User:Toni 001
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Users by language |
Ich bin Toni.
Soy Toni.
I am Toni.
Conflict of interest statement
[edit]Wikimedia has guides about conflict of interest and paid editing. Wikidata does not have strict policies but suggests to use common sense. Here is my statement:
I work at Wolfram Research.
This is my personal account and I do all my edits because I want to. I'm not being paid. At Wolfram, I work on semantic web technologies. If I come across missing or wrong data during my work time (I define that as being logged into my computer with my work account), say, while preparing examples for a talk or blog post, then I might improve the data. Overall, the number of edits I make during work time is negligible compared to all my edits.
Quantities and Units
[edit]Quantities and units are part of the language of science.
- By providing a Wikidata item (Q-number) for each quantity and unit ever used we facilitate unambiguous communication in science.
- By providing labels and descriptions for each item in each language we help people to talk about science across language barriers.
[edit]Number of Quantity-Labels per Language
select ?lang (count(*) as ?count) where {
?item wdt:P7431 [] .
?item rdfs:label ?label .
} group by (lang(?label) as ?lang)
Number of Unit-Labels per Language
select ?lang (count(*) as ?count) where {
?item wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 .
?item rdfs:label ?label .
} group by (lang(?label) as ?lang)
(sample(?lexeme) as ?lexeme)
(group_concat(distinct ?sl; separator = ", ") as ?singular)
(group_concat(distinct ?pl; separator = ", ") as ?plural)
where {
?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 .
?lexeme ontolex:sense / wdt:P5137 ?unit ;
dct:language wd:Q1860 .
optional {
?lexeme ontolex:lexicalForm [ wikibase:grammaticalFeature wd:Q110786 ; ontolex:representation ?s ] .
bind (concat(str(?s), " (", lang(?s), ")") as ?sl)
optional {
?lexeme ontolex:lexicalForm [ wikibase:grammaticalFeature wd:Q146786 ; ontolex:representation ?p ] .
bind (concat(str(?p), " (", lang(?p), ")") as ?pl)
} group by ?unit
Basic Quantities, Units and Prefixes
(sample(?label) as ?label)
(sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
(sample(?unit) as ?unit)
(sample(?dim) as ?dim)
where {
?quantity wdt:P279 wd:Q30337748 . # ISQ base quantity
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit . filter (lang(?unit) = "en") }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
} group by ?quantity
?unit (sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(sample(?conversion) as ?conversion) (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
(group_concat(distinct ?quantity; separator = "; ") as ?quantities)
(sample(?wl) as ?wl) (sample(?ucum) as ?ucum) (sample(?qudt) as ?qudt) (sample(?un) as ?un) (sample(?om) as ?om)
where {
?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q69197847 . # coherent SI unit
optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional { ?unit schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }
optional { ?unit wdt:P2370 ?conversion } # 1 for every coherent SI unit
optional { ?unit wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
optional { ?unit wdt:P111 / rdfs:label ?quantity . filter (lang(?quantity) = "en") }
optional { ?unit wdt:P7007 ?wl }
optional { ?unit wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
optional { ?unit wdt:P2968 ?qudt }
optional { ?unit wdt:P6512 ?un }
optional { ?unit wdt:P8769 ?om }
} group by ?unit
The 24 SI Prefixes
[edit]select * where {
?prefix wdt:P31 wd:Q131299 . # SI prefix
?prefix rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en")
?prefix wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "mul")
?prefix wdt:P1181 ?value .
optional { ?prefix wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
optional { ?prefix wdt:P7007 ?wl }
} order by ?value
General Quantities
[edit]select * where {
?gq wdt:P31 wd:Q71758646 . # general quantity
optional { ?gq rdfs:label ?gqLabel . filter (lang(?gqLabel) = "en") }
Extended Lists
[edit]Notable Quantities
[edit]Quantities listed in other ontologies.
(sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
(sample(?dim) as ?dim)
(group_concat(distinct ?unit; separator = ", ") as ?units)
(group_concat(distinct ?id; separator = ", ") as ?ids)
(group_concat(distinct ?isoiecItemDate; separator = ", ") as ?isoiec)
(sample(?gnd) as ?gnd)
where {
?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 . # individual quantity
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit . filter (lang(?unit) = "en") }
{ ?quantity wdt:P7431 ?wl . bind (concat("WL: ", ?wl) as ?id) }
{ ?quantity wdt:P8393 ?qudt . bind (concat("QUDT: ", ?qudt) as ?id) }
?isoiec wdt:P629 / wdt:P361 wd:Q568496 . # any edition of any part of ISO/IEC 80000
minus { ?isoiec wdt:P1366 / ^wdt:P1343 [] . } # restrict to the latest edition used anywhere as source
?isoiec wdt:P577 ?isoiecDate .
?quantity p:P1343 [ ps:P1343 ?isoiec ; pq:P958 ?isoiecItem ] . filter (regex(?isoiecItem, "^([0-9\\-\\.])+$"))
bind (concat(?isoiecItem, " (", str(year(?isoiecDate)), ")") as ?isoiecItemDate)
optional {
?quantity wdt:P227 ?gndVal ; wdtn:P227 ?gndURI .
bind (
concat("<", "math><mtext href='", str(?gndURI), "'>", ?gndVal, "</mtext></math>"),
) as ?gnd
} group by ?quantity
Notable Units
[edit]Units listed in other ontologies.
(sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(group_concat(distinct ?symbol; separator = ", ") as ?symbols)
(group_concat(distinct ?quantity; separator = ", ") as ?quantities)
(sample(?wl) as ?wl) (group_concat(distinct ?ucum; separator = "; ") as ?ucums)
(sample(?qudt) as ?qudt) (sample(?om) as ?om) (sample(?un) as ?un)
where {
?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 . # unit of measurement
optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional { ?unit schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }
optional { ?unit wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
optional { ?unit wdt:P111 / rdfs:label ?quantity . filter (lang(?quantity) = "en") }
{ ?unit wdt:P7007 ?wl } union { ?unit wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
union { ?unit wdt:P2968 ?qudt } union { ?unit wdt:P8769 ?om } union { ?unit wdt:P6512 ?un }
} group by ?unit
Quantities and Units Listed in the SI Brochure
?quantity (sample(?quantityLabel) as ?quantityLabel) (sample(?quantityDesc) as ?quantityDesc)
?unit (sample(?unitLabel) as ?unitLabel) (sample(?unitDesc) as ?unitDesc)
(group_concat(?unitSymbol; separator = "; ") as ?unitSymbols)
(sample(?unitStatus) as ?unitStatus)
where {
values ?source { wd:Q68977959 }
?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantityLabel . filter (lang(?quantityLabel) = "en") }
optional { ?quantity schema:description ?quantityDesc . filter (lang(?quantityDesc) = "en") }
?quantity p:P8111 ?quantityStatement .
?quantityStatement prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ] ; ps:P8111 ?unit .
optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?unitLabel . filter (lang(?unitLabel) = "en") }
optional { ?unit schema:description ?unitDesc . filter (lang(?unitDesc) = "en") }
optional {
?unit p:P5061 [ prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ] ; ps:P5061 ?unitSymbol ] .
filter (lang(?unitSymbol) = "en")
optional { ?quantityStatement a ?bestRank . }
bind (if(bound(?bestRank) && ?bestRank = wikibase:BestRank, "<recommended>", "<accepted>") as ?unitStatus)
} group by ?quantity ?unit
Quantities Listed in ISO/IEC 80000
(sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(year(sample(?sourceDate)) as ?year) (sample(?item) as ?item)
concat("<", "math>", group_concat(distinct ?symbol; separator = "<mtext>,</mtext><mspace width='0.2em'/>"), "</math>"),
) as ?symbols)
(group_concat(distinct ?unit; separator = ", ") as ?units)
(sample(?dimension) as ?dimension)
where {
?quantity wdt:P31? / wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 . # individual or kind of quantity
minus { ?quantity wdt:P31 wd:Q71758646 . } # exclude general quantities
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }
?source wdt:P629 / wdt:P361 wd:Q568496 . # any edition of any part of ISO/IEC 80000
minus { ?source wdt:P1366 / ^wdt:P1343 [] . } # restrict to the latest edition used anywhere as source
?source wdt:P577 ?sourceDate .
?quantity p:P1343 [ ps:P1343 ?source ; pq:P958 ?item ] . filter (regex(?item, "^([0-9\\-\\.])+$"))
optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
optional {
?quantity p:P8111 [ prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ; pr:P958 ?unitSourceItem ] ; ps:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit ] .
filter ((strstarts(?unitSourceItem, ?item) || strbefore(?item, ".") = strbefore(?unitSourceItem, ".")) && lang(?unit) = "en")
optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dimension . }
group by ?quantity ?item
order by (
100 * xsd:integer(strbefore(?item, "-")) +
xsd:integer(strbefore(concat(strafter(?item, "-"), "."), ".")) +
0.01 * coalesce(xsd:integer(strafter(?item, ".")), 0)
select * where {
wdt:P279+ wd:Q126818 ;
p:P1343 [
ps:P1343 wd:Q105698832 ; # The Anthropocene by the Numbers: A Quantitative Snapshot of Humanity’s Influence on the Planet
pq:P1810 ?namedAs ;
] ;
wdt:P7973 ?symbol ;
rdfs:label ?label1 ;
schema:description ?desc1 ;
rdfs:label ?label2 ;
schema:description ?desc2 ;
filter (lang(?label1) = "en")
filter (lang(?desc1) = "en")
filter (lang(?label2) = "de")
filter (lang(?desc2) = "de")
select distinct * where {
?prefix wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q15132612 .
?prefix rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en")
optional { ?prefix wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
optional { ?prefix wdt:P1181 ?value }
optional { ?prefix wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
optional { ?prefix wdt:P7007 ?wl }
} order by ?value
(group_concat(distinct ?namedAs; separator = "; ") as ?officialLabels)
(sample(?item) as ?item)
(sample(?label) as ?label)
(sample(?desc) as ?desc)
(sample(?iev) as ?iev)
(count(distinct ?wp) as ?wpCount)
where {
?item p:P1343 [
ps:P1343 wd:Q70257574 ;
pq:P958 ?clause ;
pq:P1810 ?namedAs ;
] .
optional { ?item rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional { ?item schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }
optional { ?item wdt:P8855 ?iev }
optional {
?wp schema:about ?item ;
schema:isPartOf / wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .
group by ?clause
order by (100 * xsd:integer(strbefore(?clause, ".")) + xsd:integer(strafter(?clause, ".")))
(sample(?label) as ?label)
(sample(?desc) as ?desc)
"<", "math><mtable columnalign=left rowlines=dashed>",
group_concat(distinct ?formula),
) as ?formulas
"<", "math><mtable columnalign=left>",
group_concat(distinct ?symbolAndLabel),
) as ?formulaSymbols
where {
?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }
?quantity wdt:P2534 ?formula .
select distinct * where {
?quantity p:P7235 [ ps:P7235 ?formulaSymbol ; pq:P9758 ?formulaQuantity ] .
optional { ?formulaQuantity rdfs:label ?formulaQuantityLabel . filter (lang(?formulaQuantityLabel) = "de") }
bind (
"<mtext href=\"", str(?formulaQuantity), "\">",
": ",
coalesce(?formulaQuantityLabel, strafter(str(?formulaQuantity), "")),
) as ?symbolAndLabel
} group by ?quantity
(sample(?label) as ?label)
(sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
(sample(?value) as ?value)
(sample(?unit) as ?unit)
(sample(?codata) as ?codata)
(sample(?qudt) as ?qudt)
(sample(?wl) as ?wl)
(sample(?ucum) as ?ucum)
where {
?const wdt:P31 wd:Q173227 .
optional { ?const rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional { ?const wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
optional {
?const p:P1181 [
a wikibase:BestRank ;
psv:P1181 [ wikibase:quantityAmount ?value ; wikibase:quantityUnit / wdt:P5061 ?unit ] ;
] .
filter (lang(?unit) = "en")
optional {
?const wdt:P1645 ?codataVal .
wd:P1645 wdt:P1630 ?codataTemplate .
bind (
concat("<", "math><mtext href='", replace(?codataTemplate, "\\$1", ?codataVal), "'>", ?codataVal, "</mtext></math>"),
) as ?codata
optional {
?const wdt:P2968 ?qudtVal .
?const wdtn:P2968 ?qudtURI .
bind (
concat("<", "math><mtext href='", str(?qudtURI), "'>", ?qudtVal, "</mtext></math>"),
) as ?qudt
optional { ?const wdt:P7007 ?wl . }
optional { ?const wdt:P7825 ?ucum . }
} group by ?const
[edit]select ?item ?itemLabel ?inverse ?inverseLabel ?relativeTo ?relativeToLabel where {
?item p:P8865 [
ps:P8865 ?inverse ;
pq:P2210 ?relativeTo ;
] .
service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
(sample(?label) as ?label)
(sample(?quantity) as ?quantity)
(sample(?quantityLabel) as ?quantityLabel)
(sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
(sample(?dim) as ?dim)
(group_concat(distinct ?recommendedUnit; separator = ", ") as ?recommendedUnits)
where {
?property wikibase:propertyType wikibase:Quantity .
optional { ?property rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
optional {
?property wdt:P1629 ?quantity . ?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantityLabel . filter (lang(?quantityLabel) = "en") }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?recommendedUnit . filter (lang(?recommendedUnit) = "en") }
} group by ?property
Entity Types
[edit]select * where {
?item wdt:P7497 ?wlType .
optional { ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . filter (lang(?itemLabel) = "en") }
(sample(?songLabel) as ?songLabel)
(group_concat(distinct ?genreLabel; separator = "; ") as ?genres)
(group_concat(distinct ?composerLabel; separator = "; ") as ?composers)
(group_concat(distinct ?lyricistLabel; separator = "; ") as ?lyricists)
(year(min(?date)) as ?firstYear)
(sample(?mbID) as ?mbID)
(sample(?ttID) as ?ttID)
(sample(?audio) as ?audio)
where {
?song wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q2188189 . # musical work
{ ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q14390274 . } # tango
{ ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q942955 . } # milonga
{ ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q61891621 . } # vals
optional { ?song rdfs:label ?songLabel . filter(lang(?songLabel) = "es") }
optional { ?song wdt:P136 / rdfs:label ?genreLabel . filter(lang(?genreLabel) = "es") }
optional { ?song wdt:P86 / rdfs:label ?composerLabel . filter (lang(?composerLabel) = "es") }
optional { ?song wdt:P676 / rdfs:label ?lyricistLabel . filter (lang(?lyricistLabel) = "es") }
optional { ?song wdt:P577 ?date . }
optional { ?song wdt:P435 ?mbID . }
optional { ?song wdt:P4932 ?ttID . }
optional { ?song wdt:P51 ?audio . }
group by ?song
order by ?firstYear
[edit]select distinct * where {
{ ?artist wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } # human
{ ?artist wdt:P31 wd:Q2088357 . } # group
?artist wdt:P136 wd:Q14390274 . # tango
optional { ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel . filter(lang(?artistLabel) = "es") }
optional { ?artist wdt:P434 ?mbartist . }
optional { ?artist wdt:P4931 ?ttperson . }