前庭皮質とは? わかりやすく解説

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前庭皮質(ぜんていひしつ、英: Vestibular cortex)とは、前庭からの入力を受ける大脳皮質領域の総称である。


末梢で発生した体性感覚(例: 触覚)が大脳皮質の一次体性感覚野へ伝わるように、各種の感覚は対応する大脳皮質領域をもつと考えられている。そのうち前庭器官に対応する大脳皮質領域は前庭皮質と呼ばれる。



霊長類(サル)やヒトを用いた研究により、前庭の情報は空間的に離れた複数の大脳皮質領域へ伝達されていることが明らかになっている[2]。前庭からの情報はまず脳幹神経核群へ伝わり、さらに視床の広い領域へ伝わる[3]。大脳皮質では中心後溝(Postcentral sulcus)から頭頂間溝(Intra-parietal sulcus, IPS)にわたる2v野、中心溝の底部である3av野、シルビウス裂とその周囲皮質などが前庭情報を受け取る[4][5]。特にシルビウス裂の中心~後部にわたる領域は前庭刺激に対する非常にロバストな応答を見せることから、ヒトでは 頭頂葉-島前庭性皮質(parieto-insular vestibular cortex、PIVC)と呼ばれる[6]




  • 頭頂葉-島前庭性皮質(parieto-insular vestibular cortex、PIVC
  • posterior insular cortex area (PIC)
  • VIP野(ventral intraparietal area)



  • 能動的/受動的頭部運動: 頭部(ごと身体)を動かすことができる環境でのみ可能。通常のfMRIは困難。
  • Caloric vestibular stimulation: 外耳道の加熱/冷却による前庭の活動制御。半規管(主に水平方向分)内のリンパ液が熱により対流を起こし、加熱なら神経の脱分極、冷却なら過分極を起こす[7]。臨床におけるカロリックテスト。
  • 前庭電気刺激(Galvanic vestibular stimulation、GVS): 前庭の電気刺激による前庭感覚の誘起 [8]乳様突起近辺を皮膚越しに電気刺激する。




前庭情報を視覚情報を受け取る皮質(visual‐vestibular cortexとも)

  • medial superior temporal area (ヒト: hMST[11], マカク: dorsalMST / MSTd)[12]
  • ventral intraparietal area (ヒト: hVIP[13], マカク: VIP): ヒトの場合はvestibular入力が弱くまだはっきりとしていない
  • posterior insular cortex (PIC)
  • 7a (posterior parietal association cortex)[14]
  • superior temporal polysensory area


  • A. T. Smith, et al. (2017) Distributed Visual-Vestibular Processing in the Cerebral Cortex of Man and Macaque. Multisensory Research
  • A. M. Wirth, et al. (2018) White matter connectivity of the visual‐vestibular cortex examined by diffusion‐weighted imaging. Brain Connectivity
    • PIVCおよびPICと他領野の結合をDWIで同定。
  • K. E. Cullen. (2012) The vestibular system: multimodal integration and encoding of self-motion for motor control
    • 前庭情報と他感覚情報の統合に関する広域review.




  1. ^ Traditionally, the vestibular system has been conceived of as the balance system of the brain - its sensors detect movements of the head and this information supports the reflexive control of posture, gait, and gaze https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  2. ^ suggested the existence of multiple sites in the cortex where vestibular signals are represented, https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  3. ^ The brain stem nuclei send projections to multiple thalamic nuclei, including the ventral posterior, ventral lateral, ventral anterior, intralaminar, and even geniculate nuclei https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  4. ^ , including regions located at the junction of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) with the postcentral sulcus (referred to as area 2v), the fundus of the central sulcus (referred to as area 3av), and the Sylvian fissure with the surrounding peri-Sylvian cortex. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  5. ^ 頭頂連合野に属する2野(頭頂間溝の先端部)、3aV野(体性感覚野の背外側部)、MST野(medial superior temporal area)、T3野(外側溝の底部)、頭頂葉-島前庭性皮質(PIVC, parieto-insular vestibular cortex)、6pa野 (6野の弓状溝後部領域)、VIP野(ventral intraparietal area)、23c/6c野(帯状溝近傍)において、前庭入力が存在することが知られている。 https://bsd.neuroinf.jp/wiki/%E5%B9%B3%E8%A1%A1%E8%A6%9A#cite_note-ref2-3
  6. ^ midposterior Sylvian fissure as a site of robust vestibular responses across studies and vestibular stimulation techniques (Lopez et al. 2012; zu Eulenburg et al. 2012). Based on its location and in analogy to the nomenclature used in research on nonhuman primates, this region has been referred to as the parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC) in humans https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  7. ^ In CVS the external auditory canal is stimulated with a tempered medium such as water or gas. Typically, hot or cold is used and the change in temperature relative to body temperature in the middle ear induces convection currents in the endolymph of (primarily) the nearby horizontal semicircular canals in the inner ear. This depolarizes (hot) or hyperpolarizes (cold) the vestibular hair cells and in turn increases or decreases the firing rate of the vestibular nerve afferents https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00907.2017
  8. ^ http://www-hiel.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/cms/index.php/services
  9. ^ VO neurons do not show robust modulation in response to optokinetic stimulation https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tins.2011.12.001
  10. ^ The results of recent studies by Angelaki, DeAngelis and colleagues ([48] for review) suggest that neurons in higher-level structures such as extrastriate visual cortex, most notably the dorsal medial superior temporal extrastriate cortex (area MSTd), as well as in ventral intraparietal cortex (area VIP), respond both to motion in darkness as well as to optic flow stimuli. Responses to motion in the dark are eliminated following bilateral labyrinthectomy [49,50], consistent with the proposal that neurons integrate vestibular and visual signals to compute self-motion. , "The vestibular system: multimodal integration and encoding of self-motion for motor control." ,January 13, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.tins.2011.12.001.
  11. ^ In the case of MSTd, a human homologue has been proposed, referred to as hMST (human MST) https://brill.com/view/journals/msr/30/2/article-p91_1.xml
  12. ^ https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2010.194720
  13. ^ this region homologous with macaque VIP were claimed and accordingly, we refer to this region as hVIP (human VIP). https://brill.com/view/journals/msr/30/2/article-p91_1.xml
  14. ^ https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3940(80)90061-0
  15. ^ https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=ysucBAAAQBAJ&pg=RA1-PA307&lpg=RA1-PA307&dq=3aV+brain&source=bl&ots=BzvlZmUAWr&sig=ACfU3U2fo6wA9P30xoFECmgEaTqc4Vy9Rg&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5lozI3O3gAhVyFqYKHSGOCeMQ6AEwCHoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=3aV%20brain&f=false

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