Deana Sotelo

5 people named Deana Sotelo found in Indiana, California and 3 other states.

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Deana Sotelo

Resides in Lafayette, IN
Includes Address(2) Phone(3) Email(2)

Deana Marie Sotelo, Age 53

Resides in West Lafayette, IN
Lived In Lafayette IN, Evansdale IA Related To Omar Sotelo, Llorente Sotelo, Logan Sotelo Also known as Deana Marie Snapp, Duane Marie Snapp Includes Address(5) Phone(7) Email(11)

Dena Monique Sotelo, Age 57

Resides in Azusa, CA
Lived In El Monte CA, Temple City CA, Noel MO, South El Monte CA Related To Lorraine Guerra Also known as Deana M Sotelo Includes Address(21) Phone(3) Email(7)

Diana M Sotelo, Age 57

Resides in Wauconda, IL
Lived In Highland Park IL, Lake Bluff IL, Cary IL, Sleepy Hollow NY Also known as Diane M Sotelo, Deana Sopelo Includes Address(13) Phone(8) Email(5)

Diana Sotelo, Age 46

Resides in El Paso, TX
Lived In Pflugerville TX Also known as Deana Ortega Includes Address(14) Phone(2)

Demographic Info for Deana Sotelo

Statistics based on US Census data for all 5 people with this name.

49 yrs
50% are in their 50s, while the average age is 49.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $100k.
50% of these people are married, and 50% are single.