U Louie

4 people named U Louie found in California, Massachusetts and 3 other states.

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U Louie

Resides in Ventura, CA
Includes Address(1) Email(1)

U Louie

Resides in Ventura, CA
Includes Address(1) Email(1)

U C Louie, Age 67

Resides in Crum Lynne, PA
Lived In Woodlyn PA, Fresno CA, Philadelphia PA, Sellersville PA Related To Sue Louie, Alexander Louie, Sui Ng, Jacqueline Louie, Lily Louie Also known as Wai Chan Louie, Fonglouie U Chow Includes Address(6) Phone(9) Email(3)

Luigi Ucciferri, Age 64

Resides in Keller, TX
Lived In Simi Valley CA, Thousand Oaks CA, Westlake Village CA, Irving TX Related To Celestino Ucciferri, Lucia Ucciferri, Alessandro Ucciferri Also known as Louie Baxter Michele E Ucciferri, Louie Uciferri, U Louie Includes Address(16) Phone(17) Email(8)

Demographic Info for U Louie

Statistics based on US Census data for all 4 people with this name.

64 yrs
50% are in their 60s, while the average age is 64.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $103k.
67% of these people are married, and 33% are single.