After leaks and pre-annoucements, ads and yet more leaks, the time has come for Google to officially launch the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. We already know many details: the custom Tensor processor that powers it, the colors and many of the specs, and even some of the software features have all been officially announced. And rumors have filled in more details.
But there will be more to hear from Google. This is easily the most important Pixel the company has launched in years, it’s a launch where the company says it is taking on flagships from Apple and Samsung at the high end. Google hasn’t really talked big game about its phones before, so even if we’ve seen a lot of rumors, how Google goes about making this launch happen will be interesting.
We’ll likely get a deeper dive into the specs on these phones, including whether the new camera system really is good enough to justify the massive camera ledge on the backs of these phones.
We’ll be live blogging the event alongside our other extensive coverage of the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro, so watch along as we watch Google finally try to step up to the big leagues.