small talk? it was quite big to me. i love you
happy ten years everyone
If anyone's free I'm ready to be loved unconditionally now
could i bum a sip of water
the earth didn’t have to give us meadows of poppies, but she did!!
i love not saying anything. yayyy silence #MySilence
me in the spring sun
me in th
me in the spring grass
all the unread books on my shelf glaring daggers at me as i introduce them to their two new playmates i bought yesterday. i'm sure they'll learn to get along they have all the time in the world
why must clothes tear when you wear them repeatedely? love should make you stronger
Japanese promo cassettes from 1999 [x]
Had a dream last night that i was a knight and this bigger scarier knight had me on the ground and right before he swung his sword at my neck he said smth like "i mourn the loss of life for the tree who will become your coffin" which shouldnt of turned me on like it did but alas
“irving could”. so imagine you’re born in a corporate hell and you have no idea what’s going on and you wanna kill yourself. and you only know like five people and they’re all kinda weird and don’t really listen to you but this one guy is really kind to you. and in an isolated world that’s all you know. in a world where there are no fathers he’s the closest thing you get. and then you find out that you’re actually everything you hated and you can do nothing about it but scream but it’s all useless. and you never come back to work. and you wake up drowning and then you’re in the arms of your friend and you have no idea what’s going on but he’s cradling you with so much love and care and you trust him with your life so everything must be okay. you cling back. and then he’s gone. he loved you so much he died to get you back and you’ll never see him again. you find out this other you who you thought was the worst person alive was stealing your body and your memories and your friends and no one did anything. no one noticed and you feel sick. but irving noticed. so you must be different from her right? someone knew helly r and that’s what matters. even if he’s gone
I'm normal in a lot of ways (enjoy bread, etc)