New Commission sheet! Prices are the same just added my new rendering style to the pricing and switched out pictures.
Payment through PayPal or Venmo. DM or email be if interested! If you wanna support me another way I also have a kofi!
@the-east-art /
New Commission sheet! Prices are the same just added my new rendering style to the pricing and switched out pictures.
Payment through PayPal or Venmo. DM or email be if interested! If you wanna support me another way I also have a kofi!
Headcanon about Clouds Motorcycle in AC
Just for kicks and giggles I'm having a little survey about my Hollow Knight Ceramics! If you genuinely, actually, would be interested in buying them please fill out - I keep thinking I should make more, but don't want to end up with a pile of ceramics no one wants haha.
You can also say you want to me on my mailing list!
Un, Deux, Trois!
Gonna very slowly take a crack at that animatic.
Also! I am playing re:chain of memories for the first time ever (I’m three floors in) please give me your tips and tricks
Just for kicks and giggles I'm having a little survey about my Hollow Knight Ceramics! If you genuinely, actually, would be interested in buying them please fill out - I keep thinking I should make more, but don't want to end up with a pile of ceramics no one wants haha.
You can also say you want to me on my mailing list!
Looking at submas stuff makes me so tempted to make that animatic I never madeeee
I’m making my students do this practice so I’m doing it too lol
Still playing around with this idea. This time with crayons and prang watercolors lol
What kind of stores even sell good mops with mop buckets… w… Walmart? Uh… Smiths maybe?
Getting to the point in my ceramics studio where I uhhhh need to invest in some shelves and a mope with a good mop bucket. Gotta get this shit cleaner and more organized
All glazed up and starting the cycle anew. Some familiar forms, some I’m hoping to add dragons to, some hollow knight stuff, and then two forms for commissions (well, requests from friends haha)
Bro. I love that one of these games is just Totally-Not-Ducktales-Fangame
If KHR, by some miracle, did get a remake I genuinely think it shouldn’t hold itself too close to the manga. I think it should be willing to play with the format and characters but SPECIFICALLY the plot. IMO the original manga suffers a lot from power scaling, and a lot of the story feels made up on the spot as it goes. I think, with the knowledge of the full lore known from the start, you would weave together something stronger
See you tomorrow morning