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Willow Canyon Pecos
                  Pricing Report, December 2012

Contact: Philip Gusterson
Tel:     702-752-6872
29 Homes Sold on MLS since 2008
                            Clear Downwards Price Trend

                          Silver Canyon
                                                                     There has been a
                            ($ per Sq Ft)
                                                                     clear trend
 $80                                                   R² = 0.6632
                                                                     downwards over the
                                                                     last four years.


  8/8/2008     8/8/2009              8/8/2010   8/8/2011
9 Homes Sold on MLS in 2012
                         Signs of life in the real estate market

                           Silver Canyon
                                                                              The average price of
                              ($ per Sq Ft)
                                                                              the nine Willow
                                                                              Canyon Pecos homes
                                                                R² = 0.1599
                                                                              sold in 2012 is $46 per
                                                                              square foot, with an

                                                                              upwards trend

 1/13/2012   2/13/2012   3/13/2012      4/13/2012   5/13/2012    6/13/2012
How We Sell Your Home
Make sure you work with an expert

         Make sure the broker that sells
         your property is familiar with ALL
         the sales tactics discussed in this
         presentation. If you select a
         broker who does not make use of
         all these marketing strategies
         then your property will be on the
         market for longer than it needs
         to be, and sell for less than the
         maximum achievable price.
Client Communication
        All news, good and bad, delivered efficiently

Throughout a sale we
maintain a high level of
communication with our
sellers. They receive regular
reports on the marketing
activity undertaken, and
updates on any changes in
market conditions.
Buyers Have Changed
            You need an agent familiar with today’s market

The approach is driven by
the new realities of today’s real estate
market: buyers are 18 times more
likely to find their home on the
internet than in a newspaper, and 36
times more likely to find their home
on the internet than in a home book
or real estate magazine. Buyers have
changed, and we have responded to
Principles of an Efficient Sale
           There are three critical factors which drive us

There are three factors that we consider critical
to getting a property sold quickly at a high

1. Everything we do to sell your property is
   based on a clear understanding of what
   buyers want
2. We are experts in leveraging online
   marketing to supplement traditional real
   estate sales tactics
3. We communicate clearly and frequently
   with sellers throughout the process
We Know How to Reach Your Buyer
Effective online communication is the best way to reach buyers

                        9 out of 10 buyers use the internet in their home search,
                        and amongst first time home buyers it is almost 100%. So
                        you need an agent who knows how reach these buyers.
                        This is even more important in Las Vegas than some other
                        cities, since with more than 50% of Las Vegas properties
                        being bought all cash there are many out of state buyers
                        that use the internet as their only way to find a property.

                        The first step buyers used to make when they were buying
                        real estate was to call an agent, today almost all home
                        searches start on the internet. Furthermore, the average
                        distance people move has increased from 50 miles to 250
                        miles. What you need in the current environment is an
                        agent who is familiar with how to use the internet to
                        promote real estate.
We Know What Your Buyer Wants
   We have researched what buyers want
Meeting Buyer Needs
                  We communicate clearly with buyers

Buyers Want a Responsive Listing Agent
Potential buyers don’t want to waste their time playing phone tag. Make sure the ads your
agent places for your home are attached to a 24 hour prerecorded hotline with a specific ID#
for your home which gives buyers access to detailed information about your property day or
night 7 days a week without having to talk to anyone. It’s been proven that 3 times as many
buyers call for information on your home under this system. If your agent does not this system
then you lose potential buyers. You want to have as many buyers putting offers on your
property as possible.

Buyers Want Useful Market Research
The best agents provide potential buyers with useful analysis of the market conditions. 74% of
buyers consider regular updates on recent market activity to be valuable, but only 16% of
agents provide this information. Everything we do is driven by research, so rest assured that
we provide buyers with all the data on Las Vegas home values that they need to make a bid on
your property.
We don’t list your property, we SYNDICATE it
        You need an agent familiar with today’s market place

 The approach is driven by the new realities of today’s real estate market: we
 syndicate your property to all major online real estate platforms.
Science of Syndication
Ranking on each web site requires different tactics

                                Syndicating to the major real
                                estate web sites is critical, but it
                                goes one layer deeper. Every
                                one of these sites has special
                                techniques to push listings to
                                the top of the rankings. Some
                                involve paying, but for others it
                                is the way your content is
                                presented. We know all of
                                these techniques inside out.
            Never list a property without a video tour

Less than 1% of properties sold have a video made to promote them. 50% of
Americans watch a YouTube video during a typical month. We recognize the
importance of a good quality video and we create a unique video for every
property and syndicate it to all the major web sites.
Social Media
               Social media is more than just a buzzword

A lot of people talk a good game, but do
they really understand the game? Every
real estate agent knows that Facebook
and Twitter are important, but most
have no idea how to actually make
these tools work for them. Don’t use a
broker that has jumped on the social
media bandwagon without
understanding how to use it.
Setting a Realistic Price
             We agree on the market value with the seller

Sellers want to get the maximum achievable price, but
sometimes greed drives them to list at above market value.
This is counter-productive as it reduces the number of
potential buyers that will visit the property, and is likely to
increase the time it is on the market.

This bad situation then gets worse as potential buyers see
how long the home has been on the market and become
suspicious. You need to make the most of the marketing lift
that comes with having a hot new property, and to do that
you want to have it priced at market value. We will provide
you with a detailed analysis of Las Vegas home values to
support the final pricing decision.
How to Negotiate
 Working with the seller we secure the best terms from buyers

Negotiate based on Seller Motivations. Different sellers
have different motivations. Are you looking to sell quickly, or
can you afford to sit on the property until it secures the
highest achievable price? When you are work with us to
determine the list price, we will consider your motivations.

Negotiate based on Buyer Motivations. If your buyer has to move quickly you can
leverage this by pushing back on some of his demands. On the other hand if this is a
cash buyer with offers on multiple properties you have to negotiate in the
understanding that the buyer is likely to be less flexible on deal terms. Making sure
we know your buyer helps us control the pace of the negotiation process and its
Seller Disclosures
  We advise clients to protect themselves by full disclosure

Disclose all known defects in writing. There is no point
trying to get something past a buyer because the future
lawsuit will be far more damaging than the extra dollars
gained at the sale.
Prepare the Home for Sale
        A few minor touches can support the sales process

You don’t have to spend thousands on staging your home,
you just have to put in the hours to ensure it is sparkling
clean. As well as thoroughly scrubbing and polishing every
surface you should make sure everything is tidy and
uncluttered. That can be difficult when you have lived
somewhere for a long time and accumulated a lot of things,
but since you are moving anyway it is time to get as much as
possible boxed up and stored tidily in the garage.

Some fresh flowers and some furnishing touches are fine, but the basic rule is to
make the home as uncluttered as possible. If you have pets, or are a smoker then you
need to do everything possible to kill all the odors in the house. When buyers come
across a property that smells bad they investigate everything else with a far more
critical eye.
The Open House
This is one of the tools we use to generate our pool of buyers

                  Only 1% of homes sell from open houses, but
                  rest assured that we will have one for your
                  property because it is a great way for us to
                  meet potential buyers even if they don’t want
                  to buy your home. The person who buys your
                  home is more likely to be someone we met at
                  another open house than the one that we hold
                  for your home, but the most important thing is
                  that you know that we use this technique to
                  meet potential buyers.
High Levels of Communication
                   The initial listing is just the first step

Most listing agents spend 80% of their time trying to secure new listings and 20%
of their time working the listings that they have. We are the exact opposite, and
prioritize servicing our clients. We want you to be a client for life. We are a
company that you would recommend to your friends and family without

We don’t approach the sale of your property
as a one-time transaction. 30% of people that
use a real estate agent would not use them
again. Our goal is to ensure that 100% of our
clients use us again and again, and to do that
we ensure that we have outstanding levels of
Communication Tactics
                     The initial listing is just the first step

1.   We use an electronic lockbox to track the showings of your property, and regularly update you
     on the level of activity
2.   We contact every agent that visits the property to find out what their clients thought, and feed
     it back into how we present the property. We send you a summary of this feedback
3.   Once we receive an offer we inform all the agents that have shown the property. This increases
     the chances of multiple bids on the property
4.   If there is a change in the listing conditions, such as the price, this is automatically sent to all
     the agents that showed your property
     Three principles guide our approach to selling properties

1.   Everything we do to sell your property is
     based on a clear understanding of what
     buyers want
2.   We are experts in leveraging online
     marketing to supplement traditional real
     estate sales tactics
3.   We communicate clearly and frequently with
     sellers throughout the process
Contact:                 Philip Gusterson
Tel:                     +1-702-752-6872

Disclaimer: This document is non-binding on all parties and contains a general description
only. The information contained herein should be read in conjunction with more detailed
information set forth in, or to be set forth in, future communications. Statistical information
deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Data pulled from GLVAR MLS.

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Willow Canyon Las Vegas Home Values

  • 1. Willow Canyon Pecos Pricing Report, December 2012 Contact: Philip Gusterson Tel: 702-752-6872 Email:
  • 2. 29 Homes Sold on MLS since 2008 Clear Downwards Price Trend $120 Silver Canyon There has been a $100 ($ per Sq Ft) clear trend $80 R² = 0.6632 downwards over the $60 last four years. $40 $20 $- 8/8/2008 8/8/2009 8/8/2010 8/8/2011
  • 3. 9 Homes Sold on MLS in 2012 Signs of life in the real estate market $60 Silver Canyon The average price of $50 ($ per Sq Ft) the nine Willow $40 Canyon Pecos homes R² = 0.1599 sold in 2012 is $46 per square foot, with an $30 $20 upwards trend $10 $- 1/13/2012 2/13/2012 3/13/2012 4/13/2012 5/13/2012 6/13/2012
  • 4. How We Sell Your Home Make sure you work with an expert Make sure the broker that sells your property is familiar with ALL the sales tactics discussed in this presentation. If you select a broker who does not make use of all these marketing strategies then your property will be on the market for longer than it needs to be, and sell for less than the maximum achievable price.
  • 5. Client Communication All news, good and bad, delivered efficiently Throughout a sale we maintain a high level of communication with our sellers. They receive regular reports on the marketing activity undertaken, and updates on any changes in market conditions.
  • 6. Buyers Have Changed You need an agent familiar with today’s market The approach is driven by the new realities of today’s real estate market: buyers are 18 times more likely to find their home on the internet than in a newspaper, and 36 times more likely to find their home on the internet than in a home book or real estate magazine. Buyers have changed, and we have responded to this.
  • 7. Principles of an Efficient Sale There are three critical factors which drive us There are three factors that we consider critical to getting a property sold quickly at a high price: 1. Everything we do to sell your property is based on a clear understanding of what buyers want 2. We are experts in leveraging online marketing to supplement traditional real estate sales tactics 3. We communicate clearly and frequently with sellers throughout the process
  • 8. We Know How to Reach Your Buyer Effective online communication is the best way to reach buyers 9 out of 10 buyers use the internet in their home search, and amongst first time home buyers it is almost 100%. So you need an agent who knows how reach these buyers. This is even more important in Las Vegas than some other cities, since with more than 50% of Las Vegas properties being bought all cash there are many out of state buyers that use the internet as their only way to find a property. The first step buyers used to make when they were buying real estate was to call an agent, today almost all home searches start on the internet. Furthermore, the average distance people move has increased from 50 miles to 250 miles. What you need in the current environment is an agent who is familiar with how to use the internet to promote real estate.
  • 9. We Know What Your Buyer Wants We have researched what buyers want
  • 10. Meeting Buyer Needs We communicate clearly with buyers Buyers Want a Responsive Listing Agent Potential buyers don’t want to waste their time playing phone tag. Make sure the ads your agent places for your home are attached to a 24 hour prerecorded hotline with a specific ID# for your home which gives buyers access to detailed information about your property day or night 7 days a week without having to talk to anyone. It’s been proven that 3 times as many buyers call for information on your home under this system. If your agent does not this system then you lose potential buyers. You want to have as many buyers putting offers on your property as possible. Buyers Want Useful Market Research The best agents provide potential buyers with useful analysis of the market conditions. 74% of buyers consider regular updates on recent market activity to be valuable, but only 16% of agents provide this information. Everything we do is driven by research, so rest assured that we provide buyers with all the data on Las Vegas home values that they need to make a bid on your property.
  • 11. We don’t list your property, we SYNDICATE it You need an agent familiar with today’s market place The approach is driven by the new realities of today’s real estate market: we syndicate your property to all major online real estate platforms.
  • 12. Science of Syndication Ranking on each web site requires different tactics Syndicating to the major real estate web sites is critical, but it goes one layer deeper. Every one of these sites has special techniques to push listings to the top of the rankings. Some involve paying, but for others it is the way your content is presented. We know all of these techniques inside out.
  • 13. Video Never list a property without a video tour Less than 1% of properties sold have a video made to promote them. 50% of Americans watch a YouTube video during a typical month. We recognize the importance of a good quality video and we create a unique video for every property and syndicate it to all the major web sites.
  • 14. Social Media Social media is more than just a buzzword A lot of people talk a good game, but do they really understand the game? Every real estate agent knows that Facebook and Twitter are important, but most have no idea how to actually make these tools work for them. Don’t use a broker that has jumped on the social media bandwagon without understanding how to use it.
  • 15. Setting a Realistic Price We agree on the market value with the seller Sellers want to get the maximum achievable price, but sometimes greed drives them to list at above market value. This is counter-productive as it reduces the number of potential buyers that will visit the property, and is likely to increase the time it is on the market. This bad situation then gets worse as potential buyers see how long the home has been on the market and become suspicious. You need to make the most of the marketing lift that comes with having a hot new property, and to do that you want to have it priced at market value. We will provide you with a detailed analysis of Las Vegas home values to support the final pricing decision.
  • 16. How to Negotiate Working with the seller we secure the best terms from buyers Negotiate based on Seller Motivations. Different sellers have different motivations. Are you looking to sell quickly, or can you afford to sit on the property until it secures the highest achievable price? When you are work with us to determine the list price, we will consider your motivations. Negotiate based on Buyer Motivations. If your buyer has to move quickly you can leverage this by pushing back on some of his demands. On the other hand if this is a cash buyer with offers on multiple properties you have to negotiate in the understanding that the buyer is likely to be less flexible on deal terms. Making sure we know your buyer helps us control the pace of the negotiation process and its outcome.
  • 17. Seller Disclosures We advise clients to protect themselves by full disclosure Disclose all known defects in writing. There is no point trying to get something past a buyer because the future lawsuit will be far more damaging than the extra dollars gained at the sale.
  • 18. Prepare the Home for Sale A few minor touches can support the sales process You don’t have to spend thousands on staging your home, you just have to put in the hours to ensure it is sparkling clean. As well as thoroughly scrubbing and polishing every surface you should make sure everything is tidy and uncluttered. That can be difficult when you have lived somewhere for a long time and accumulated a lot of things, but since you are moving anyway it is time to get as much as possible boxed up and stored tidily in the garage. Some fresh flowers and some furnishing touches are fine, but the basic rule is to make the home as uncluttered as possible. If you have pets, or are a smoker then you need to do everything possible to kill all the odors in the house. When buyers come across a property that smells bad they investigate everything else with a far more critical eye.
  • 19. The Open House This is one of the tools we use to generate our pool of buyers Only 1% of homes sell from open houses, but rest assured that we will have one for your property because it is a great way for us to meet potential buyers even if they don’t want to buy your home. The person who buys your home is more likely to be someone we met at another open house than the one that we hold for your home, but the most important thing is that you know that we use this technique to meet potential buyers.
  • 20. High Levels of Communication The initial listing is just the first step Most listing agents spend 80% of their time trying to secure new listings and 20% of their time working the listings that they have. We are the exact opposite, and prioritize servicing our clients. We want you to be a client for life. We are a company that you would recommend to your friends and family without hesitation. We don’t approach the sale of your property as a one-time transaction. 30% of people that use a real estate agent would not use them again. Our goal is to ensure that 100% of our clients use us again and again, and to do that we ensure that we have outstanding levels of communication.
  • 21. Communication Tactics The initial listing is just the first step 1. We use an electronic lockbox to track the showings of your property, and regularly update you on the level of activity 2. We contact every agent that visits the property to find out what their clients thought, and feed it back into how we present the property. We send you a summary of this feedback 3. Once we receive an offer we inform all the agents that have shown the property. This increases the chances of multiple bids on the property 4. If there is a change in the listing conditions, such as the price, this is automatically sent to all the agents that showed your property
  • 22. Conclusion Three principles guide our approach to selling properties 1. Everything we do to sell your property is based on a clear understanding of what buyers want 2. We are experts in leveraging online marketing to supplement traditional real estate sales tactics 3. We communicate clearly and frequently with sellers throughout the process
  • 23. Contact: Philip Gusterson Email: Tel: +1-702-752-6872 Web: Disclaimer: This document is non-binding on all parties and contains a general description only. The information contained herein should be read in conjunction with more detailed information set forth in, or to be set forth in, future communications. Statistical information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Data pulled from GLVAR MLS.