Comparative for hard but liable to break easily
“Cast iron is heavy, hard, somewhat brittle, and may break if dropped.”
Comparative for emotionally insecure or uptight, despite appearances
“Poets, popularly, are delicate petals, emotionally brittle and easily roused.”
Comparative for cold, unfriendly, or lacking in emotion
“The conversation ends up stilted and brittle, like foreigners trying to understand each other beyond the rudimentary courtesies.”
Comparative for harsh or grating in quality or character
“The last sound heard in the song is an extension of the melody, sung in a brittle voice that sounds like it is on the verge of breaking.”
Comparative for rickety in structure and easily damaged
(of an object or food) Comparative for free from moisture or liquid
Comparative for incapable of being bent
(of skin) Comparative for not smooth
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