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Parvez Ahmed
Sr.Officer (R&D)
M.Sc in Fashion Design & Technology
PGD in Textile Management
B.Sc in Textile Engineering
Team Work
Skill Development
Team work
What is Team Work ?
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a
common vision. The ability to direct individual
accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It
is the fuel that allows common people to attain
uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie (Scottish-American
industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist)
“Great teamwork is the only way we create the
breakthroughs that define our careers.”– Pat Riley
(American Basket Ball player)
Team- Teamwork:
Key to Successful Team Work:
1. The team understands the goals and is committed to
attaining them.
2. Communication is open, honest, and respectful.
3. Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the
4. Team members are viewed as unique people
5. Creativity, innovation, and different viewpoints are
expected and encouraged.
6. The team is able to constantly examine itself and
continuously improve its processes, practices, and the
interaction of team members.
7. The team has agreed upon procedures for diagnosing,
analyzing, and resolving teamwork problems and conflicts.
8. Participative leadership is practiced in leading meetings,
assigning tasks, recording decisions and commitments.
9. Members of the team make high quality decisions together
10.Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the
Team work
Why Team Work is-
Important & Effective?
 Teamwork allows work to be done faster and
 Teamwork allows each person to work in the
area which they are better.
 Teamwork has a combination of strength,
so for every situation there should be at
least one person who know how to deal
with it?
 Teamwork provides the group with
different options.
Teamwork VS Individual Work:
Team work
Teamwork Skill Involves..
 Good Leadership
 Clear
 Role Establishment
 Support
 Respect
 Trust
Good Leadership:
Good Leadership involves having a
definite leader in a group. Leader
have to know the strength and
weakness of team members in order
to divide the work.
Clear Communications:
Communications is important for
successful teamwork. Team usually
produce good results if each group
members are willing to share ideas.
Also, communication in teamwork
avoid confusion.
Group members should trust each
other and share their own ideas and
feelings, they also should believe in
each other. Otherwise they will fail at
teamwork because of having to faith
on each other for important tasks.
Team Support:
Good members should support each
other. If a group can support each
other, they will be able to perform
better because they can get support if
they face any difficulties. This make a
group able to solve any problem and
will more likely to success.
Role Establishment:
Who is assigned what job to do is very
important. All group members must
agree on what needs to be done, and
who does what so there won’t be any
confusion among the group members.
Everyone in the team needs to be
responsible for their own roles.
Group members communicate their
opinions in a way that respects others,
focusing on ‘’What can be improve?”,
rather than “Why it is wrong?’’
If the group cannot respect each other,
it will take a lot of time to make any
Team work
Team work

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Team work

  • 1. Parvez Ahmed Sr.Officer (R&D) M.Sc in Fashion Design & Technology PGD in Textile Management B.Sc in Textile Engineering Team Work Skill Development Session-2
  • 3. What is Team Work ? “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie (Scottish-American industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist) “Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers.”– Pat Riley (American Basket Ball player)
  • 5. Key to Successful Team Work: 1. The team understands the goals and is committed to attaining them. 2. Communication is open, honest, and respectful. 3. Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the group. 4. Team members are viewed as unique people 5. Creativity, innovation, and different viewpoints are expected and encouraged. 6. The team is able to constantly examine itself and continuously improve its processes, practices, and the interaction of team members. 7. The team has agreed upon procedures for diagnosing, analyzing, and resolving teamwork problems and conflicts. 8. Participative leadership is practiced in leading meetings, assigning tasks, recording decisions and commitments. 9. Members of the team make high quality decisions together 10.Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the group.
  • 7. Why Team Work is- Important & Effective?  Teamwork allows work to be done faster and better.  Teamwork allows each person to work in the area which they are better.  Teamwork has a combination of strength, so for every situation there should be at least one person who know how to deal with it?  Teamwork provides the group with different options.
  • 10. Teamwork Skill Involves..  Good Leadership  Clear Communication  Role Establishment  Support  Respect  Trust Good Leadership: Good Leadership involves having a definite leader in a group. Leader have to know the strength and weakness of team members in order to divide the work. Clear Communications: Communications is important for successful teamwork. Team usually produce good results if each group members are willing to share ideas. Also, communication in teamwork avoid confusion.
  • 11. Trust: Group members should trust each other and share their own ideas and feelings, they also should believe in each other. Otherwise they will fail at teamwork because of having to faith on each other for important tasks. Team Support: Good members should support each other. If a group can support each other, they will be able to perform better because they can get support if they face any difficulties. This make a group able to solve any problem and will more likely to success. Role Establishment: Who is assigned what job to do is very important. All group members must agree on what needs to be done, and who does what so there won’t be any confusion among the group members. Everyone in the team needs to be responsible for their own roles. Respect: Group members communicate their opinions in a way that respects others, focusing on ‘’What can be improve?”, rather than “Why it is wrong?’’ If the group cannot respect each other, it will take a lot of time to make any decision.