one day i will forget how to be foreign

@handweavers /

kiran ਕਿਰਨ - kuala lumpur & tkaronto. textiles, art, history. check my pinned post. i love sefa @lesbeet

🌿 kiran ਕਿਰਨ, 27yrs

x he/they (tme) bisexual

x punjabi sikh/white irish from malaysia, living in canada

x marxist leninist but i try not to be 'online' about it

x disabled/not able bodied

x i am a textile artist (weaver, dyer, spinner, etc) by trade, i travel for residencies & teach workshops 🤎 my work can be found tagged #mine

uploads sideblog @redclaysoil

people act like just acknowledging oppression exists is the same as going around and shooting every person on earth in the head point blank

many activists involved the ferguson uprising were mysteriously murdered. at least one activist i know of was murdered after the uprising in louisville. like the united states never ever ever wants an organized movement like the civil rights movement of 50’s-60’s to ever happen again and they’re are more than willing to murder, maim, and disappear people to make that the case.

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