A hindrance, blindfold, or bluff that obscures vision or true intention
“He wore a blinder during the negotiation, skillfully hiding his true intentions from the unsuspecting investors.”
Device that indicates direction change in a vehicle
A cracker, a savory biscuit typically flavored with cheese or spices
A screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats
Comparative for unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition
“This actually happens in the case of individuals who are born blind due to congenital cataracts and are subsequently cured.”
Comparative for not determined by reason
“Willy is admired by his wife and two young boys, who have blind faith in his authority and who loyally follow his lead.”
Comparative for rash or impulsive in nature
“They are making an almost blind decision to invest in college prior to gaining information about a child's academic potential or motivation.”
Comparative for characterized by force or intensity
“Such acts of violence committed in a blind rage are often referred to as crimes of passion.”
Comparative for ignorant or unmindful, especially of something important
“Do not let the jingle of bells and the decked halls of holly render you deaf and blind to the shenanigans coming from the halls of Congress.”
Comparative for lacking in empathy
“Anyone who continues to support this regime is wilfully blind to the suffering of its people.”
Comparative for lacking intellect or good judgment
“I'm not blind. I can see exactly what you're trying to pull here.”
Comparative for under the influence of alcohol
“She had deliberately set out in search of a man who was drunk out of his gourd and too blind with booze to appreciate just how unprepossessing she was.”
Comparative for closed at one end, or having a dead end
“North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the local school set their students free.”
Related Words and Phrases