Happy B-Day Bern1960 – Her Top 5 Movies

That’s Bern1960 in the middle

April 30th is a special day in our family.  That is the birthday of the Cogerson family matriarch.  In the Cogerson world her name is Bernice, Mom, Grandma and Great-Grandma.  On this website she is known as Bern1960.  One of Bern1960’s favorite UMR pages was our look at my dad’s favorite movies which was written after he passed away. 

Since then she has jokingly said she wanted to read what her page would say when and if she passes away. So for her birthday we figured we would look at her Top 5 Favorite Movies and as well as a look at 5 other movies she might not have liked….but has never been able to forget.

Bern1960’s Favorite Movies

Jazz Singer (1980)

What is this one about? The son (Neil Diamond) of a Jewish Cantor (Sir Laurence Olivier) must defy the traditions of his religious father in order to pursue his dream of being a popular singer.  

Why she enjoyed this movie so much?  The music the music the music.  No matter what you think about Neil Diamond’s acting skills….you have to admit the man can sing.  The grand finale of Diamond singing America is pretty impressive.  I remember coming home many times and quickly realized she was watching the Jazz Singer…again.

The Jolson Story (1946) & Jolson Sings Again (1949)

What is this one about? The movies show the idealized career of the singer Al Jolson (Larry Parks), a little Jewish boy who goes against the will of his father in order to be in showbiz. He becomes a star, falls in love with a non-Jewish dancer, and marries her. In the end he chooses success on the stage.

Why she enjoyed this movie so much?  Once again the music was the main draw for her.  The way we convinced Bern1960 to go on road trips with us…..is to bring the DVDs of both Jolson movies and let her watch the movies on our car DVD player while we drive to our destination.

Magnificent Obsession (1954)

What is this one about? When churlish, spoiled rich man Bob Merrick (Rock Hudson) foolishly wrecks his speed boat, the rescue team resuscitates him with equipment that’s therefore unavailable to aid a local hero, Dr. Wayne Phillips, who dies as a result. Phillips had helped many people, and when Merrick learns Phillips’ secret, to give selflessly and in secret, he tries it in a ham-handed way. The result further alienates Phillips’ widow, Helen (Jane Wyman), with whom Merrick has fallen in love. Merrick’s persistence causes another tragedy, and he must remake his life, including going back to medical school, in an attempt to make amends and win her love.

Why she enjoyed this movie so much?  Rock Hudson is one of her favorite actors…so him giving an outstanding performance has made this our all-time favorite movie.  Somehow I have managed to not see this movie….but I will see this one at some point.

The Quiet Man (1952)

What is this one about? A retired American boxer (John Wayne) returns to the village of his birth in Ireland, where he finds love (Maureen O’Hara).

Why she enjoyed this movie so much?  (1) This is one of the best love stories that Hollywood has ever filmed.  (2) John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara make a great screen couple.  (3) The movie is filled with excellent supporting characters with Ward Bond, Victor McLaglen and Barry Fitzgerald.  This movie is also on my Top 100 favorite movies of all-time.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

What is this one about? When an alien spacecraft of enormous power is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk (William Shatner) resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine and hopefully stop the intruder.

Why she enjoyed this movie so much?  Way back when Billy Shatner and Bern1960 were young’uns back in Montreal, Canada….they went out on dates…..until Captain Kirk got a little “fresh”.  So knowing Mr. Shatner, she was always a Star Trek fan.  Bern1960 really enjoyed this movie at the theater, on VHS, on DVD and on Blu-Ray.

Funny to our family Bern1960 movie stories

Halloween (1978)

Bern1960 – “You wanted to watch this movie…well you are going to sit here with me and watch it.”

The situation:  Back in the late 1970s our house started getting HBO.  Movies at home with no commercials was an amazing development.  When the cable bill would arrive….I would give my parents the bill and start highlighting the upcoming monthly schedule that always arrived with the bill.  One upcoming movie sounded like a perfect movie for me to watch….even though it was rated R….I figured the title would be a fun movie to watch.  So I begged and begged my mother to watch the movie….until I was allowed to watch the movie. 

Finally the movie made it’s HBO premiere.  My mom and I started to watch the movie.  The first scene comes on…..and it shows some kids trick or treating.  I am thinking….”this is going to be great”.  But…then the movie starts showing a point of view shot of kid in a mask picking up a knife and killing a girl.  At that point I told my mom….”I don’t think I want to watch this movie”.  Her response?   “You wanted to watch this movie…well you are going to sit here with me and watch it.”  We were of course watching the classic horror movie….1978’s Halloween.  The end result?  I was not able to sleep for two weeks!

Scanners (1981)

Bern1960 – “Let me know when I can open my eyes.”

The situation:  My mom suggested we go and see this new science fiction movie call Scanners.  You younger readers have to realize that back then it was not always easy to know what exactly a movie was about….so we happily headed to our local theater.  Everything was going great….and then the movie started.   Within the first 10 minutes of the movie…..a person’s head exploded on screen.  That special effect now looks cheesy….but back then it was very realistic.  We quickly realized that when a certain type of music started playing on screen that something bad was about to happen.  By the time the grand finale bloodfest fight started…..I heard Bern1960 say “Let me know when I can open my eyes”.  For some reason she has never wanted to re-visit that movie.

Blade Runner (1982)

Bern1960 – “This is nothing like Star Wars.”

The situation:  By the time Blade Runner reached theaters my interest in movies was really developing. Harrison Ford was easily my favorite actor as he had already played Han Solo twice and Indiana Jones once.  So not having a car, I had to talk my mother into taking me to the new Harrison Ford movie, Blade Runner.  I told her that the movie was another Star Wars type science fiction with Ford.  Well the movie turned out to be more like Ridley Scott’s Alien than Ford’s Star Wars movies.  During the final showdown between Ford and the villain Rutger Hauer, we get to see Hauer put his head through a wall, put a nail in his hands and terrorize Ford.  At some point with Hauer howling like a wolf….my mom turned to me and said…..”This is nothing like Star Wars”.  Blade Runner has become one of my all-time favorite movies …..but is a movie that Bern1960 is still disappointed in.

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Bern1960 – “Reservoir Dogs is the worst movie ever made!”

The situation:  When Reservoir Dogs was first released I was blown away by it.  I told any and everybody that they had to see the movie.  That included my parents.  So based on my opinion my parents rented the movie.  I shortly got a phone call from Bern1960….and she said….”Reservoir Dogs is the worst movie ever made!”  I replied …”Sorry you did not like it…but thanks for watching it.”

After that, everytime I went and saw my parents, I had to hear about how bad a movie Reservoir Dogs was. Finally after a few months I asked….”What made the movie so bad?” Bern1960 replied….”We could not figure out what was going on with the guy bleeding in the car and everybody shouting at each other….so we turned it off”.  “What?” I said….”That was the first scene in the movie…..you did not watch anymore of it?”  “Nope….and never will” she said.  Well, I claim, that her review does not count because she has not seen the movie…but in her view….Reservoir Dogs is indeed the worst movie ever made.

The Bourne Identity (2002)

Bern1960 – “Grandchildren make good human shields”

The situation:  Bern1960 was taking her second grandson to see The Bourne Identity.   At the time Scotty was only 9 years old.  Now unlike the previous 4 movies, Bern1960 was really enjoying the first Matt Damon Bourne movie.

At some point in the movie, one of the bad guys jumps threw a glass window and attacks Damon’s Jason Bourne character.  Now most grandparents might instinctively put their arms out to shield/protect the child when they are startled.

Well…Bern1960 did reach out for Scotty…BUT only to grab him so she could place him between herself and the movie screen.  Cause you know….”Grandchildren make good human shields”.

Happy Birthday Bern1960

(Visited 276 times)

73 thoughts on “Happy B-Day Bern1960 – Her Top 5 Movies

  1. This Bern 1960 – thanks so much my son Bruce. I laughed so much reading what you wrote. You know how to express yourself so well. When I was carrying you (in those days one did not know if you were having a boy or a girl) I had a friend who was having a baby too. We both said if it was a boy we were going call the boy BRUCE, and as you know, we both had boys and we both named our sons BRUCE. I think it is a really good name for you. Let me say once again that I appreciate all you do for me, sharing your wonderful family with me. Now, buying my groceries and delivering them to me as well. It has been seven weeks since I have been anywhere, except once a week I get in my car, drop mail at outdoor mailboxes, turn around and come back home. THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.

    1. You are welcome BERN1960….hopefully next birthday will be much much better. Thanks for the kind words…but it is the least I can do.

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to Mother of Bruce and Matriarch of the Cogerson Clan.

    Happy to hear you’re recovering well! 🙂

    1. Thanks Steve……her recovery has truly amazed me. PS. The edit button is working again. Had to buy a new widget…hopefully it will stay working for awhile.

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