Tania Kleckner

2 people named Tania Kleckner found in Brooklyn, NY, Garden City, NY and New York, NY.

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Tania Jean Kleckner, Age 63

Resides in Brooklyn, NY
Lived In New York NY Also known as Tania Jean O'Connor, Tana Kleckner Includes Address(15) Phone(9) Email(6)

Tania J Kleckner

Resides in Garden City, NY
Includes Address(1)

Business Records for Tania Kleckner

Known business associations for people with this name include:

  • Tania Kleckner
    • Title: Sustainer Representative
    • Company: Junior League Of Brooklyn
  • Tania Kleckner
    • Title: Development Associate
    • Company: Brooklyn Kindergarten Society

Demographic Info for Tania Kleckner

Statistics based on US Census data for all 2 people with this name.