Drew Barrymore Movies

Want to know the best Drew Barrymore movies?  How about the worst Drew Barrymore movies?  Curious about Drew Barrymore box office grosses or which Drew Barrymore movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Drew Barrymore movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.
Drew Barrymore (1975-) is an American actress, author, director, model and producer. She is a descendant of the Barrymore family of well-known American stage and cinema actors, and is a granddaughter of actor John Barrymore.   Drew Barrymore has been on our request list since our days when our webpages were located at HubPages.  Well here you go Alabama Girl….our statistical look at Drew Barrymore’s movie career. Her IMDb page shows over 80 acting credits since 1978. This page will rank Drew Barrymore movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows and movies that were not released in North American theaters were not included in the rankings.  To do well in our overall rankings a movie has to do well at the box office, get good reviews by critics, be liked by audiences and get some award recognition.
Drew Barrymore in 1982's E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
Drew Barrymore in 1982’s E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

Drew Barrymore Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Drew Barrymore Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Drew Barrymore movies by co-stars of her movies
  • Sort Drew Barrymore movies by adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Drew Barrymore movies by domestic yearly box office rank
  • Sort Drew Barrymore movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Drew Barrymore movie received.
  • Sort Drew Barrymore movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Blue link in Co-star column takes you to that star’s UMR movie page

Adjusted Drew Barrymore Adjusted Worldwide Box Office Grosses 

Drew Barrymore in 2000's Charlie's Angels
Drew Barrymore in 2000’s Charlie’s Angels

Possibly Interesting Facts About Drew Barrymore

1.  Drew Blythe Barrymore was born in Culver City, California in 1975. 2.  Drew Barrymore Barrymore was born into acting: all of her paternal great-grandparents – Maurice Barrymore and Georgie Drew Barrymore, and Maurice Costello and Mae Costello– as well as her paternal grandparents, John Barrymore and Dolores Costello, were actors; John Barrymore was arguably the most acclaimed actor of his generation.  She is the niece of Diana Barrymore and the grandniece of Lionel Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore and Helene Costello.  the great-great-granddaughter of Irish-born John Drew and English-born Louisa Lane Drew, all of whom were actors, and the great-grandniece of Broadway idol John Drew, Jr. and silent film actor, writer and director Sidney Drew. She is also the god-daughter of director Steven Spielberg, and actress Sophia Loren. 3.  Drew Barrymore has never been nominated for an Oscar®; but she has received 3 Golden Globes® nominations. 4.  Drew Barrymore was the youngest person ever to host Saturday Night Live.  She was 7 when she hosted the show in 1982. 5.  Drew Barrymore is Godmother of the late Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter, Frances Bean. 6.  Drew Barrymore has been married three times…she has two children. 7. Drew Barrymore auditioned for Heathers (1988), Great Balls of Fire! (1989), Cry-Baby (1990), Edward Scissorhands (1990), Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) and Cape Fear (1991). Four roles were lost to Winona Ryder. 8. Check out Drew Barrymore‘s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time. Check out Steve’s Drew Barrymore YouTube Video Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.  Golden Globe® is a registered trademark. For comments….all you need is a name and a comment….please ignore the rest.
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31 thoughts on “Drew Barrymore Movies

    1. Hey GoC1….I have seen 33 of her movies. 34 if I count A Castle For Christmas which is a movie that is about to be included in the table. Good stuff.

  1. Added Steve’s Drew Barrymore YouTube video to this page. Our thoughts found on his channel are also found below.

    Good video. I am shocked to realize that she has not been in a movie since 2015. I have seen 25 of the movies on the list and 32 overall. Favorites would be #1 E.T., #10 The Wedding Singer, #19 Curious George…saw this one many times with my daughters, #22 Music and Lyrics…WoC really likes this one and #29 Lucky You…and underrated movie..in my humble opinion. My UMR page on her has been a nice view getter…I hope you have the same luck with your video. Voted up and shared.

    1. Hi Bruce, your tally of 25 out of 32 on the video beats my 13. My favorites include Cats Eye, Firestarter, Donnie Darko, Charlies Angels, Scream, Titan AE, Batman Forever and ET. A few here might be interesting to catch on TV, I’ll probably find out I’ve seen them and forgot the title. 🙂

      Thanks for the comment, vote and share, much appreciated.

  2. There were no flies on Frank that morning – after all why not? He was a responsible citizen with a wife and child, wasn’t he? It was a typical Frank morning and with an agility that defies description he leapt into the bathroom onto the scales. To his great harold he discovered he was twelve inches more tall heavy! He couldn’t believe it and his blood raised to his head, causing a mighty red colouring.

    ‘I carn’t not believe this incredible fact of truth about my very body which has not gained fat since mother begat me at childbirth. Yea, though I wart through the valet of thy shadowy hut I will feed no normal. What grate qualms hath taken me thus into such a fatty hardbuckle.’ [presumable a play on Fatty Arbuckle the actor -BOB]

    Again Frank looked down at the awful vision which clouded his eyes with fearful weight. ‘Twelve inches more heavy, Lo!, but am I not more fatty than my brother Geoffery whose father Alec came from Kenneth — through Leslie, who begat Arthur, son of Eric, by the house of Ronald and April — keepers of James of Newcastle who ran Madeline at 2-1 by Silver Flower, (10-2) past Wot-ro-Wot at 4/3d a pound?’

    He journeyed downstairs crestfallen and defective — a great wait on his boulders — not even his wife’s battered face could raise a smile on poor Frank’s head — who as you know had no flies on him. His wife, a former beauty queer, regarded him with a strange but burly look. ‘What ails thee, Frank? she asked stretching her prune. ‘You look dejected if not informal,’ she added.
    “Tis nothing but wart I have gained but twelve inches more tall heavy than at the very clock of yesterday at this time — am I not the most miserable of men? Suffer ye not to spake to me or I might thrust you a mortal injury; I must straddle this trial alone.’ ‘Lo! Frank — thou hast smote me harshly with such grave talk — am I to blame for this vast burton?’

    Frank looked sadly at his wife — forgetting for a moment the cause of his misery. Walking slowly but slowly toward her, he took his head in his hands and with a few swift blows gad clubbed her mercifully to the ground dead. ‘She shouldn’t see me like this,’ he mumbled, ‘not all fat and on her thirty second birthday.’

    Frank had to get his own breakfast that morning and also on the following mornings.
    Two, (or was it three?) weeks later Frank awake again to find that there were still no flies on him.
    ‘No flies on this Frank boy,’ he thought; but to his amazement there seemed to be a lot of flies on his wife — who was still lying about the kitchen floor. ‘I can’t not partake of bread and that with her lying about the place,’ he thought allowed, writing as he spoke. ‘I must deliver her to her home whore she will be made welcome.’
    He gathered her in a small sack (for she was only four foot three) and headed for her rightful home. Frank knocked on the door of his wife’s mothers house. She opened the door.
    ‘I’ve brought Marian home, Mrs. Sutherskill’ (he could never call her Mum). He opened the sack and placed Marian on the doorstep.

    ‘I’m not having all those flies in my home,’ shouted Mrs. Sutherskill (who was very houseproud), shutting the door. ‘She could have at least offered me a cup of tea,’ thought Frank lifting the problem back on his boulders

    1. Hi Bob, thanks for posting. How old was John when he wrote that? And I thought Ringo was the malapropist one of the groupl 🙂

      1. HI STEVE: John wrote No Flies on Frank in 1964 which means he was 24 years of age. He was a strange type of guy and you may be familiar with the bed-in carry-on in 1969. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it

        “As the Vietnam War raged in 1969, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono held two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace, one at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam and one at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, each of which were intended to be nonviolent protests against wars, and experimental tests of new ways to promote peace.”

        In short Steve John went to bed in public with his wife – not even Flynn did that! John and Yoko lay in bed with each other in full view of the press and public in the lobbies of those hotels for a week on each occasion all the while chatting to on-lookers and giving interviews with the press.

        As a spin-off The Beatles got another hit single out of it which chronicled the wedding, honeymoon and bed-in of John and Yoko. The song was written by Lennon who was the lead singer and of course it got to No 1 in the charts. It’s actually one of my own fave Beatles numbers.

        Standing in the dock at Southampton
        Trying to get to Holland or France
        The man in the mac said, “You’ve got to go back”
        You know they didn’t even give us a chance

        Finally made the plane into Paris
        Honeymooning down by the Seine
        Peter Brown called to say
        “You can make it O.K
        You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain”

        Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton
        Talking in our beds for a week
        The news people said, “Say what you doing in bed?”
        I said, “We’re only trying to get us some peace”

        Christ you know it ain’t easy
        You know how hard it can be
        The way things are going
        They’re gonna crucify me.

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