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24th Pl
24th Pl, Salem, OR
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535 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
7 residents
540 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
6 residents
545 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
550 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
10 residents
555 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
20 residents
3809 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
2,040 sqft Apartments (Generic) Built in 1976
13 residents
3811 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
3813 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
4 residents
3815 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
14 residents
3817 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
3819 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
11 residents
3821 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
7 residents
3823 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
11 residents
3825 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
6 residents
3827 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
3 residents
3829 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
13 residents
3831 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
3833 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
23 residents
3835 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
18 residents
3837 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
9 residents
3839 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
14 residents
3841 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
3843 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
15 residents
3845 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
12 residents
3847 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
10 residents
3851 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
3 residents
3853 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
16 residents
3855 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
9 residents
3857 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
11 residents
3859 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
4 residents
3861 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
14 residents
3863 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
6 residents
3865 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
11 residents
3867 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
11 residents
3869 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
8 residents
3871 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
18 residents
3873 24th Pl NE Salem, OR 97301
12 residents
Neighborhood Statistics
Average neighborhood statistics for Salem, OR
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $51,945.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $221,000.00.
35.9 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 35.9.