

@sporesgalaxy / sporesgalaxy.tumblr.com

๐Ÿ’š Sydney โ˜ฎ๏ธ twentysomething ๐Ÿ’š aspiring weird guy (he/it) โ˜ฎ๏ธ art hobbyist + biologist sort of ๐Ÿ’š God Forbid Arthropods Do Anything. โ˜ฎ๏ธ

I have terrible news. For no apparent reason, gofundme has disabled Nader's contact from being able to recieve and transfer the money from his gfm to Nader and this has been the case since December 17th, 2024. This means that despite being 95% raised of his goal, he can't actually access the funds bes been fundraising and he has to start all over again because gofundme also won't respond to his contact asking for help and trying to resolve the issue.

Below is his new fundraiser. He asks that you donate here, and that they need the funds because the corridor to exit Gaza will be opening. His vetting information is on the pinned post of my blog.

Please all help us we have not received money since 12/17 until now and the time for opening the Rafah land crossing is approaching and we need your help please donate


This is very serious! But please don't give up on Nader and his family!

It's uncertain if access to the old campaign can be restored, but please have patience. Gofundme's donations are protected for 1 year.

I am in contact with Nader and I'm personally researching Gofundme's policies currently, to see if there is anything I can do to help.

I deal with U.S. insurance company policies and their bullshit all day at my job, so I hope that experience can give me some insight!!

At the very least, I am trying to do anything I can to help ensure that this doesn't happen to Nader and his family again.

In the meantime, please help Nader's new fundraiser! Thank you!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ


love seeing revisionism in the wild โ€œfree the nipple never meant you can walk around topless every where thatโ€™s still sexual harassment it just meant for like breastfeeding and stuffโ€no it literally means you should be able to walk around topless anywhere because get this. breasts arenโ€™t fucking sexual organs.

I remember when I was about 12, I watched a show on TLC that followed people as they got somewhat uncommon medical procedures.

There was one episode with a trans woman getting different gender-affirming operations, including breast implants. It showed the procedure, and (what I found so fascinating that it's stuck with me for decades), as soon as the doctor put the implant in, a censor blur popped up on the nipple.

And you just know there was a meeting between the TLC lawyers and the editors and producers of the show to discuss what the difference was between a "man nipple" (can be shown) and a "woman nipple" (no no must obscure, 'tis naughty). And they decided that as soon as the implant goes in and the nipple has more mass behind it, that's the moment when it becomes a woman's nipple and must be hidden to comply with TV rules.

But it's the same nipple. On the same person. I know what it looks like; I just saw it. But TV and obscenity rules are rules, and the rules say woman nipple = sexual and therefore explicit, but man nipple = neutral, just fine.

"Free the Nipple" was calling out arbitrary bullshit like that, because someone just existing with their body parts should not be considered obscene, and the double standard that men can be topless but women can't is so blatantly ridiculous. All nipples are just nipples. If you get turned on or bothered by them, that's on you.


Every day that passes our life gets worse in Gaza there are more than 2 million people we need large quantities of food but with the crossings closed it is impossible every day food is getting scarcer and its price is increasing dramatically there is no water or even electricity to operate the water wells our life is tragic in addition to all of this the sounds of explosions and cannons and planes that never stop they never stop when we ask you to donate you are our only hope with this money we can eat some of the available food or even some clean water to drink there is no sanitation or health services diseases are everywhere insects too everything is difficult so difficult that you cannot imagine what we are going through without experiencing it it is more difficult than what you see on TV our life is tragic so I ask you to donate to us any amount you can afford my family and I need something to help

600 euros left, friends, and we will reach 12,000. Please donate to us, guys.


in my mind these two scenes must be viewed as a whole. it's very very important to me that what pushes seth milchick into standing up for himself is witnessing two acts of transgressive kindness (in spite of his objections!) in a room in which there are no white people.

you see him see himself ("you're too soft on them") in miss huang's apology and acknowledgement of dylan's humanity. and you see the impact of dylan, who has no reason to be nice to either of them, choosing to make his last act of human interaction before dying an outreach of kindness towards an abused child. btw an abused child that milchick clearly sees his younger self in.

and that witnessing of kindness and miss huang's and dylan's moment of human connection & affirmation of each other's personhood is what drives him to stand up to drummond. compare this with every scene where he tried to reach out and make a human connection with natalie and she refused. and then see the connection to his behavior when he calls mark.

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