
good night sweet prince

@kurtsvonneslut / kurtsvonneslut.tumblr.com

and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest


i resisted having a pinned post like this for a while but i eventually decided it’s a good idea so here’s some things to know about me

you can call me kurt or cj but not “hey you”. if you know my deadname no you don’t. i use all pronouns but if you’re using exclusively she/her or they/them i’m side eyeing you. i’m in my mid 20s and usamerican. upper midwest. engaged, in a LDR (not for much longer!!). genderfuck lesbian, transphobes/terfs/transmeds etc are not welcome in my space. i won’t talk about current events or world issues much here, this is my escapist zone.

there is absolutely no coherent theme to my blog, i will post about what i want when i want. some frequent fliers you’ll see on here are once upon a time (specifically swan queen), rizzoli & isles (specifically rizzles), warrior cats (at my big age? i know), and whatever random book, show, or movie i’m obsessed with on any given day.

blog title is what horatio says to hamlet while hamlet dies in his arms, header is a screencap from kenneth branagh’s hamlet (1996), icon made using this picrew. writers i love include vonnegut (duh), virginia woolf, octavia butler, shakespeare, toni morrison, emily austin, tennessee williams, liane moriarty, and many others. i love a dystopia, love an allegory. always open to book recommendations, please drop them in my ask any time!!

there will be nsfw content on here sometimes. i’m not going to check every follower for an age, so use your own discretion. if you’re a minor, don’t let me find out about it. i try to tag nsfw stuff but sometimes i forget.

if you like listening to me yap, here’s some more places you can find me:

I actually do not believe that Regina Mills does not know how to dance.

Cora fought so hard to make her daughter queen and I firmly believe that she would have educated and prepared Regina in all aspects of this.

Regina was already like a minor princess so it makes sense that she would have had the typical education and upbringing of a lady.

Yes!!! I completely agree it makes no sense for her not to know how to dance. Not to mention, she literally married the King. Wouldn't they at least have danced at his wedding? It's such a stupid plot device !!!

Imo, the only reason the writers did this is because they wanted the cute/sweet moment between Regina, Snow and David, BUT. There would've been three hundred better ways of doing that? And there was no need, we'd already had 3 seasons of them getting over their feud and bonding...sigh. it's completely OOC for Regina not to know how to dance.

if tonya harding has no defenders i am dead. she did not do that shit. that is a hill i WILL die on.


whenever i see a post about someone wondering how an  asexual and a sexual can be in a healthy relationship there’s always someone being applauded for saying well asexuals can have sex too or just because someone’s asexual doesn’t mean they won’t have sex but i have never, not once, EVER seen someone say well hey, some sexuals don’t have sex. you can have a full relationship without sex. just throwing it out there

okay but there is something disquieting about this urge to cast fan writers as altruists. they give us all this for free!! well, no.

they’re sharing

it’s a key difference in perception. fic isn’t given. it’s shared. it’s part of a fandom community— in which readers are also an integral part.

it’s probably inevitable mission creep from the increasingly transactional nature of the internet and fandom-as-consumerism, which was always gonna happen after corps worked out how much bank there is to make from those weirdo fan people

but like. fandom is sharing. i think we’ve lost that somewhere.

You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.

Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…

…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.

Adding onto this: characters who are so deeply repressed that they don't even realize they're not fine, or at the very least not supposed to be fine. Characters who do tell you about a situation they're in that should be bad, but instantly laugh it off saying they can handle it (spoiler: they can, in fact, not handle it). Characters who laugh with you and listen to all your woes and much later you learn that they were actually going through something at least equally bad at the time, but they wave it off and don't want to speak of it. Characters whose main coping mechanism seems to be "don't think about it" on endless loop.

Basically, the fictional embodiment of the "this is fine" dog.

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