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IMAX/Large Format - Box Office History
The Numbers - Box Office Data, Movie Stars, Idle Speculation
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Box Office History for IMAX/Large Format Movies

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Released    Movie Name    1st Weekend    US Gross    Worldwide Gross    Budget   
1/1/1976 To Fly! - $86,600,000 $120,700,000 -
6/16/1984 Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets - $52,800,000 $239,000,000 -
10/18/1991 Antarctica - $65,000,000 - -
4/21/1995 Wings of Courage $100,442 $15,057,031 $34,240,094 -
10/20/1995 Across The Sea of Time $71,961 $16,015,639 $36,216,173 -
7/11/1997 Thrill Ride: The Science of Fun $56,951 $18,798,682 $31,279,211 -
3/6/1998 Everest $364,244 $87,178,599 $125,700,000 -
5/8/1998 Africa's Elephant Kingdom - $13,485,455 - -
7/3/1998 Mark Twain's America 3D $28,668 $2,992,106 - -
7/16/1998 Mysteries of Egypt - $40,593,286 $90,000,000 -
10/23/1998 T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous $119,855 $53,743,249 $103,043,249 -
11/25/1998 The Nutcracker $88,136 $1,009,291 - -
2/26/1999 Wolves - $5,361,306 - -
2/26/1999 Encounter in the Third Dimension $21,653 $7,195,792 $40,102,213 -
3/12/1999 Wildfire: Feel The Heat - $2,378,388 - -
3/23/1999 Extreme - $12,456,958 $25,956,958 -
4/30/1999 Island of the Sharks $19,344 $10,658,756 - -
10/1/1999 Siegfried & Roy: Masters of the Impossible $24,637 $5,231,283 - -
10/29/1999 Galapagos - $18,082,699 $26,602,030 -
1/1/2000 Fantasia 2000 (IMAX) $2,290,525 $60,507,228 - $80,000,000
4/14/2000 Alien Adventure $38,410 $5,017,383 $20,427,678 -
5/5/2000 Cirque du Soleil - Journey of Man $49,837 $15,626,076 $27,751,781 -
5/5/2000 Michael Jordan to the MAX $578,141 $18,642,318 - $7,000,000
10/6/2000 Cyberworld 3D $278,199 $11,243,857 - -
2/9/2001 N'sync: Bigger than Live - $1,808,679 - -
2/9/2001 Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure - $15,553,324 - -
3/2/2001 Haunted Castle - $13,651,656 $32,863,526 -
4/6/2001 All Access: Front Row. Backstage. Live! - $995,122 - -
7/27/2001 China: The Panda Adventure $28,268 $3,708,478 $6,601,743 -
1/1/2002 Beauty and the Beast (IMAX) - $25,487,028 - -
4/19/2002 Space Station $439,488 $85,176,561 $118,458,687 -
4/20/2002 Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West - - $23,000,000 -
5/10/2002 ESPN's Ultimate X - The Movie $613,670 $4,197,175 - -
9/20/2002 Apollo 13 (IMAX) $200,645 $1,759,075 $2,219,202 -
10/11/2002 Pulse: A Stomp Odyssey - $10,086,514 $15,384,390 -
10/18/2002 Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk - $16,933,791 $23,970,431 -
11/1/2002 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (IMAX) $1,441,922 $8,494,458 - -
11/6/2002 Santa vs. The Snowman $60,007 $10,259,134 $22,759,134 -
12/25/2002 The Lion King (IMAX) $1,825,849 $15,682,879 - -
2/11/2003 Ocean Wonderland - - $26,000,000 -
3/14/2003 Bugs! - $19,084,280 $29,196,944 -
4/11/2003 Ghosts of the Abyss $1,408,474 $17,093,668 $28,780,668 -
12/25/2003 Young Black Stallion $629,999 $6,751,389 $9,638,389 -
3/12/2004 NASCAR: The IMAX Experience $1,467,406 $21,550,235 $22,215,235 -
4/22/2004 Sacred Planet - - - -
11/10/2004 The Polar Express (IMAX) $2,100,000 $194,949,659 - -
1/28/2005 Aliens of the Deep $479,368 $8,968,684 $12,765,684 -
1/28/2005 Sharks 3D - $8,500,000 $14,000,000 -
2/18/2005 Mystery of the Nile - - - -
4/8/2005 Wild Safari 3D - $16,621,230 $32,446,750 -
7/15/2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (IMAX) $2,200,000 $14,000,000 - -
9/23/2005 Magnificent Desolation $503,253 $40,144,533 $45,865,303 -
3/3/2006 Deep Sea 3-D $700,213 $44,537,914 $86,316,096 -
1/23/2008 U2 3D $964,315 $12,273,816 $25,545,371 $15,000,000
10/22/2009 Journey to Mecca - - - -
3/19/2010 Hubble 3D $413,477 $31,739,864 $33,765,834 -
12/31/2010 Sea Rex 3D: Journey to a Prehistoric World - $5,198,114 $14,012,244 $5,000,000
Totals $1,280,882,642 $2,024,503,330 $107,000,000
Averages $24,632,359 $38,932,756 $26,750,000

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