you can make anything funny💌

@twelverriver /

it's only a matter of going. // #tuserjana. they/them. follows from elevenriver.

i do think it's crazy that faith gets excited by buffy punching her in the face, goads her into a murder attempt, tells spike how awesome she thinks buffy topping you and hurting you would be, and tells robin buffy's given her her favorite bruise and fandom still turns around and says "yeah she's definitely a dom" like no she's not


buffy summers doesn't have to be your favorite character in btvs but you do have to acknowledge that she is the best character in btvs. and the rest of the buffyverse. and every character i've seen argued to be better would light you on fire to keep buffy summers warm. btw.


this is like. GENUINELY the best edit i've ever seen in my life. full stop. let me reiterate: not just the best severance edit. THE best edit. the creator doesn't have a tumblr that i can find but i simply had to share.

@leaving-earth requested the least seen movies. So here we have a list of the top 100 films that tumblr users reported as having heard of but not having seen per results on @haveyouseenthismovie-poll.

TW: A couple of films famous for racism are on this list so please enter at your own risk.

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