@ravencycle / ravencycle.tumblr.com

and the whole world watched, and history remembered. #userara

coworker trying to figure out jesus’ last name said “jesus carpenter….. john carpenter……. sabrina carpenter………” like he was uncovering an ancient lineage.


if all you did today was get through today, it’s good and it’s enough.

iris by goo goo dolls really is insane though. I'd give up forever to touch you? you're the closest to heaven I'll ever be? all I can breathe is your life? and I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think they'd understand? when everything's meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am? does anyone hear me.

I know this has been done before but I’m trying to see something

*define “first kiss” as you wish, but if you need a definition I mean kissing someone else on the mouth with mutual romantic undertones

**if you make fun of anyone or any group of people for their answer to this poll I will block you

Oh my god they killed Hossam Shabat

The monsters assassinated him the exact same way they assassinated numerous journalists in Gaza in recent months. They are hunting down journalists and bombing their vehicles. Monsters.

Hossam's team shared his final message:

“If you’re reading this, it means I have been killed—most likely targeted—by the Israeli occupation forces. When this all began, I was only 21 years old—a college student with dreams like anyone else. For past 18 months, I have dedicated every moment of my life to my people. I documented the horrors in northern Gaza minute by minute, determined to show the world the truth they tried to bury. I slept on pavements, in schools, in tents—anywhere I could. Each day was a battle for survival. I endured hunger for months, yet I never left my people’s side.

By God, I fulfilled my duty as a journalist. I risked everything to report the truth, and now, I am finally at rest—something I haven’t known in the past 18 months . I did all this because I believe in the Palestinian cause. I believe this land is ours, and it has been the highest honor of my life to die defending it and serving its people.

I ask you now: do not stop speaking about Gaza. Do not let the world look away. Keep fighting, keep telling our stories—until Palestine is free.”

— For the last time, Hossam Shabat, from northern Gaza.

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