The document discusses the importance of privacy training for healthcare employees. It outlines how employees have access to sensitive patient information and must be aware of HIPAA laws and privacy policies to protect this data. The training should occur twice yearly and be interactive to ensure employees understand acceptable use of patient records and the consequences of violations, such as fines or jail time. Celebrity patients' records also require protection due to public interest in their information.
The document discusses the Smileytize YourTown project, which aims to actively counteract bullying in schools through digital games and classroom debates. The project uses a "dialogic recontextualization" process where students play missions in a digital game about a town called YourTown. The missions portray incidents that raise social issues. Students then discuss these incidents in the classroom under the guidance of their teacher. By discussing the digital scenarios in the real world context of their own school and community, students can better understand the perspectives of others and promote inclusion. The document provides examples of game missions and suggests questions teachers can ask to facilitate related classroom debates.
Sintaksis adalah bagian dari ilmu bahasa yang membahas tentang susunan kata menjadi frasa, klausa, dan kalimat. Terdapat tiga jenis satuan sintaksis yaitu frasa yang terdiri dari kata-kata tanpa predikat, klausa yang terdiri dari predikat dan opsional subjek serta objek, dan kalimat yang mengandung makna lengkap. Kalimat dapat berjenis tunggal atau majemuk yang terdiri dari dua pola kalimat
O documento descreve as novas funcionalidades e estratégias de um meio de comunicação digital para renovar a sua presença online. Apresenta dados sobre o perfil do leitor digital, o crescimento das métricas digitais em abril e a liderança do meio em afinidade junto aos jovens e classes sociais ABC.
Découvrez les opérations de communication et de fidélisation Initiées auprès des familles, repérées en France et à l'étranger cette semaine.
Discover communications and loyalty program created for families and parents this week in France and worldwide
Premioinnovas@lute percorso chirurgico intelligente oi v1Valeria Giannotta
Il percorso chirurgico intelligente: il progetto dell'Ospedale Israelitico realizzato per rendere più performanti i propri servizi chirurgici che rappresentano il Core Business aziendale.
Controllo di gestione in tempo reale, riduzione del rischio clinico, semplificazione organizzativa e perfetta programmazione chirurgica sono le linee guida di tale Core Business.
Re-Dynamizing the Job Machine in MENA (English)Husain Tamimi
The “Re-Dynamizing the Job Machine: Technology-Driven Transformation of Labor Markets in MENA,” report has been produced jointly by INSEAD Business School, the Center for Economic Growth and SAP MENA and was launched launched on the evening of 21 May during WEF 2015. The report emphasizes that technology will be a “game changer” in tackling youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa’s emerging Digital Economy, but only if the government, private, and people sectors collaborate effectively.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gerak melingkar beraturan (GMB) dan percobaan untuk menentukan gaya sentripetal dan percepatan gravitasi dengan menggunakan cairan yang berputar. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk memahami konsep GMB dan mengukur gaya pada benda yang berputar serta mengukur percepatan gravitasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya gaya sentripetal dan sentrifugal pada benda yang berputar, sehingga dapat membuktikan te
The document is a student's response to questions about their media product, which is a music magazine focused on the genre of dubstep.
The student summarizes that their magazine uses similar forms and conventions to other music magazines like Kerrang and NME through its basic block text and colors. It challenges conventions of DJ Magazine through its target audience of 16-25 year olds who enjoy dubstep music.
The student represents social groups between ages 16-25 who are interested in dubstep, seeing it as energetic music popular in nightclubs where young adults socialize.
The student proposes that IPC Media would be a suitable media institution to distribute their magazine as it distributes similar magazines in the UK, where
This document provides a photo inventory of the Thien Hua Temple in Chinatown Los Angeles. It summarizes that the temple was originally a Christian church but was bought in 1980 and is now a Taoist temple. The temple is open to the public and allows photography. It contains many altars, shrines, and statues dedicated to various Asian religions, including Buddhism, Taoism, and traditional Chinese folk religions. The photos depict the ornate architecture and religious artifacts inside the temple.
This document lists photo credits from various photographers and organizations including Bohman, alykat, guccio@e‡b?Qwy>,, classic_film, Skokie Public Library, West Point - The U.S. Military Academy, Jason A. Samfield, el cajon yacht club, yukop, and Earthworm. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own presentation on SlideShare.
HP is an American multinational information technology corporation headquartered in California. In 2009, HP's net revenue was $115 billion, with $40 billion coming from services. HP became the largest IT company in 2007, surpassing IBM. Online shopping allows consumers to directly buy goods and services from sellers in real-time over the internet, without an intermediary. It can be business-to-consumer or business-to-business. Early developments included the first online shopping transaction in 1979 and the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990.
Rabbi Bob Jacobs led a Kol Nidre service at The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles. Participants sang songs, read passages from prayer and song books, and listened to explanations of the evening service. People held cards to read names of recently passed relatives and friends during the Mourner's Kaddish. At the end, guests greeted each other and spoke to the Rabbi before leaving.
This document provides an introduction to Channel 4's style guide for creating factual program inserts. It discusses key elements Channel 4 looks for in promotional materials such as unique fonts, consistent color schemes, prominent logos and positioning, and using representative imagery. The document also shows examples of how these style elements have been applied in fictional Channel 4 inserts created by the author as a template to develop their own factual insert promotional material.
O documento descreve as novas funcionalidades e estratégias de um meio de comunicação digital para renovar a sua presença online. Apresenta dados sobre o perfil do leitor digital, o crescimento das métricas digitais em abril e a liderança do meio em afinidade junto aos jovens e classes sociais ABC.
Découvrez les opérations de communication et de fidélisation Initiées auprès des familles, repérées en France et à l'étranger cette semaine.
Discover communications and loyalty program created for families and parents this week in France and worldwide
Premioinnovas@lute percorso chirurgico intelligente oi v1Valeria Giannotta
Il percorso chirurgico intelligente: il progetto dell'Ospedale Israelitico realizzato per rendere più performanti i propri servizi chirurgici che rappresentano il Core Business aziendale.
Controllo di gestione in tempo reale, riduzione del rischio clinico, semplificazione organizzativa e perfetta programmazione chirurgica sono le linee guida di tale Core Business.
Re-Dynamizing the Job Machine in MENA (English)Husain Tamimi
The “Re-Dynamizing the Job Machine: Technology-Driven Transformation of Labor Markets in MENA,” report has been produced jointly by INSEAD Business School, the Center for Economic Growth and SAP MENA and was launched launched on the evening of 21 May during WEF 2015. The report emphasizes that technology will be a “game changer” in tackling youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa’s emerging Digital Economy, but only if the government, private, and people sectors collaborate effectively.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gerak melingkar beraturan (GMB) dan percobaan untuk menentukan gaya sentripetal dan percepatan gravitasi dengan menggunakan cairan yang berputar. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk memahami konsep GMB dan mengukur gaya pada benda yang berputar serta mengukur percepatan gravitasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya gaya sentripetal dan sentrifugal pada benda yang berputar, sehingga dapat membuktikan te
The document is a student's response to questions about their media product, which is a music magazine focused on the genre of dubstep.
The student summarizes that their magazine uses similar forms and conventions to other music magazines like Kerrang and NME through its basic block text and colors. It challenges conventions of DJ Magazine through its target audience of 16-25 year olds who enjoy dubstep music.
The student represents social groups between ages 16-25 who are interested in dubstep, seeing it as energetic music popular in nightclubs where young adults socialize.
The student proposes that IPC Media would be a suitable media institution to distribute their magazine as it distributes similar magazines in the UK, where
This document provides a photo inventory of the Thien Hua Temple in Chinatown Los Angeles. It summarizes that the temple was originally a Christian church but was bought in 1980 and is now a Taoist temple. The temple is open to the public and allows photography. It contains many altars, shrines, and statues dedicated to various Asian religions, including Buddhism, Taoism, and traditional Chinese folk religions. The photos depict the ornate architecture and religious artifacts inside the temple.
This document lists photo credits from various photographers and organizations including Bohman, alykat, guccio@e‡b?Qwy>,, classic_film, Skokie Public Library, West Point - The U.S. Military Academy, Jason A. Samfield, el cajon yacht club, yukop, and Earthworm. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own presentation on SlideShare.
HP is an American multinational information technology corporation headquartered in California. In 2009, HP's net revenue was $115 billion, with $40 billion coming from services. HP became the largest IT company in 2007, surpassing IBM. Online shopping allows consumers to directly buy goods and services from sellers in real-time over the internet, without an intermediary. It can be business-to-consumer or business-to-business. Early developments included the first online shopping transaction in 1979 and the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990.
Rabbi Bob Jacobs led a Kol Nidre service at The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles. Participants sang songs, read passages from prayer and song books, and listened to explanations of the evening service. People held cards to read names of recently passed relatives and friends during the Mourner's Kaddish. At the end, guests greeted each other and spoke to the Rabbi before leaving.
This document provides an introduction to Channel 4's style guide for creating factual program inserts. It discusses key elements Channel 4 looks for in promotional materials such as unique fonts, consistent color schemes, prominent logos and positioning, and using representative imagery. The document also shows examples of how these style elements have been applied in fictional Channel 4 inserts created by the author as a template to develop their own factual insert promotional material.