User talk:Daniel Baránek

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Multichill (talkcontribs)
Multichill (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Jenny Gold"
Deftwomb23 (talkcontribs)
Daniel Baránek (talkcontribs)

Sure, I hope I will have time for it in the near future.

Deftwomb23 (talkcontribs)

Díky moc! I will try to create a query that makes the process easier. And also thank you, that you created them! I just would like to have P2600 with fewer constraint violations without removing the constraints.

Reply to "Please fix the items you created"

Your creations of constraint violations - missing sex or gender

PersOrga (talkcontribs)
PersOrga (talkcontribs)
PersOrga (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Your creations of constraint violations - missing sex or gender"
Vojtěch Dostál (talkcontribs)

Ahoj, tady jsem připravil query na lidi v registrech StB, kteří se jmenují stejně a mají i identické datum narození :

Často to vypadá jako naprostá duplicita. Můžeš to ověřit a případně navrhnout další filtr, který by to umožnil nějak poslučovat?

Daniel Baránek (talkcontribs)

Ahoj Vojto, díky za upozornění. Duplicity jsem vyhmátl a sloučil. Teď už by mělo být snad vše v pořádku.

Vojtěch Dostál (talkcontribs)

Diky moc!

Reply to "Duplicitní agenti?"
Emu (talkcontribs)

Hallo, du hast vor etwa einem Jahr Kaldori (Q106403160) angelegt – ich nehme an, (unter anderem) für Henriette Kaldori (). Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund, warum du ihr Item dann nicht angelegt hast oder wurde es vielleicht sogar gelöscht? Kaldori war die Gattin des Fotografen Adolf Kaldori (Q111710454), sie überlebte die Shoah und starb Anfang 1946 in Linz ()

Könntest du das Item eventuell anlegen? Du hast mehr Erfahrung mit einigen Aspekten des Imports, ich könnte dann Details ergänzen. Danke!

Daniel Baránek (talkcontribs)

Hallo, ich habe neue Item nur für die Öpfer angelegt. Für die Überlebende habe ich nur Terezín Memorial Database ID (P9300) zu dem bestehenden Item ergänzt.

Ich kann auch die Überlebende, die vor 1910 geboren waren, aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob können wir ihnen weitere Identifikatoren hinzufügen, um dem Erfordernis der Signifikanz gerecht zu werden.

Emu (talkcontribs)

Hm, ich sehe eigentlich keinen Unterschied, denn die Quellen sind ja gleich gut. Aber ich kann das natürlich nicht allein entscheiden. Henriette Kaldori (Q111717445) habe ich jedenfalls einmal angelegt und mit allen mir zugänglichen Informationen angereichert. --Emu (talk) 09:55, 25 April 2022 (UTC)

Daniel Baránek (talkcontribs)

Wikidata:Notability: The entity must be notable, in the sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available references. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob wir mehrere references auf einfache (automatisierte) Weise zu alle Überlebenden hinzufügen können. Es handelt sich um etwa 13 000 Personen die vor 1900 geboren waren, 6500 in 1900–1909, 6000 in 1910–1919 und 12 500 seit 1920.

Emu (talkcontribs)

Ich sehe das mit dem Plural bei den references nicht so streng, aber es gibt auch diese Auslegung, insofern sollte man das wahrscheinlich vor einem Import klären …

Pozvánka na česko-slovenský Wikimedia Hackathon 2022

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

Srdečně Vás zveme na český a slovenský Wikimedia Hackathon 2022, který se bude konat 21.5. od 9:00 do 16:00 hybridně - paralelně online (na tomto odkazu) a paralelně offline (na adrese Slovenská 1705/21 v Praze 2 v sídle spolku Wikimedia Česká republika, který akci pořádá). Letošní hackathon bude věnovaný slovenským wikidatům a budování slovenské Wikidata komunity. Celý Hackathon bude v českém a slovenském jazyce. Více o programu Hackathonu se dozvíte na tomto odkazu nebo na FB události. Těšíme se na Vás! S pozdravem, --Vojtěch Dostál (talk) & Eva Vele (WMCZ) (talk) 18:20, 17 May 2022 (UTC)

We cordially invite you to the Czech and Slovak Wikimedia Hackathon 2022, which will take place on 21 May from 9:00 - 16:00 in a hybrid way - parallel online (at this link) and parallel offline: at Slovenská 1705/21 in Prague 2 at the headquarters of the Wikimedia Czech Republic, which organizes the event. This year's hackathon will be dedicated to Slovak Wikidata and building the Slovak Wikidata community. More information about the Hackathon program can be found at this link or on the FB event. The whole Hackathon will be in Czech and Slovak language only. We look forward to seeing you there! Best regards, --Vojtěch Dostál (talk) & Eva Vele (WMCZ) (talk) 18:20, 17 May 2022 (UTC) (talkcontribs)


Can you merge the Wikidata page Q86264847 (Կատեգորիա:Ադրբեջանի քաղաքական կազմակերպություններ which is Armenian language version of "Category:Political organizations based in Azerbaijan" that was uknowingly created and uploaded separately) into the Wikidata page of Q25075848 (Category:Political organizations based in Azerbaijan)? Please use a machine translator for confirmation.

Yours sincerely, 07:31, 27 July 2022 (UTC) (talkcontribs)
Draceane (talkcontribs)

Ahoj, pozor, zde jsi spároval místo narození Žilina s obcí na Kladensku, místo logičtějšího slovenského města.

Matlin (talkcontribs)
Daniel Baránek (talkcontribs)

Thanks, I will check it.

Gender inflection of surname on multiple Qs

Itorokelebogile (talkcontribs)

Hi there! I occasionally run into surname Qs which have the gender inflection of surname property created. Those often list a -va variant which only applies to the given surname in Czech (perhaps Slovak, too? Pardon my ignorance). However, there so qualifying claim made, i.e., that the inflection only applies to a given language, implying that this is the inflection for all languages (which is not true; many, if not most, languages don't do gender inflection, and those that do, usually have their own rules, and -va won't apply in most cases). Here's an example: Q8157228 (I added Property:P407 set to Q9056 to fix this).

Would it be possible for you to add P407 with Q9056 to all Property:P5278 you've created for surname Qs? You'd know best what items to update and what the values are/should be.