That Fro is 🔥. The colors and the the variations. I just love it.
Artist • @gdbee
@candycryptid /
guy: *wears ripped clothes and looks like he hasn’t slept in ages with messy hair*
me: oh fuck oh god oh gfuck
put in the tags the accessory that you (almost) always wear
i literally cannot stop. will reblog with the link once i’m done.
here you go fam also including the separate sprites in case youd like them as well lol
(id under the cut)
*sees slugs on the sidewalk after it rained*
I joke about “villain-coding” but I just walked into the patch of invasive garlic mustard I have been locked in hopeless battle against for weeks and found half the plants pale and wilting, put my hand on my hip, threw back my head, laughed, and said, “Well, well, well... did somebody get frost damage?!”
Last week I yelled “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KILL YOU?!” at the honeysuckle I was trying to clear.