早稲田大学の最新の注目研究者をピックアップした動画:Research Recap at Waseda University 2023を公開しました。是非ご覧ください。
0:04 所千晴教授 (理工学術院)
研究分野:Environmental materials and recycling technology
Recent research: A Novel, Single Electrical Pulse Method for the Recycling of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100000777_en.html
0:11 三宅丈雄教授 (理工学術院)
研究分野:Soft electronics and biomedical engineering
Recent research: Controlling Biological Cells Electrochemically with Bioiontronics
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001422_en.html
0:22 コアド アレックス教授 (商学学術院)
研究分野:Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
Recent research: Growth Patterns and Exit Routes of Firms in Japan
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100002156_en.html
0:28 大久保將史教授 (理工学術院)
研究分野:Batteries for a carbon neutral society
Recent research: Novel Materials and Optimal Electrochemical Conditions for Enhancing Ecofriendly Aqueous Batteries
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100002881_en.html
0:36 有村俊秀教授 (政治経済学術院)
研究分野:Carbon Pricing: Emissions Trading and Carbon Tax
Recent research: Impact of Regional Emission Trading Systems on a Firm’s Overall Carbon Footprint
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100000111_en.html
0:46 原太一教授 (人間科学学術院)
研究分野:Autophagy and food sciences
Recent research: Dietary Regulation of Autophagy for a Long and Healthy Life
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001493_en.html
0:53 渡邊克巳教授 (理工学術院)
研究分野:Cognitive science and Experimental psychology
Recent research: How do our own voices affect our emotional states?
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001331_en.html
1:04 青木隆朗教授 (理工学術院)
研究分野:Quantum optics
Recent research: Towards Distributed Quantum Computing with Photon-based Coupling between Distant Atoms
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001117_en.html
1:13 田中雅史講師 (文学学術院)
Recent research: Dopamine Drives Cultural Transmission of Song Learning in Zebra Finches
Researcher details: https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001998_en.html