Both the Senate and the presidential campaigns are tied together somewhat, although there will be people that will split the ticket. |
As such, the campaigns against thuggee and suttee frequently cropped up in imperial apologetics. |
Peta is well known for its provocative ad campaigns, which sometimes feature nude models proclaiming they'd rather go naked than wear fur. |
Government advertising campaigns should be objective and explanatory, not tendentious or party political. |
In the U.S., the frequency with which religious groups have waged campaigns over supposedly sacrilegious paintings is starting to get tiring. |
They'd be loosely aligned, run joint advertising campaigns, and pool their supporter base. |
There seems to be some kind of law that requires presidential campaigns to become asymptotically more trivial as election day approaches. |
Politicians of both parties are all on the low road rushing around in a mad scramble for corrupt corporate cash to finance their campaigns. |
Contemporary chroniclers based in England had a habit of bemoaning the cost and absence of results of such campaigns. |
We are writing this because we hope other campaigns may benefit from some of the lessons that we learned. |
Charity organizations have banded together to introduce creative campaigns which improve the living standards of the poor in Thai society. |
He has zero experience in the punishing, hand-squeezing, backslapping world of retail politics where most campaigns are won and lost. |
Officials from both parties say the typical Dayton resident has grown weary of glitzy ad campaigns and superficial low blows. |
The band support campaigns against Third World debt and in defence of asylum seekers. |
Furthermore, the connection between assimilative campaigns and nation-building, though frequently asserted, is not convincingly demonstrated. |
Paddy McGuinness is no stranger to politics and has run his share of election campaigns in the past. |
He declared that a truly great commander could win his campaigns without fighting any battles. |
Unions represent hundreds of thousands of Scots and have long helped bankroll Labour election campaigns. |
We put much effort into finding candidates that reflect the diversity of Canadian society, but many of our campaigns are also lost causes. |
In most campaigns, strong operational managers can be yours for the asking. |
A candidate who can bank those sums is not only a threat to win, but a threat to disrupt the rules by which campaigns are run, paid for, and won. |
The CBA publishes a magazine called British Archaeology which provides an excellent round-up of news articles, reviews, and campaigns. |
She shared her husband's reforming zeal and supported him in his campaigns. |
Only a minority of organizing campaigns use such tactics effectively, she says. |
The plaster probably was dumped in the midden during one of the construction campaigns. |
It began to conduct major political campaigns for self-rule and independence. |
Perish the thought of jumping willy-nilly on to investment bandwagons or lavishing shareholders' funds on high-profile marketing campaigns. |
To move it would make a mockery of the numerous advertising campaigns that have played upon the beer's Mancunian heritage. |
During similar cycling safety campaigns by the police force, cyclists have complained that police focus more on ticketing cyclists than drivers. |
Instead, the need for mammoth funds to mount election campaigns allowed big business to keep buying influence. |
First the Gulf, then the Balkan campaigns honed the syntax of 24-hour reporting almost to the point of banality. |
This is state sponsorship of campaigns to achieve political goals by the back door. |
It was here that top aides from both campaigns collared journalists to try and spin their side's point of view. |
Increasingly high-profile and hard-hitting campaigns have been aimed at keeping children away from railway lines. |
Not that government capitulation to public pressure generated by antivivisection campaigns is anything particularly new. |
They managed to put out campaigns rallying supporters behind them and we just have to do the same. |
It was replaced by the Lewis gun, though it was used in other campaigns involving British forces. |
Both campaigns believe that whoever wins two out of the three will probably take the White House. |
So do you think the networks are abdicating their responsibility to cover the substance of the campaigns? |
The man seems quite fond of abracadabra himself, going by what his partymen are planning for the poll campaigns. |
The country is now awash with unsanctioned wallcharts, stickers and advertising campaigns, he said. |
The British anti-drink-driving campaigns try to scare you into complete abstinence. |
It is committed to peaceful campaigns against all forms of animal abuse and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle. |
The program included anti-discrimination and equal rights campaigns, and promotion of education. |
Although there is an abyss of difference between the means of the two campaigns, there are also a few notable similarities. |
We have representatives from both campaigns in their respective war rooms to talk about things political. |
Chan failed to mention that many of the past campaigns he was involved in were defeated by voters at the ballot box. |
He can volunteer his services for road safety campaigns in schools and colleges. |
Since there are no national campaigns, these governor's races are going to be watched intently. |
After enduring savagely vitriolic campaigns on the terraces and in the boardroom, he has stated he will sell his shareholding in the club. |
The party has fought two campaigns under the banner of devolution and has not reached its objective of forming the Scottish administration. |
Effective buzz aligns advertising campaigns with local market influencers, trendsetters, and tastemakers. |
At 74, Browning has lived through more presidential campaigns than she cares to remember and she claims not to scare easily. |
The letter-writing campaigns of Amnesty International and the assessments of UN human rights rapporteurs depend on this accountability. |
There are rightly many comparisons made with South African apartheid, particularly the international anti-apartheid campaigns. |
In past centuries, people used handwritten screeds and whispering campaigns to bring down their enemies. |
His reign was marked by continuous military campaigns to reconsolidate the Seleucid empire. |
Tampering tends to be the recourse of underdeveloped political forces or rulers that are weak or unable to afford the luxury of costly campaigns. |
The results shocked many and were seized on by the lay press in their campaigns against recreational drugs. |
These programmes include awareness campaigns to support recruitment of potential participants into clinical trials. |
The tankers are for refuelling airplanes, which saw extensive action in the Afghanistan and Kosovo campaigns. |
Let's put idiot right wingers and their xenophobic campaigns where they belong. |
Between 1866 and 1891 these men participated in several notable campaigns against Kiowas, Comanches, Cheyennes, Apaches, and Lakotas. |
Twenty interns in six unions worked on campaigns including in call centres, furniture factories, transport yards, hospitals and hotels. |
Since its relaunch last autumn, which only brought a marginal increase in circulation, the paper has continued to run high-profile TV campaigns. |
And that was the area of some of the first campaigns, the mass campaigns for penicillin, the yaws eradication. |
Strong campaigns across India maybe starting to force this corporation into a retreat, but it will not be the last such absurdity. |
Their age and mere existence confer legitimacy, and sometimes inspire campaigns to revive traditions that are lapsing. |
In 1687 and 1698, he launched two disastrous campaigns against the Crimean Tartars. |
Larry, the way these guys ran their campaigns, I'd be surprised if their parties would ever renominate them again, whoever the loser is. |
Thirty per cent of all e-mail traffic is accounted for by marketing campaigns. |
The technology answers the needs of ever-changing political platforms and campaigns. |
Funding comes from campaigns, bequests, legacies and the continuing generosity of Cantabrians. |
Ad Campaign shows some examples of the poster and lobby card advertising used in the 1941 original release and the 1956 re-release campaigns. |
Nowadays saturation campaigns are a necessity to push the product and make sure it scores big on the all-important opening weekend. |
While there he was handing out campaign leaflets advising customers to start their own letter-writing campaigns. |
He examines how campaigns work and what restrictions are placed on them by legislation and public opinion. |
Intensive immunization campaigns have resulted in a marked decrease in polio throughout the world. |
But the totality of their successes can't be put down to running slick campaigns. |
It is often only the big, single-issue campaigns that capture the media's attention and excite the public. |
The Zulu War reminds one of similar discreditable campaigns against the Dervishes, Afghans, Boers and Maoris. |
One of its campaigns is an attack on asylum seekers, which recycles a old leaflet used in past BNP campaigns. |
With the anti-smoking campaigns the nation acknowledged the dangers of smoking tobacco. |
Overlooked by campaigns as a luxury affordable by only the biggest national races, online advertising is now a highly targetable, viable option in just about any race. |
The U.S. launched campaigns in the restive Iraqi city of Fallujah and a surge campaign in Baghdad. |
These candidates all claimed that God was the impetus and continuing force behind their campaigns. |
None of these studies, campaigns, or assertions should be enough to sway public opinion towards or against pot. |
Leeds North West, which encompasses Otley, has been targeted by the Liberal Democrats and Tories as a key marginal seat in their election campaigns. |
Still, despite the fairytale, campaigns pour good money after bad to lure this vote. |
They'd forgotten what it was like to run industrial campaigns, and the new, more deregulated system of enterprise bargaining would prove a rude awakening. |
Cinderella, Minnie Mouse, and daffy Duck are the centerpieces of two new fashion campaigns this holiday season. |
Congress could reform the way campaigns are financed with a simple majority vote. |
The result will likely be a bonanza of lawsuits, divestment campaigns and cancelled business deals. |
Yet 2012 has shaped up as one of the sillier and sleazier campaigns in recent times. |
However, campaigns are legally required to disclose bundlers who are registered lobbyists, as well as the amounts they bundle. |
However there were no presidential announcements, no talk of bombing campaigns or of sending carrier battlegroups or even a major diplomatic offensive. |
Stations have to allow campaigns for federal office to buy time and cannot censor their ads, regardless of content. |
His skills have also been honed working for the GOP presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. |
Meanwhile, big dollar advertising campaigns have taken an explicit rainbow-hued slant. |
Is there anyone who thinks the urgent problem we need to solve in Washington, D.C. is how to allow more spending on campaigns? |
Before 2500 BC, these states were capable of far-reaching campaigns employing phalanxes of drilled spearmen, ass-drawn battlewagons, and fortified garrison posts. |
But political parties officials continue to reassure the country that the campaigns will not endanger anyone. |
He created a bunch of charitable foundations through which he could direct his campaigns. |
They all share versatility, as the faces of high-fashion campaigns, magazine covers, and mass-market advertising campaigns. |
Democrats, as Romney should have remembered from his campaigns in Massachusetts, have no such compunctions. |
As India's most powerful political family roils with rivalries and betrayals, Nehru's great-grandson campaigns from a jail cell. |
And in all honesty low-budget marketing campaigns based on solid positioning that have great value are fun, authentic and generate viral interest. |
Due in part to his dearth of footballing talent, he lived vicariously through the campaigns and conquests of his schoolmates and friends of greater sporting capacity. |
It will be very difficult in this short space of time for parties and candidates to recruit staff, organise and launch their campaigns and obtain the necessary funding. |
The issue in McCutcheon v. FEC is the limitation on aggregate contributions to federal campaigns. |
This summer, two competing Canadian rape-awareness campaigns began popping up on posters across Edmonton and Vancouver. |
As long as populations are menaced by banditry, civil war, guerrilla campaigns, and counter-insurgency by beleaguered governments, they cannot be secure. |
While the couple's bodies do not seem as tall and elongated as runway models, their slim slouching torsos fit the body ideal of contemporary advertising campaigns. |
Modern campaigns rarely elevate any subject and have a terrible tendency to demean all who participate. |
The declining uptake of childhood vaccinations resulting from the fears promoted by these campaigns may lead to the return of real epidemics, causing death and disability. |
Reformists say the amount of public funding limits for the conventions and the campaigns need to be raised so candidates won't have to turn to private interest money. |
Now we have self injury awareness campaigns, which often describe cutters as a permanently isolated minority, misunderstood by the public and health care professionals alike. |
This spot, perhaps more than any other, has witnessed the traverse of the world's great armies on campaigns of conquest to and from South and Central Asia. |
The massive bombing campaigns and artillery barrages of World War II caused a great deal of collateral damage, but very often failed to destroy the intended target. |
That means that fewer and fewer everyday Americans are choosing to contribute to campaigns. |
Colonies were expected to be financially self-supporting and their revenues consequently often bore the heavy costs of defence and the campaigns of conquest. |
At the same time, campaigns are spending less while the special-interest groups are spending more. |
And that is forcing both presidential campaigns to play what might be called a hurry-up offense. |
Enter Indiegogo, whose dubious campaigns have earned it ire from creators and backers alike. |
The company runs seasonally oriented campaigns on these websites. |
Despite numerous campaigns among players and fans to try and tackle racism, the game is still submerged in a sea of stereotypes about foreigners and alien cultures. |
Both have clear strengths, clear weaknesses, and campaigns that are not afraid to go for the jugular. |
He took a risk by throwing so many punches, coming down from a loftier perch to the trenches where campaigns are won and lost. |
Yet in an atmosphere in which the Romney and Perry campaigns are savaging each other, Gingrich rarely attacks his GOP rivals. |
And you might be able to glean some advance knowledge of new product launches or marketing campaigns. |
I of course have never held the job, but it can't be so different from covering campaigns at close quarters, which I have done. |
Sweden would somehow hold out without him, but when he returned in 1714 to renew his obsessive campaigns his officers would assassinate him to end the nation's suffering. |
Politicians often have discreditable secrets, secrets that might upset their campaigns. |
In other democracies you have cabinet shakedowns after periods of time, presidents reversing their positions from their campaigns or learning how to deal with the press. |
The allodium was held as an unconditional gift rather than as a fief, although the beneficiary was expected to be at the king's disposal in future military campaigns. |
That means smear campaigns, dirty politics and lots and lots of fibs. |
It was established in 1869 by Emperor Meiji as a Shinto shrine to commemorate the lives lost in campaigns to return direct imperial rule to Japan. |
Today, however, ambitious politicians feel no compunction at launching initial campaigns as strangers and newcomers. |
Some key organizers think the AFL-CIO should still push laggard unions to organize more and help to coordinate more strategic, coordinated campaigns. |
Activists around the world are stepping up campaigns for gender-neutral toys. |
The Senate race was one of the dirtiest, grimiest, strangest campaigns in recent political history. |
They'd been in the same battlegroup through several campaigns. |
For all the perspective that can be gained through the artful use of analogies from prior campaigns, politics is too chaotic to be governed by rigid determinism. |
The anemometric campaigns and plant design activities are performed by paying the utmost attention to the need to minimise and mitigate environmental impacts. |
Similar suits are to be filed in Illinois, Texas, and Louisiana, according to activist Deadria Farmer-Paellmann who has led recent campaigns for corporate reparations. |
Radcliffe has done her part to combat such whispering campaigns. |
Until then, both campaigns have focused on other areas and issues on which to fundraise. |
There is no difference, functionally or stylistically, between the two campaigns. |
It may be now legal for minors to donate to campaigns, but I believe there is a requirement that the donors' names over a minimum amount be reported, is there not? |
Miller certainly has fluency both around a microphone and around the big ideas that campaigns are supposed to be about. |
One of the rites of passage for every young political reporter is to listen to the elders tell stories about campaigns past. |
It is customary for political campaigns to keep their most forthright views in-house. |
But there is no integrity in this vote, just a lot of spin and CYA with an eye toward future campaigns. |
Her campaigns to save animal lives have made headlines around the world. |
The recency of the campaigns creates major challenges for them, of course, but both historical accounts are written as sensibly as time and space would allow. |
One of their campaigns includes a woman considering the options she has to retain a healthy lifestyle as a smoker. |
The arrangement is unorthodox enough that it could revolutionize the role that Super PACs play in campaigns. |
In fact, as attendees noted to The Daily Beast, legislators go to ALEC to find ways to fund their campaigns. |
The Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire was one of the most important campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. |
As such he took part in most of the chief events of the conquest of the Inca empire, mainly during the campaigns against Manco Inca. |
He was able to finance his military campaigns only by taxing and exploiting the local resources of his empire. |
Following that year, Moscow organized several campaigns to impose control over Kazan, but the attempts were unsuccessful. |
Major military campaigns were launched to weaken the nomadic Xiongnu Empire, limiting their influence north of the Great Wall. |
Emperor Wu also dispatched a series of military campaigns against the Baiyue tribes. |
Cossacks were then used in Imperial Russian campaigns against other tribes. |
The state set up a Bicentennial Route to encourage visitors to the cities associated with Miguel Hidalgo's first campaigns. |
The Marathas continued their military campaigns against Mughals, Nizam, Nawab of Bengal and Durrani Empire to further extend their boundaries. |
Parliament ceased to punish the publishing of its debates as harshly, partly due to the campaigns of John Wilkes on behalf of free speech. |
Pack horses also carried the equipment and food for samurai warriors during military campaigns. |
The preoccupation with wars and military campaigns, however, did not allow the new emperor to consolidate the gains he had made in India. |
Formed in 1999, it campaigns for better cycling provision for leisure and utility cyclists. |
Fighting fat, a top-of-mind concern among consumers today, is the subject of new marketing campaigns. |
That opens the door for Democrats or Republicans to win the IPO nomination by means of write-in campaigns. |
Third, campaigns against androcentric language are confined largely to consciousness-raising techniques. |
Previous antidrug campaigns have obviously failed and it is time to try something new before more lives are lost. |
The antismoking and antidrug campaigns have success because they focus on kids before they start. |
Funds raised by ABEX will also be used to fund the party's vile racist campaigns, claims antifascist group Searchlight. |
I provide a short introduction to Wallace's life and work and then describe his contributions to the British antivaccination campaigns. |
Forty-three campaigns earned 57 awards, following a rigorous review by an expanded international jury panel. |
Some Senate campaigns end with victory speeches, others with concessions. |
We are excited about working with IAC to support ASL ad campaigns through DART Search. |
Purdue's research shows a strong ripple effect created from successful WOMM campaigns. |
Some BB guns are capable of being converted to fire live ammunition and campaigns have been organised to ban the sale of BB guns altogether. |
Since television has come to dominate our culture, political campaigns have largely become beauty contests devoid of substantive content. |
He's been through some great championship campaigns, through a few rollercoasters before, and so he's fairly battle-hardened. |
Mobileway, the global provider of wireless marketing campaigns and content, appointed Larry Loper as vice president of global marketing. |
Rome would control Germania by appointing client kings, which was cheaper than military campaigns. |
The click-thru measurement is an immensely popular way of rating banners and advertising campaigns. |
A number of studies have charted the use of cybermedia in political campaigns and government in the United States and elsewhere. |
Some consider the defacement of the Sphinx to be the most egregious crime of Napolean's campaigns. |
It was in part due to Simeon's devastating wars, but was also exacerbated by a series of successful Byzantine military campaigns. |
Beginning in 626, the Saxons of the Bessin were used by Dagobert I for his campaigns against the Basques. |
While Beneventum was indecisive, Pyrrhus realised his army had been exhausted and reduced by years of foreign campaigns. |
Rome gave Philip an ultimatum to cease his campaigns against Rome's new Greek allies. |
The long military campaigns had forced citizens to leave their farms to fight, while their farms fell into disrepair. |
When some of Tiberius's ships were carried to Britain in a storm during his campaigns in Germany in 16 AD, they came back with tales of monsters. |
The Emperors Hadrian, Septimius Severus and Constantius I all held court in York during their various campaigns. |
After several indecisive campaigns, in 493 Theoderic and Odoacer agreed to rule jointly. |
During this period, the Roman army would prosecute seasonal campaigns against largely local adversaries. |
The papal legates also imposed penances on William and those of his supporters who had taken part in Hastings and the subsequent campaigns. |
Edward spent vast sums on his two Welsh campaigns with a large portion of it spent on a network of castles. |
The Black Death brought a halt to Edward's campaigns by killing perhaps a third of his subjects. |
The excessive cruelty of Richard's punitive campaigns aroused even more hostility. |
Edward I's frequent military campaigns put a great financial strain on the nation. |
Military failure abroad, and the associated fiscal pressure of constant campaigns, led to political discontent at home. |
The city of Vannes changed hands several times, while further campaigns in Gascony met with mixed success for both sides. |
The new Castilian regime provided naval support to French campaigns against Aquitaine and England. |
He used such privateering campaigns to pressure enemies without risking open war. |
The most immediate consequence was a halt to the campaigns of the Hundred Years' War. |
The rules of military engagement changed as civil war succeeded overseas campaigns. |
The Royal Navy's Napoleonic campaigns of the early 19th century are a popular subject of historical novels. |
These campaigns had given Henry a taste of the military success he so desired. |
The subsequent English campaigns in France, however, were disorganised and ineffective. |
Many of the Scottish prisoners of war taken in the campaigns died of disease, and others were sent as indentured labourers to the colonies. |
This policy led to a large number of very expensive campaigns which were largely paid for with Dutch funds. |
The last decades of the 19th century saw concerted political campaigns for Irish home rule. |
During this time the Trustees and their representatives were engaged in vigorous campaigns in Parliament to protect their interests. |
He further reorganised the French military forces, establishing a large reserve army positioned to support campaigns on the Rhine or in Italy. |
One of the greatest commanders in history, his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide. |
There were concerted campaigns in the election of 1841 and election of 1847, when O'Connor was elected for Nottingham. |
He acted as a war correspondent for several London newspapers and wrote his own books about the campaigns. |
Opposition to what was claimed to be the Conservative intention to privatise the NHS became a major feature of Labour's election campaigns. |
The party campaigns for the rights of indigenous people and argues for greater autonomy for these individuals. |
Monasteries were founded as campaigns to Christianise pagan Europe continued. |
His campaigns conquered much French territory, but by 1374, all the gains had been lost. |
Political campaigns have yet to harmonize with our Constitution. |
The British Army has used various armoured Land Rovers, first in Northern Ireland but also in more recent campaigns. |
Several of the export campaigns for the aircraft were subject to allegations of bribery and corruption. |
Buses are often used for advertising, political campaigning, public information campaigns, public relations, or promotional purposes. |
It still actively campaigns against what its members see as the unsustainable expansion of the airport. |
Sulla after returning from his Eastern campaigns, had a free path to reestablish his own power. |
Mosaics took the Empire by storm after samples were retrieved during Lucius Cornelius Sulla's campaigns in Greece. |
Caesar wrote his own histories to make a complete account of his military campaigns in Gaul and during the Civil War. |
They were formed into units which fought in the campaigns in North West Europe, Italy, North Africa and the Middle East. |
These are still seen in public at Army campaigns, as well as at other festivals, parades and at Christmas. |
One of the last military campaigns that Muhammad ordered against the Arab pagans was the Demolition of Dhul Khalasa. |
Previously, legions were raised for specific military campaigns and subsequently disbanded, requiring only temporary castra. |
The Ottomans, a Sunni dynasty, fought several campaigns against the Safavids. |
It engaged in many political campaigns concerning women's health, women's suffrage and pacifism. |
With this information, a marketer can improve marketing campaigns, website creative content, and information architecture. |
Throughout the entire production period internet campaigns expressed their dissatisfaction and threatened to boycott the film in protest. |
The third decade saw campaigns by Fulk V of Anjou, the Venetians, and Conrad III of Germany and the foundation of the Knights Templar. |
The two rival official campaigns suspended their activities as a mark of respect to Cox. |
However, it may be that these represent campaigns by kings of Alt Clut, whose kingdom was certainly part of the region linked by the Irish Sea. |
Now some of them have set up what amount to internal miniagencies that work with clients to design campaigns for their own pages. |
The first of the 1777 campaigns was an expedition from Quebec led by General John Burgoyne. |
However, the closing years of the 18th century saw, with Wellesley's campaigns, a new increase in the army strength. |
It was instituted by the emperor Augustus, and was accompanied by a series of brutal military campaigns. |
They played a major role in numerous campaigns, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. |
From 1942, Allied bombing campaigns gradually destroyed the Luftwaffe's fighter arm. |
This includes campaigns for investment in Radio Cymru and S4C, as well as the presence of the Welsh language online. |
The inner keep at Beaugency is one of the few surviving fortifications from Joan's campaigns. |
All of Britain's campaigns against New France succeeded in 1759, part of what became known as an Annus Mirabilis. |
Free from the constraints of the church he was able to become more political and active in the campaigns that were important to him. |
Commentators saw the releases as part of Radiohead's new unpredictable release strategy, without the need for traditional marketing campaigns. |
Parodies of the Spice Girls have also appeared in major advertising campaigns. |
The BBC uses advertising campaigns to inform customers of the requirement to pay the licence fee. |
While this is rare, it was used by groups under siege during the Boer War and during campaigns in India in the late 18th century. |
Such methods may include monetary donations, promises of support, advertising campaigns, or demonstrations and protests. |
People have become far more likely to participate in boycotts, demonstrations, and to donate to political campaigns. |
In the modern era, these resources have been redirected to expensive media campaigns in which the potential voter is a passive participant. |
Attack ads and smear campaigns give voters a negative impression of the entire political process. |
Robert's brother Edward Bruce carried out a series of campaigns against English forces in Ireland and was declared High King. |
This may be because Severus' campaigns were so successful that the Caledonians were wiped out, however this is highly unlikely. |
The legions also became permanent at this time, and not recruited for particular campaigns. |
The Silurii were only finally overthrown, however, until 78 after several campaigns led by Frontinus. |
They played an important role especially in the campaigns of Gnaeus Julius Agricola in the north of the island. |
She also kept her hair cut short through her military campaigns and while in prison. |
It did have the effect though, of greatly reducing any reinforcements from Scotland for future campaigns against the English in France. |
The Khalistan movement campaigns for justice for the victims of the violence, and for the political and economic needs of the Punjab. |
Additionally, Japanese pilots had received excellent training and many were combat veterans from Japan's campaigns in China. |
By 1943, the Allies began to gain the upper hand in the Pacific Campaign's air campaigns. |
Whether through performances at fundraising concerts or campaigns of her own, she backs up her lyrics of social change and equality with action. |
Owain could also draw on Welsh troops seasoned by the English campaigns in France and Scotland. |
But the Romans were probably the first people to put ballistas on carts for better mobility on campaigns. |
Roman silver Denarius with the head of captive Gaul 48 BC, following the campaigns of Julius Caesar. |
In particular, Henry cultivated Frederick II, hoping he would turn against Louis or allow his nobility to join Henry's campaigns. |
As a boy, Montfort accompanied his parents during his father's campaigns against the Cathars. |
A number of animal husbandry practices have been the subject of campaigns in the 1990s and 2000s and have led to legislation in some countries. |
Since the Guide was released in 2006, along with other similar campaigns has driven numerous improvements. |
Since Greenpeace was founded, seagoing ships have played a vital role in its campaigns. |
First deployed to disrupt the hunt of the Icelandic whaling fleet, the Rainbow Warrior would quickly become a mainstay of Greenpeace campaigns. |
Portugal monopolized the spice trade during this time, and the empire expanded with military campaigns in Asia. |
During two campaigns, the first in 1612 by Gustav II Adolf and the second by Charles XI in the 1680s, entire districts were levelled by fire. |
Shoreline monitoring campaigns provide information about historic shoreline location and movement, and about predictions of future change. |
An increasing number of local political parties have used Low Saxon in their 2014 electoral campaigns. |
Warfare in Normandy at the time was shaped by the defensive potential of castles and the increasing costs of conducting campaigns. |
One of John's principal challenges was acquiring the large sums of money needed for his proposed campaigns to reclaim Normandy. |
The resulting social pressures were complicated by bursts of deflation that resulted from John's military campaigns. |
They also played an important role in organising and leading military campaigns. |
These campaigns provided the troops with valuable experience in amphibious warfare. |
With further Spanish campaigns in the region, the Sultanate was subdued and majority of Kotas dismantled or destroyed. |
For instance, the cult of Sun was introduced in Rome after Aurelian's successful campaigns in Syria. |
The campaigns of French Emperor and General Napoleon Bonaparte characterized the Napoleonic Era. |
Applied to public life, this approach yielded several successful campaigns for changes in social policy. |
Others such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottobah Cugoano were active in the abolition campaigns. |
Henry responded by mounting campaigns against the rebel barons and deepening his alliance with Theobald. |
Louis the Great led successful campaigns from Lithuania to Southern Italy, and from Poland to Northern Greece. |
Local campaigns resulted in the rejection of proposals for the opening of branches of the Argos retail and in 2010 the Wetherspoon's pub chain. |
These militias took part in the many Portuguese campaigns against the Lankan Kings. |