sxpph04dxys reblogged
“Fantasizing about boys felt like a healing paper cut: uncomfortable, but manageable. While imagining a future with a man I mistook the relief of companionship for romance, and the anxiety for chemistry. When I pictured him saying ‘you’re mine’, it felt like being trapped, too possessive, I did not want my heart stolen but at least being kept in a cage would keep me safe. Dreaming about kissing boys seemed acquiescent, as long as my eyes were glued shut the entire time. This was love, right? When I saw her for the first time I was mesmerized and I have never wanted to give up custody of my own heart more; She felt like home, like freedom, and all the discomfort I had assumed was natural melted, just like I did whenever she touched me. Her laughter reminded me why the earth revolved around the sun and when we kissed it felt like I had found the world’s greatest treasure without even searching for it. When I imagine a lifetime with her it doesn’t feel cumbersome anymore and I realize it was meant to feel this way all along.”