In an unusual way that is not natural
“She danced unnaturally, with jerky movements and a lack of grace.”
Adverb for suggestive of the supernatural
“Xuxuan was exonerated but, perhaps because of his contact with unnatural spirits, was forced to leave his native province to work in a far-off place.”
Adverb for not existing in nature
“Soft and unnatural synthetic bristles are best as natural bristles are more porous and tend to harbor oral bacteria.”
Adverb for artificial or fake in nature
“Was Cline a country singer forced to adopt an unnatural guise as a pop singer?”
Adverb for affected or contrived in manner or character
“She gave him a bright, determined smile which seemed unnatural.”
Adverb for not conforming to accepted standards of morality
“The ancient world, especially of Greece and Rome, was profoundly defiled with the unnatural vices mentioned.”
Adverb for inhuman or monstrous, especially showing a degree of cruelty
“Unnatural and cruel! None but people who were bad at heart, born bad, who had no business on the earth, could do such deeds.”
Adverb for exaggerated and excessively dramatic
Adverb for related to, or suggestive of, ghosts, spirits, or the supernatural
Adverb for stiff or uncomfortable in movement or manner
Adverb for having an ugly or frightening appearance
Adverb for suggestive of the supernatural
Adverb for strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
Adverb for not likely to be true or to happen
Adverb for unnatural or unusual, especially in a way that is potentially harmful
Adverb for not human in any respect
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