Lived In Milford OH, Loveland OH, Goshen OH, Fayetteville OH
Related To Julie Ier, Julie Brown, B Kirby Harris, Irene Kirby, Kirby HarrisAlso known as Harris B Kirby Jr., Harris Ella M Kirby Jr., Harris Irene Kirby, Kirby B HarrisIncludes Address(12) Phone(7) Email(2)
Lived In Tustin MI, Lansing MI, Charlotte MI, Grand Ledge MI
Related To Kir Kirkby, Bill Kirkby, Lewis KirkbyAlso known as Ella M Le Kirkby, Ellamae KirbyIncludes Address(10) Phone(3) Email(1)
Demographic Info for Ella Kirby
Statistics based on US Census data for all 4 people with this name.
106 yrs
100% are in their 100s, while the average age is 106.