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SBOA097B June   2004  – May 2015 INA132 , INA146 , INA152 , OPA2205 , OPA2277 , OPA277 , OPA301 , OPA335 , OPA364 , OPA4205 , OPA725 , TLV2341


  1.   High-Voltage Signal Conditioning for Low-Voltage ADCs
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Circuit 1: The Modular Approach
    4. 3 Circuit 2: Single-Supply/Single-Port Approach
    5. 4 Circuit 3: Difference Amp Approach
    6. 5 Circuit 4: Differential Input with INA146
    7. 6 Circuit 5: Differential Input Modular
    8. 7 Voltage References and Ranges
    9. 8 References
  2.   Revision History

High-Voltage Signal Conditioning for Low-Voltage ADCs

Analog designers are frequently required to develop circuits that convert high-voltage signals to levels acceptable for low-voltage data converters. This paper describes several solutions for this common task using modern amplifiers and typical power supplies. Five examples of conditioning ±10V bipolar signals for low-voltage, single-rail analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are presented: a modular approach, a single-supply/single-part approach, and an instrumentation amplifier approach. Both single-ended, differential input versions are discussed.