Janice Somers in Redwood City, CA

Janice Somers may also have lived outside of Redwood City, such as Redding, San Carlos and 3 other cities in California.

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Janice Ann Fitzpatrick, Age 47 (Deceased)

Resided in Redwood City, CA
Lived In Concord NH, Evans GA, Englewood FL, Morristown NJ Related To Michael Fitzpatrick, James Fitzpatrick, Gary Fitzpatrick, Sara Newland, Amy Fitzpatrick Also known as Janice A Fitzpherick, Janet A Somers Sr., Janice Ann Somers, John Anthony Fitzpatrick Includes Address(42) Phone(22) Email(10)

Janice Johndrow, Age 67

Resides in Redwood City, CA
Lived In Redding CA, Rocklin CA, Sacramento CA, Seattle WA Also known as Janice M Schmidt, Janice M Somers, Johndrow Janice Includes Address(27) Phone(10) Email(10)