environment. When leading people in a one-on-one situation, the style you adopt should reflect the needs and personality of the individual you are working with. It is important to remember that everyone has different capabilities and strengths which will likely fluctuate on a project-by-project basis. Therefore, the same person may need you to provide a different leadership style, depending on the task at hand. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 8. 8 MOTIVATING OTHERS KEYS TO MOTIVATION To realize a vision, leaders need to ensure that people are constantly aligned throughout what can be a long and arduous process. The key to keeping people energized and moving on the same path is motivation. Leaders do not achieve their goals by force or pushing people in a certain direction. Instead, successful leaders get the results they seek by appealing to people's inner drives, needs, and desires. USE EXTERNAL FACTORS TO MOTIVATE Motivation is the art of getting other people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. –Dwight Eisenhower There are numerous ways to get people motivated. One popular approach relies on enhancing or improving factors that are external to the specific job a person performs. These "external" factors are aspects of a job that are related to job environment, not the job content itself. External factors include: Company policies and benefits Working conditions Salary and other forms of compensation Status Job security Some experts have demonstrated that externally focused incentives provide only a short-term means of motivation. They argue that, to be effective and keep people moving forward, leaders need to continuously provide these rewards— while upping the ante each time. Using only external factors to motivate employees, therefore, can become increasingly costly over time. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 9. 9 TAP INTO INTERNAL SOURCES OF MOTIVATION An alternative and more sustainable approach to motivation draws upon tapping into employees' desire to perform. Using this approach, leaders try to inspire people by enriching their jobs and giving them broad responsibilities that increase their overall job satisfaction. This type of intrinsic motivation relies on "internal" factors that are related to job content (the nature of the work itself), and comes from within employees. Internal motivational factors include: Achievement on the job Direct feedback from people internal and external to the company about the quality of their work The work itself A sense of responsibility for the work they are doing Opportunities for growth or learning Some experts note that the presence of a strong external reward structure diminishes an individual's ability to react to internal motivators. Others maintain that these two means of motivating people are complementary, and that leaders should strive to provide both where possible. One thing is certain: all people have individual drives, needs, and desires. Because of this, they will be motivated by different factors. Finding out what motivates people on an individual level is critical. Taking the time to discover what inspires each of your key stakeholders, and devising the plan that best meets their needs, will help ensure that people stay motivated for the long term. CELEBRATE SUCCESSES Celebrating milestones, whether large or small, is critical to keeping people motivated. Good leaders not only recognize individuals for their efforts, but also the successful completion of goals on the group, unit, and organizational level. Broadcast every milestone reached or project completed to upper management, colleagues, and even outside stakeholders. Recognize everyone responsible for achieving the milestone, and strive to provide each person the type of "reward" that best motivates him or her. Taking the time to celebrate is essential because it acknowledges people's hard work, boosts morale, and helps keep up the momentum necessary to achieve your vision. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 10. 10 CREATING A WORK ENVIRONMENT THAT MOTIVATES THE HOLDING ENVIRONMENT When leaders offer their vision of a new future, they recognize that the change required comes with inherent challenges. They recognize that a certain level of stress is healthy and necessary for change to occur. However, they also know that people can't—or won't—learn new ways of doing things if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. To help motivate people without immobilizing them, create a holding environment—a "safe" organizational space in which the conflicts, emotions, and stresses related to the change associated with your vision can be worked out. In the early stages of implementing a vision, a leader may establish a holding environment for the team to talk openly about the initial challenges, to frame and debate issues, and to clarify assumptions. Over time, the scope of the issues discussed will likely broaden. HANDLE DESTRUCTIVE CONFLICT While a certain level of conflict is likely to be the norm, it is your responsibility as a leader to identify whether it is destructive or constructive. Destructive conflict undermines the trust that is vital to a working relationship and includes: Personal attacks, either directly or through gossip Scapegoating Pointless griping about irrelevant issues or external forces that cannot be controlled Handle destructive conflict by acknowledging the problem and using persuasion, reminding others of the vision, or otherwise deploying your power as a leader to resolve the conflict. Constructive conflict, on the other hand, concerns divergent perspectives on your most important tasks or priorities— and needs to be incorporated into your vision. Ask pointed questions to draw the issues out, then insist that your employees discuss them openly and work out solutions. Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 11. 11 REGULATE DISTRESS In an environment of change, a leader is responsible for regulating the distress that team members are feeling; this entails ensuring that the team members remain motivated and in control of their workloads. Effective leaders are masters of sequencing and pacing work. They know how to prioritize and order tasks to minimize confusion and chaos. Successful leaders do not strive to eliminate all of their team's stressors, but instead help team members manage them. You can establish a holding environment that fosters motivation by: Treating everyone, at every level of the organization, with the same respect Giving everyone's ideas serious consideration Being fair, kind, and courteous at all times Being honest, admitting when you make a mistake or when you don't have an answer Never putting other people down Protecting your unit or group by defining a boundary around your people and sheltering them from interference, going to bat for your team to get the resources you need, and showing courage in sticking up for your people Not tolerating scapegoating or misapplied blame Using every reasonable opportunity to foster others' professional growth Prepared by Danish Iqbal
  • 12. 12 BENEFITS OF A HOLDING ENVIRONMENT There are many benefits of establishing a holding environment. Specifically, it: Reinforces trust among all stakeholders Forces people together to address issues Fosters a positive attitude Upholds principles of mutual respect and consideration Protects its members Helps a leader address the conflict necessary to reach goals In a holding environment, your team members should feel comfortable sharing the fears, frustrations, and pain associated with the realization of your vision. One of your greatest challenges, then, is to be able to understand and empathize with team members' experience without easing up on the tension necessary to see the vision through. Prepared by Danish Iqbal