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Morgan McKinley Interview Guide
Capitalising on the opportunity of meeting employers
face to face
Capitalising on the opportunity to meet employers face to face.
Interviewing can be a daunting task for any professional regardless of their level of seniority
or previous experience. It is however the best opportunity you will have to gain an
understanding of the role and company you are interested in and establish how your
background can contribute to the company’s growth and profitability objectives. As
experienced interviewers, who have helped thousands of candidates successfully navigate
their way through the interview process to successful offer,
Morgan McKinley has put together the following guide which we hope will help you maxi-
mise your chances of success through the interview process.
Pre-Interview Preparation
Invest some time in research before your interview. Finding out as much as possible about
the company and the people you are meeting with in advance is the best way to ensure you
are ready for any eventuality, and prepare plenty of relevant questions.The more you know
before your interview the more confident you will feel and appear.
Know the company website inside out•	
Read as much third party information on search engines as you can to•	
familiarise yourself with the company’s past, present and future.
Speak to business associates you know have worked at the organisation for their advice.•	
Utilise the knowledge your Consultant will have about their client to build a picture of•	
previous successful interviewees, likely questions and interview structure
Know the job description. Having an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of•	
the role will help you prepare and ask relevant questions.This will also help show the
interviewer that you are serious about the role and have taken the time to identify how
your skills will fit to their needs and expectations.
Common Interview Questions
An employer’s objective in an interview is to build a detailed picture of your skills,
experience, competencies and personality in order to assess whether you have the correct
skill set and cultural fit for their business.You meanwhile are trying to establish whether
they and their firm offer you the best next step in your career.There are a number of inter-
view questions that are commonly asked, and we would recommend that you prepare your
answers in advance.
Always remember when responding to questions to keep your responses concise and rel-
evant. Make sure you sell yourself and your abilities using a variety of examples that reflect
different aspects of your experience.
Typical questions that are often asked include:
Tell me about yourself.
This is your opportunity to talk about your main attributes, your qualifications, experi-•	
ence and the skills that you possess, highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the
What have been your major achievements?
Try to use an achievement that is work-related and fairly recent.Talk about the skills•	
involved and how this benefited the company - try to quantify the benefit to the
Tell me about a difficult situation that you have been in at work and how you overcame
Employers use this question to try to gauge what you view as a ‘difficult situation’ and•	
if you are able to show a logical approach in how you go about solving problems.Al-
ways aim toshow yourself in a positive light.We would normally advise that you choose
a difficult situation that was not caused by you, remembering to:
Define the problem1.	
Discuss the options available2.	
Give your final decision and reasons for your choice3.	
The final outcome, always try to end on a positive note4.	
What is it about this role that interests you?
They have asked this question to explore whether the role suits you and fits in with•	
both your medium and long-term goals.
What is it that you like about your current role?
Always try to relate your ‘likes’ to the skills that are needed for the position. Be aware•	
of the balancing act required when answering this question; you need to appear to be
positive about your current job while making it clear why you are looking for a new
What is it that you dislike about your current role?
In your answer it is key that you get across to the interviewer that you are able to•	
tackle problems and frustrations as part of your job.You can also use this to demon-
strate why you are interested in their role, for example if one of your frustrations is a
lack of management responsibility, and they are offering a Manager role.
What are your strengths?
We recommend basing your answer around three or four key skills.You will probably be•	
asked for examples of how you have demonstrated them, so try and prepare a few in
advance of the meeting. If your job description contains key competencies for the posi-
tion you are interviewing for, you should look to these for examples of skill areas you
could discuss.
What is your greatest weakness?
A common mistake is to say you don’t have one, as this can lead to a number of other•	
questions.There are two ways that we suggest you can tackle this; either talk about a
weakness that is not a key area for the job or a weakness that you have recognised in
yourself and how you have worked to overcome it.
What are the reasons behind your decision to leave your current employer?
The golden rule when answering this question is not to be negative about your current•	
employer, as this can imply disloyalty – a trait few employers seek to inherit. Simply
mention all the positive reasons for why you want to move on, whether they are more
responsibility, greater career prospects or a change in direction. Stay away from refer-
ring to money as the main reason for the move.
There is a growing trend towards employers using
‘competency-based’ interviewing techniques as a way
of separating the really strong candidates from the
rest of the crowd.
Competency based questions
There is a growing trend towards employers using
‘competency-based’ interviewing techniques as a way of separating the really strong can-
didates from the rest of the crowd. Interviewers want you to be able to talk about how you
have dealt with real problems in the past, as this helps them decide how effectively you
would tackle future issues you might encounter in your career with the firm.
Competency based interviewing is scenario based; you are asked to give detailed examples
of situations you experienced in previous roles, and use them to demonstrate your
underlying skill-set.They often relate to areas such as
influencing, communication, management, collaboration and conflict resolution.
Typical questions that are often asked include:
Can you give me an example of when you had to work under a great deal of pressure?•	
Can you give me an example of when you felt that you were out of your depth? How•	
did you handle this?
Tell me about some risks you have taken in your working or professional life? How did•	
you go about this?
Can you describe some of the approaches you take when ‘selling’ ideas to clients/col-•	
When you have managed a project can you take me through how you have approached•	
When have you had to go against general feelings or•	
policies to accomplish a goal? Tell me about it.
Questions for the employer
Remember that an interview is a two-way process; it is not just about the company assess-
ing whether you are right for the role, it is also an opportunity for you to find out
information about the company that will help you decide whether the role is right for you.
What are the company’s long and short-term goals?•	
What do you think gives this company an edge over its competitors?•	
What is the work environment like?•	
Why do you [the interviewer] enjoy working for this company?•	
Who in the company would review my performance? When?•	
What are the chances of advancement/promotion in this position? When?•	
What are the opportunities for training and professional development?•	
Also remember that this is your opportunity to really get to grips with the nitty gritty of the
job itself – use the job description if available to cover off any questions you have around
your day to day duties.
Important things to remember
The interview is your chance to sell yourself, so don’t be shy about discussing your posi-•	
tive points – this is your time to shine; just make sure that you are able to back up what
you are saying with examples.
Your consultant will follow up the interview with you and the client, so don’t worry if•	
you have forgotten something – it can always be communicated to the client by your
consultant at the feedback stage.
It may sound obvious but ensure…
You are punctual•	
You know the date, time and exact location of your interview•	
You know who you are meeting, title, phone number•	
You have clear directions and know how long it is going to take you to get there•	
You wear appropriate business dress and are well groomed•	
You switch mobile phones and other devices off before entering the interview room•	
You stand up when the interviewer enters the room and firmly shake their hand•	
You concentrate on maintaining eye contact throughout the meeting, while ensuring•	
you minimise fidgeting and slouching
Closing the interview
If you are interested in the role, ask about the next interview stage if appropriate. If the
interviewer offers you the job on the spot and you want it, accept it there and then. If you
require further time to think it over, be tactful in saying so and qualify your reasons.Try and
provide a definite date as to when you can provide an answer. Even if you have not decided
if this is the job for you, the interviewer should be left with a positive impression – they
should want to make you an offer even if you are not sure you would accept it.
Ensure that you thank the interviewer!
After the interview it is essential that you call your
recruitment consultant and provide feedback. One of the most important learning aspects
of interviewing is the feedback that you will receive from your recruitment
consultant after they have spoken to your potential
employer.Whether it is positive or negative, it is essential that you take it on board and use
it for future interviews.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the interview process please contact your consul-
tant who will be happy to provide you with further advice and assistance.
Connaught House,
Number One Burlington Rd,
Dublin 4
Tel: 01 4321555
Unit D Block 2B, Exchange Hall,
Belgard Square North,Tallaght,
Dublin 24
Tel: 01 4270100
Suite 11 Block D,The Cube Offices,
Beacon South Quarter,
Sandyford, Dublin 18
Tel: 01 2973949
6 Lapps Quay,
Tel: 021 2300300
9 Ormonde Court,
Ormonde Road,
Tel: 056 7720380
98 Henry Street,
Tel: 061 430940
4th Floor,Wallace House,
Maritana Gate, Canada Street,
Tel: 051 309650

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Summer internship presentation power point presentationSummer internship presentation power point presentation
Summer internship presentation power point presentation
presentation on us recruitment concepts for begineers
presentation on us recruitment concepts for begineerspresentation on us recruitment concepts for begineers
presentation on us recruitment concepts for begineers

Morgan McKinley Interview Guide

  • 1. Morgan McKinley Interview Guide Capitalising on the opportunity of meeting employers face to face
  • 2. Interviews Capitalising on the opportunity to meet employers face to face. Interviewing can be a daunting task for any professional regardless of their level of seniority or previous experience. It is however the best opportunity you will have to gain an understanding of the role and company you are interested in and establish how your background can contribute to the company’s growth and profitability objectives. As experienced interviewers, who have helped thousands of candidates successfully navigate their way through the interview process to successful offer, Morgan McKinley has put together the following guide which we hope will help you maxi- mise your chances of success through the interview process. Pre-Interview Preparation Invest some time in research before your interview. Finding out as much as possible about the company and the people you are meeting with in advance is the best way to ensure you are ready for any eventuality, and prepare plenty of relevant questions.The more you know before your interview the more confident you will feel and appear. Know the company website inside out• Read as much third party information on search engines as you can to• familiarise yourself with the company’s past, present and future. Speak to business associates you know have worked at the organisation for their advice.• Utilise the knowledge your Consultant will have about their client to build a picture of• previous successful interviewees, likely questions and interview structure Know the job description. Having an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of• the role will help you prepare and ask relevant questions.This will also help show the interviewer that you are serious about the role and have taken the time to identify how your skills will fit to their needs and expectations. Common Interview Questions An employer’s objective in an interview is to build a detailed picture of your skills, experience, competencies and personality in order to assess whether you have the correct skill set and cultural fit for their business.You meanwhile are trying to establish whether they and their firm offer you the best next step in your career.There are a number of inter- view questions that are commonly asked, and we would recommend that you prepare your answers in advance. Always remember when responding to questions to keep your responses concise and rel- evant. Make sure you sell yourself and your abilities using a variety of examples that reflect different aspects of your experience. Typical questions that are often asked include: Tell me about yourself. This is your opportunity to talk about your main attributes, your qualifications, experi-• ence and the skills that you possess, highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the position. What have been your major achievements? Try to use an achievement that is work-related and fairly recent.Talk about the skills• involved and how this benefited the company - try to quantify the benefit to the organisation.
  • 3. Tell me about a difficult situation that you have been in at work and how you overcame it? Employers use this question to try to gauge what you view as a ‘difficult situation’ and• if you are able to show a logical approach in how you go about solving problems.Al- ways aim toshow yourself in a positive light.We would normally advise that you choose a difficult situation that was not caused by you, remembering to: Define the problem1. Discuss the options available2. Give your final decision and reasons for your choice3. The final outcome, always try to end on a positive note4. What is it about this role that interests you? They have asked this question to explore whether the role suits you and fits in with• both your medium and long-term goals. What is it that you like about your current role? Always try to relate your ‘likes’ to the skills that are needed for the position. Be aware• of the balancing act required when answering this question; you need to appear to be positive about your current job while making it clear why you are looking for a new role. What is it that you dislike about your current role? In your answer it is key that you get across to the interviewer that you are able to• tackle problems and frustrations as part of your job.You can also use this to demon- strate why you are interested in their role, for example if one of your frustrations is a lack of management responsibility, and they are offering a Manager role. What are your strengths? We recommend basing your answer around three or four key skills.You will probably be• asked for examples of how you have demonstrated them, so try and prepare a few in advance of the meeting. If your job description contains key competencies for the posi- tion you are interviewing for, you should look to these for examples of skill areas you could discuss. What is your greatest weakness? A common mistake is to say you don’t have one, as this can lead to a number of other• questions.There are two ways that we suggest you can tackle this; either talk about a weakness that is not a key area for the job or a weakness that you have recognised in yourself and how you have worked to overcome it. What are the reasons behind your decision to leave your current employer? The golden rule when answering this question is not to be negative about your current• employer, as this can imply disloyalty – a trait few employers seek to inherit. Simply mention all the positive reasons for why you want to move on, whether they are more responsibility, greater career prospects or a change in direction. Stay away from refer- ring to money as the main reason for the move.
  • 4. There is a growing trend towards employers using ‘competency-based’ interviewing techniques as a way of separating the really strong candidates from the rest of the crowd.
  • 5. Competency based questions There is a growing trend towards employers using ‘competency-based’ interviewing techniques as a way of separating the really strong can- didates from the rest of the crowd. Interviewers want you to be able to talk about how you have dealt with real problems in the past, as this helps them decide how effectively you would tackle future issues you might encounter in your career with the firm. Competency based interviewing is scenario based; you are asked to give detailed examples of situations you experienced in previous roles, and use them to demonstrate your underlying skill-set.They often relate to areas such as influencing, communication, management, collaboration and conflict resolution. Typical questions that are often asked include: Can you give me an example of when you had to work under a great deal of pressure?• Can you give me an example of when you felt that you were out of your depth? How• did you handle this? Tell me about some risks you have taken in your working or professional life? How did• you go about this? Can you describe some of the approaches you take when ‘selling’ ideas to clients/col-• leagues? When you have managed a project can you take me through how you have approached• it? When have you had to go against general feelings or• policies to accomplish a goal? Tell me about it. Questions for the employer Remember that an interview is a two-way process; it is not just about the company assess- ing whether you are right for the role, it is also an opportunity for you to find out information about the company that will help you decide whether the role is right for you. What are the company’s long and short-term goals?• What do you think gives this company an edge over its competitors?• What is the work environment like?• Why do you [the interviewer] enjoy working for this company?• Who in the company would review my performance? When?• What are the chances of advancement/promotion in this position? When?• What are the opportunities for training and professional development?• Also remember that this is your opportunity to really get to grips with the nitty gritty of the job itself – use the job description if available to cover off any questions you have around your day to day duties. Important things to remember The interview is your chance to sell yourself, so don’t be shy about discussing your posi-• tive points – this is your time to shine; just make sure that you are able to back up what you are saying with examples. Your consultant will follow up the interview with you and the client, so don’t worry if• you have forgotten something – it can always be communicated to the client by your consultant at the feedback stage.
  • 6. It may sound obvious but ensure… You are punctual• You know the date, time and exact location of your interview• You know who you are meeting, title, phone number• You have clear directions and know how long it is going to take you to get there• You wear appropriate business dress and are well groomed• You switch mobile phones and other devices off before entering the interview room• You stand up when the interviewer enters the room and firmly shake their hand• You concentrate on maintaining eye contact throughout the meeting, while ensuring• you minimise fidgeting and slouching Closing the interview If you are interested in the role, ask about the next interview stage if appropriate. If the interviewer offers you the job on the spot and you want it, accept it there and then. If you require further time to think it over, be tactful in saying so and qualify your reasons.Try and provide a definite date as to when you can provide an answer. Even if you have not decided if this is the job for you, the interviewer should be left with a positive impression – they should want to make you an offer even if you are not sure you would accept it. Ensure that you thank the interviewer! Feedback After the interview it is essential that you call your recruitment consultant and provide feedback. One of the most important learning aspects of interviewing is the feedback that you will receive from your recruitment consultant after they have spoken to your potential employer.Whether it is positive or negative, it is essential that you take it on board and use it for future interviews. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the interview process please contact your consul- tant who will be happy to provide you with further advice and assistance.
  • 7. DUBLIN CITY CENTRE Connaught House, Number One Burlington Rd, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 4321555 Email: DUBLIN WEST Unit D Block 2B, Exchange Hall, Belgard Square North,Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 4270100 Email: DUBLIN SOUTH Suite 11 Block D,The Cube Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Tel: 01 2973949 Email: CORK 6 Lapps Quay, Cork Tel: 021 2300300 Email: KILKENNY 9 Ormonde Court, Ormonde Road, Kilkenny Tel: 056 7720380 Email: LIMERICK 98 Henry Street, Limerick Tel: 061 430940 Email: WATERFORD 4th Floor,Wallace House, Maritana Gate, Canada Street, Waterford Tel: 051 309650 Email: