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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 1, Episode 5.

Look in the mirror and youโ€™ll know. Look into your own eyes and tell me you are not heroic, that you have not endured, or suffered, or lost the things you care about most. And yet, here you are, a survivor of Hellโ€™s Kitchen, the hottest place anyoneโ€™s ever known. A place where cowards donโ€™t last long, so you must be a hero. We all are. Some more than others, but none of us alone. Some bloody their fists trying to keep the Kitchen safe. Others bloody the streets in the hope they can stop the tide, the crime, the cruelty, the disregard for human life all around them. But this is Hellโ€™s Kitchen. Angel or devil, rich or poor, young or old, you live here. You didnโ€™t choose this town, it chose you. Because a hero isnโ€™t someone who lives above us, keeping us safe. A heroโ€™s not a God, or an idea. A hero lives here, on the street, among us, with us. Always here but rarely recognized. Look in the mirror and see yourself for what you truly are. Youโ€™re a New Yorker. Youโ€™re a hero. This is your Hellโ€™s Kitchen. Welcome home.

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