Should I put 10 dollars into food or into education and development in Gaza?
This is a real question, not just theory or philosophy… It’s a question that confronts me every day, and I found myself compelled to answer it clearly.
Today in Gaza, people are hungry… but also, people are lost. There’s a young graduate sitting on the rubble without even a laptop to work on. There’s a university student studying by candlelight, with no internet to continue his education. There’s an engineer who, instead of building, is searching for a box of aid to feed his family.
Do you know what that means? It means the occupation doesn’t want to kill us with bullets; it wants to kill us with ignorance, with helplessness, by turning us into mere people waiting for a bag of flour, waiting for assistance… and that’s the biggest crime against us. Today, we all in Gaza need a bite to eat… but what about tomorrow? Am I going to rely on others for the rest of my life just to survive? And that’s the question that occupies my mind the most!! Or should I be able to provide for myself and my family and rebuild my life?
That’s why, instead of letting the 10 dollars be a meal for one day, let it be an investment in a student who will rise from the rubble, who will learn, and who will be able to provide for his own food forever.
Let it be a share of empowerment, not just so Gaza can survive one more day… but so Gaza can rise, stand, and endure forever.
Help us build a future for the coming days in Gaza.
I am Mahmoud, a computer systems engineer and UI/UX designer.
If you know of job opportunities in companies or with people looking for this field, you can help me find a job. Message me in DM if you need my portfolio or resume.
We are now in the final stages of the campaign. We recently received $25,000, and only $10,000 is left to reach my campaign goal. Support the families of Gaza and also support education.