That sense of aliveness isn't there when you read the text, and seeing the performance will be much more engaging. |
But throughout the book the occasional faults matter little against the poetry's terrible aliveness. |
Mauri is the unique life-force, the vitality, source and essential energy that drives existence, aliveness and being. |
I mean it in the concrete sense that is used in everyday life, the sense of soul, feeling, connectedness, inspiration, and aliveness. |
Why do you think that talking in terms of questions and ignorance lends itself to that kind of aliveness? |
A slack existence is the opposite of aliveness, and it contributes nothing to our continued need for dignity. |
The aliveness, complexity and quality of craftsmanship of this work is remarkable and makes this a rare piece. |
You need to discipline yourself, too, so that you set the style for your workers in regularity of habits, carefulness about work, and aliveness. |
To put it simply, motion gave way to emotion and physics gave way to psychology as criteria for aliveness. |
He was just feeling the rhythm and the wonderful aliveness of his young body. |
It is to be alive, and to signal that aliveness, commemorate it, through language. |
Besides this the meeting proved the aliveness of the FIR and their close solidarity with the today's generations. |
The cat might be alive or it might be dead, and the question of its aliveness proves or disproves something about quantum mechanics. |
A great man and a great musician, Johnson's final gift is to share his aliveness and elation with the rest of us. |
The emptiness that is referred to here is also complete richness, complete aliveness, non abiding aliveness. |
It is that huge excitement and energy of actually seeing something for the first time – a sense of wide-eyed aliveness. |
It gives us greater flexibility and stamina, and increases aliveness in our entire body. |
We all share a similar level of aliveness, but experience being alive in a myriad of ways. |
Their discussions about the computer's aliveness came to centre on what the children perceived as the computer's psychological rather than physical properties. |
Sea-water wet their feet, wind tossed their hair, excitement quivered in every fibre of their aliveness. |
He thought that when people experienced themselves in social groups they felt bigger than themselves, better, more alive — and that they identified that aliveness as something supernatural. |
This setting of the bellows imitates the ancient way of the organ wind system construction and adds to the aliveness of the pipe sound due to small instabilities generated in the wind ways when under heavier load. |
During training the emphasis was on the five pillars of TK Chiba Shihan, 8th Dan and student of O'Sensei: centering, connecting, aliveness, openness, wholeness. |
Open Dharma organizes meditation retreats, allowing new and experienced participants to deepen their experience of Dharma, the expansive foundation of aliveness without which nothing can exist. |
I am constantly used by this possibility in my work as a choreographer and dancer, and I vividly create the experience of aliveness for myself and others. |
And their aliveness in that moment of creation will still be felt years later by those viewing their work. |
Westin's advocacy of holistic well-being taps into a real longing in people to live their lives with less burnout and more aliveness. |
Caro's figuration connects to Henry Moore, but develops its own understanding and attitude toward the aliveness of the body. |
There is no self-pity here, just a ferocious intellectual inquisitiveness and a lifetime affair with a city where Gornick's aliveness, her alertness are rewarded daily. |
Joy, once activated, opens us to our aliveness, our chiyyut. |
In 2013, Steve finished a four year course at Ann Bradney's Radical Aliveness Core Energetics Institute in order to become a certified Core practitioner. |