Vesper Gordon

5 people named Vesper Gordon found in Kansas, Missouri and 2 other states.

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Vesper L Gordon

Resides in Ottawa, KS
Lived In Saint Joseph MO Also known as Gordon Vesper Includes Address(4)

Vesper L Gordon, Age 57

Resides in Pomona, KS
Lived In Iola KS, Ottawa KS Related To Hannah Mundy, Brandon Mundy Also known as Vesper L Mundy, Mundy Vesper, Locke Vesper Includes Address(8) Phone(1) Email(2)

Vesper L Locke, Age 57

Resides in Pomona, KS
Lived In Ottawa KS, Topeka KS, Osage City KS, Pittsburg KS Related To Herbert Brown Also known as Vesper L Brown, Vesper L Mundy, Vesper L Gordon, Vesper L Arvin Includes Address(33) Phone(15) Email(8)

Billy G Vesper Sr., Age 75 (Deceased)

Resided in Wyandotte, OK
Lived In Sand Springs OK, Kellyville OK Related To Shirley Vesper, Gary Vesper, Billy Vesper, Lorette Dixon Also known as Bill G Vesper Jr., Vesper Gordon, William G Vesper Jr., Billy Gordan Vesper Includes Address(8) Phone(4) Email(3)

Gordon V Bland Sr., Age 78

Resides in Belden, MS
Lived In Meridian MS, Saint Louis MO Related To Georgia Bland, Janet Sample, Margaret Bland, Cary Bland, Stephen Bland Also known as Bland Gordon V, Vesper Bland Gordon Includes Address(5) Phone(3) Email(2)

Demographic Info for Vesper Gordon

Statistics based on US Census data for all 5 people with this name.

51 yrs
100% are in their 50s, while the average age is 51.