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Strengths-based Leadership
Webinar presented on 1/15/15
Adam Maurer, Chief Talent Officer
Participants will be able to:
● Discuss the values of a strengths-based
approach to leadership
● Identify ways to assess strengths
● Encourage direct reports to leverage
strengths to achieve excellence
“I’ve never met an effective leader who
wasn’t aware of his talents and
working to sharpen them”.
- Wesley Clark
Former NATO
Supreme Commander
“Bad managers play checkers. Good managers play
chess. The good manager knows that not all employees
work the same way. They know if they are to achieve
success, they must put their employees in a position
where they will be able to use their strengths.”
- Marcus Buckingham
Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills
Strengths are consistent near perfect performance
that give us energy
What are Strengths?
● Focusing on our strengths give us a much
bigger lift on performance than focusing on
● Focusing on weaknesses have negative
consequences on self-confidence,
engagement and trust
Why Strengths?
● The Nebraska School Study Council in 1950
commissioned a study of 6000 tenth graders to test
how best to teach speed reading.
● Result = no technique was better than another.
● Unexpected result: Students with a talent for reading
got more benefit from the program.
● On average everyone’s reading speed increased, but
those students with a strength in reading got 4 times
The Lift of Strengths
Glock 1950
● Focusing on strengths does not mean ignoring
weaknesses or mistakes
○ Example: Rude customer service representative
causing sales to decline
● Make talents our focus, weakness are understood and
● Focusing on strengths takes us beyond the correction
(-10 to -4) to cultivate excellence (+10 to +40)
Focusing on Strengths
1980’s study of pubs in the UK
● Managers asked do we refurbish the poor performing
pubs or the best ones?
● 8 high value and 8 low value pubs refurbished
● 8 high value pubs were 7 times more profitable with
the same amount of investment as the low value pubs
● The talents of the individuals working in the high value
pubs drove the increase in profitability
Strengths in Pubs
● Beginning in 2000, Martin
Seligman challenged the
psychology community to
begin focusing on what
yielded happiness,
productivity and well-being
instead of
Positive Psychology
Happiness =
Set Point + Circumstances + Variables
• Set Point
■ Hedonic Treadmill
■ 50% of set range is from parents
• Circumstances
■ Only our social network and meaning
significantly impact happiness
• Variables
■ 40% of happiness from these variables
■ Character Strengths
Formula for Happiness
● Strengths + the right tasks = FLOW
● The best managers match the strengths of
their direct reports with tasks that require
those strengths
● Study of 1,885 work units with 308,798
employees in 51 companies found:
○ Work units scoring above the median on
a single question had 1.4 times better
customer loyalty and employee
○ Single question: I have the opportunity to
do what I do best each day.
Benefits of Flow
Job Crafting
Excerpted from Job Crafting Exercise workbook published by the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship
(reference on last slide and copies available in the HR Office.
● Assessments
○ Strengths Finder 2.0
○ Values In Action (VIA)
● One-on-ones and QPC
○ where do we achieve near perfect
performance with consistency
○ what activities give us a energy lift
○ what brings us meaning
How to Identify Strengths
Gallup’s Assessment
● 34 Character Strengths
● Business related language
● Online assessment with code in book
Positive Psychology’s
● 26 Character Strengths
● More universal to life and work
● Peer reviewed and cross cultural
● Basic version online is free
• Genuine conversations are a great way to get
to understand strengths
• Discuss key successes with reference to the
Citizen Schools competency model
• Is their consistent near perfect performance in
any one of the competency areas?
• Dive in and think about the pattern and how
the competencies relate to each other
• Look for smiles, emotion, confidence and
passion they are clues you are on the right
QPC’s and One-on-Ones
• Helping employees to be aware of their
strengths and to begin to reflect on how to use
them is the key to getting the performance lift
from strengths.
• They can appeal to their strengths when
needed to overcome challenges or achieve best
• Think of a composer choosing from all of the
available notes to create a beautiful song
Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills
• Talents are our natural abilities, but knowledge
can be learned and skills come from
• We can help staff develop strengths by gaining
more knowledge and experiences in areas that
complement their talents
Strength Development
Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills
• Conferences
• Books read independently or together and
• Leverage Professional Development Funds
• Trainings available online
Look for a specific link that is going to complement
your talents and experience
Developing Knowledge
Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills
• Stretch assignments at work
• Volunteering in the community
• Shadowing
• Trying new things/ adventures
Leveraging your strengths to overcome challenges
will give you all kinds of experiences
Developing Experience
• When employees are not giving you the results
you want, explore their strengths to get better
• There are 100 ways to cook an egg and 100 ways
to attack a problem → finding a way that your
employee can improve performance by using what
is unique to them builds confidence, trust and
Managing Poor
• “When my talent is kicking in, I take notice of it
and recognize it.”
• “Before learning about my talent, I didn’t even
realize that it was a talent.”
• “Knowing my talent gives me more confidence
and hope for myself.”
3 Core Components
• “Learning about my talents has definitely helped
me to understand the reasoning behind some of
my actions.”
• Learning about my talent has started a habit of
• “I think about my talent all of the time, in certain
situations I think about how to apply it to be more
3 Core Components
• “I am using my talents in order to learn better. For
example, one of my talents is ‘relator’; and I have
formed study groups in my classes.”
• “My talent of ‘command’ helps me to take control
and initiate things in my life.”
• “Actively using my talent causes further
engagement that act like a cycle, causing me to
invest more in my talents.”
3 Core Components

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Strengths-based Leadership

  • 1. Strengths-based Leadership Webinar presented on 1/15/15 Adam Maurer, Chief Talent Officer
  • 2. Participants will be able to: ● Discuss the values of a strengths-based approach to leadership ● Identify ways to assess strengths ● Encourage direct reports to leverage strengths to achieve excellence Agenda
  • 3. “I’ve never met an effective leader who wasn’t aware of his talents and working to sharpen them”. - Wesley Clark Former NATO Supreme Commander Welcome
  • 4. “Bad managers play checkers. Good managers play chess. The good manager knows that not all employees work the same way. They know if they are to achieve success, they must put their employees in a position where they will be able to use their strengths.” - Marcus Buckingham Welcome
  • 5. Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills Strengths are consistent near perfect performance that give us energy What are Strengths?
  • 6. ● Focusing on our strengths give us a much bigger lift on performance than focusing on weaknesses ● Focusing on weaknesses have negative consequences on self-confidence, engagement and trust Why Strengths?
  • 7. ● The Nebraska School Study Council in 1950 commissioned a study of 6000 tenth graders to test how best to teach speed reading. ● Result = no technique was better than another. ● Unexpected result: Students with a talent for reading got more benefit from the program. ● On average everyone’s reading speed increased, but those students with a strength in reading got 4 times better. The Lift of Strengths Glock 1950
  • 8. ● Focusing on strengths does not mean ignoring weaknesses or mistakes ○ Example: Rude customer service representative causing sales to decline ● Make talents our focus, weakness are understood and managed ● Focusing on strengths takes us beyond the correction (-10 to -4) to cultivate excellence (+10 to +40) Focusing on Strengths
  • 9. 1980’s study of pubs in the UK ● Managers asked do we refurbish the poor performing pubs or the best ones? ● 8 high value and 8 low value pubs refurbished ● 8 high value pubs were 7 times more profitable with the same amount of investment as the low value pubs ● The talents of the individuals working in the high value pubs drove the increase in profitability Strengths in Pubs
  • 10. ● Beginning in 2000, Martin Seligman challenged the psychology community to begin focusing on what yielded happiness, productivity and well-being instead of psychopathology. Positive Psychology
  • 11. Happiness = Set Point + Circumstances + Variables • Set Point ■ Hedonic Treadmill ■ 50% of set range is from parents • Circumstances ■ Only our social network and meaning significantly impact happiness • Variables ■ 40% of happiness from these variables ■ Character Strengths Formula for Happiness
  • 12. ● Strengths + the right tasks = FLOW ● The best managers match the strengths of their direct reports with tasks that require those strengths Flow
  • 13. ● Study of 1,885 work units with 308,798 employees in 51 companies found: ○ Work units scoring above the median on a single question had 1.4 times better customer loyalty and employee engagement ○ Single question: I have the opportunity to do what I do best each day. Benefits of Flow
  • 14. Job Crafting Tasks Strengths Excerpted from Job Crafting Exercise workbook published by the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship (reference on last slide and copies available in the HR Office.
  • 15. ● Assessments ○ Strengths Finder 2.0 ○ Values In Action (VIA) ● One-on-ones and QPC ○ where do we achieve near perfect performance with consistency ○ what activities give us a energy lift ○ what brings us meaning How to Identify Strengths
  • 16. Gallup’s Assessment ● 34 Character Strengths ● Business related language ● Online assessment with code in book
  • 17. Positive Psychology’s Assessment ● 26 Character Strengths ● More universal to life and work ● Peer reviewed and cross cultural ● Basic version online is free
  • 18. • Genuine conversations are a great way to get to understand strengths • Discuss key successes with reference to the Citizen Schools competency model • Is their consistent near perfect performance in any one of the competency areas? • Dive in and think about the pattern and how the competencies relate to each other • Look for smiles, emotion, confidence and passion they are clues you are on the right track. QPC’s and One-on-Ones
  • 19. • Helping employees to be aware of their strengths and to begin to reflect on how to use them is the key to getting the performance lift from strengths. • They can appeal to their strengths when needed to overcome challenges or achieve best performance • Think of a composer choosing from all of the available notes to create a beautiful song Mindfulness
  • 20. Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills • Talents are our natural abilities, but knowledge can be learned and skills come from practice/experience • We can help staff develop strengths by gaining more knowledge and experiences in areas that complement their talents Strength Development
  • 21. Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills • Conferences • Books read independently or together and discussed • Leverage Professional Development Funds • Trainings available online Look for a specific link that is going to complement your talents and experience Developing Knowledge
  • 22. Strengths = talents + knowledge + skills • Stretch assignments at work • Volunteering in the community • Shadowing • Trying new things/ adventures Leveraging your strengths to overcome challenges will give you all kinds of experiences Developing Experience
  • 23. • When employees are not giving you the results you want, explore their strengths to get better outcomes • There are 100 ways to cook an egg and 100 ways to attack a problem → finding a way that your employee can improve performance by using what is unique to them builds confidence, trust and engagement Managing Poor Performance
  • 24. IDENTIFICATION • “When my talent is kicking in, I take notice of it and recognize it.” • “Before learning about my talent, I didn’t even realize that it was a talent.” • “Knowing my talent gives me more confidence and hope for myself.” 3 Core Components
  • 25. INTEGRATION • “Learning about my talents has definitely helped me to understand the reasoning behind some of my actions.” • Learning about my talent has started a habit of self-reflection” • “I think about my talent all of the time, in certain situations I think about how to apply it to be more effective.” 3 Core Components
  • 26. CHANGED BEHAVIOR • “I am using my talents in order to learn better. For example, one of my talents is ‘relator’; and I have formed study groups in my classes.” • “My talent of ‘command’ helps me to take control and initiate things in my life.” • “Actively using my talent causes further engagement that act like a cycle, causing me to invest more in my talents.” 3 Core Components