i resisted having a pinned post like this for a while but i eventually decided it’s a good idea so here’s some things to know about me
you can call me kurt or cj but not “hey you”. if you know my deadname no you don’t. i use all pronouns but if you’re using exclusively she/her or they/them i’m side eyeing you. i’m in my mid 20s and usamerican. upper midwest. engaged, in a LDR (not for much longer!!). genderfuck lesbian, transphobes/terfs/transmeds etc are not welcome in my space. i won’t talk about current events or world issues much here, this is my escapist zone.
there is absolutely no coherent theme to my blog, i will post about what i want when i want. some frequent fliers you’ll see on here are once upon a time (specifically swan queen), rizzoli & isles (specifically rizzles), warrior cats (at my big age? i know), and whatever random book, show, or movie i’m obsessed with on any given day.
blog title is what horatio says to hamlet while hamlet dies in his arms, header is a screencap from kenneth branagh’s hamlet (1996), icon made using this picrew. writers i love include vonnegut (duh), virginia woolf, octavia butler, shakespeare, toni morrison, emily austin, tennessee williams, liane moriarty, and many others. i love a dystopia, love an allegory. always open to book recommendations, please drop them in my ask any time!!
there will be nsfw content on here sometimes. i’m not going to check every follower for an age, so use your own discretion. if you’re a minor, don’t let me find out about it. i try to tag nsfw stuff but sometimes i forget.
if you like listening to me yap, here’s some more places you can find me: