In 1903 he published Geometrie der Dynamen which considered euclidean kinematics and the mechanics of rigid bodies. |
He worked on conjugate functions in multidimensional euclidean space and the theory of functions of a complex variable. |
This had the remarkable corollary that non-euclidean geometry was consistent if and only if euclidean geometry was consistent. |
His interest in mathematics was stimulated during his school years in Izmir by a teacher who encouraged him to solve problems in euclidean geometry. |
One of the first papers which he published after arriving in the United States was on the Euclidean algorithm in principal ideal domains. |
The following year he wrote on number theory, making a contribution to the theory of the Euclidean algorithm. |
The second chapter presents a development of absolute and Euclidean geometry based on Hilbert's axioms. |
However he continued to work on topological ideas, in particular embedding complexes in Euclidean space. |
Euclidean geometry studies Euclidean-space-structure, topology studies topological structures, and so on. |
What is the expected path length L of the optimum travelling salesman problem tour in Euclidean norm? |
A method to obtain a good approximation to the trisector of an angle by Euclidean construction is also given. |
Squared Euclidean distances were utilized in order to maximize the dissimilarity of unlike clusters. |
At this time thinking was dominated by Kant who had stated that Euclidean geometry is the inevitable necessity of thought. |
Up to this stage quantum theory was set up in Euclidean space and used Cartesian tensors of linear and angular momentum. |
It can be shown that if Euclidean geometry is internally consistent, then the alternative non-Euclidean geometries are consistent as well. |
And generally, often in so-called logical thinking, we depend upon using the analogy of Euclidean or Cartesian argument, to define policy. |
Kaluznin also worked in the area of geometrical algebra, particularly on arrangements of subspaces in Euclidean and unitary spaces. |
See this issue's mystery mix for a comparison of Euclidean, hyperbolic, and spherical geometry. |
Something that exists nowhere and exists along the lines of Euclidean geometry, judging by what I understand of it, cannot exist. |
Not all right triangles constructible in Euclidean geometry can be constructed in Pythagorean geometry. |
A Euclidean geometry is based on false assumptions, which are called definitions, axioms, and postulates. |
If all accelerated systems are equivalent, then Euclidean geometry cannot hold in all of them. |
It reduced the problem of consistency of the axioms of non-Euclidean geometry to that of the consistency of the axioms of Euclidean geometry. |
This is, of course, how Beltrami first showed that hyperbolic geometry was no less consistent than Euclidean geometry. |
The falseness of the idea of principle, is typified by a Cartesian or Euclidean geometry. |
From this point of view, Euclidean geometry is a very favorable place to begin a student's serious mathematical training. |
Mathematics has considered alternatives to Euclidean space since the early nineteenth century. |
But that law assumes the conservation of mass energy as well as a space which is Euclidean. |
If physical space and perceptual space are the same thing, then Kant is claiming we know a priori that physical space is Euclidean. |
It is important to note, however, that the extra dimension, though curled up, was still Euclidean in nature. |
The latter are mediated by DNA-loops bringing two chemically remote segments of the DNA close in Euclidean space. |
In this case, one would like good algorithms for embedding specifically into 2-and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces. |
Obviously, when no obstacles are used, then the matrix represents a Euclidean space with dimensionality equal to two. |
This indicates that a simple Euclidean distance in feature space can be used to quantify the relative similarity between different mutant types. |
These large matrices describe high-dimensional Euclidean spaces within which biomolecular sequences can be uniquely represented as vectors. |
In this particular ground state, the Euclidean point of view, there are no constraints acting on the developable function, and all directions are the same. |
Mapping it onto the Earth's surface is far more complex, however, because there may be little relationship between proximity in Euclidean geographic space and positionality. |
To sum up, I am asserting that Euclidean geometry is the only mathematical subject that is really in a position to provide the grounds for its own axiomatic procedures. |
Today we call these three geometries Euclidean, hyperbolic, and absolute. |
Similarly, an eliminative structuralist account of real analysis and Euclidean geometry requires a background ontology whose cardinality is at least that of the continuum. |
We may resolve the paradox, say in the Euclidean theory of quantum gravity, but what if the Euclidean theory of quantum gravity doesn't correctly describe our universe. |
The agglomerative, or grouping, schedule provided by Ward's method indicated a notable flattening of the curve of squared Euclidean distances after the five-cluster solution. |
The work of Bolyai and Lobachevsky are comparable in that sense, that they both challenge axiomatic assumptions, but their postulates are of Euclidean geometry. |
In Borken's messily vital urban context of supermarkets, small houses and traffic roundabouts, the bank's simple Euclidean form is a reassuringly calm, rooted presence. |
Euclidean geometry, Fibonacci numbers, the digits of pi, the notion of algorithms, concepts of infinity, fractals, and other ideas furnished the mathematical underpinnings. |
Moreover, the geometries axiomatized in the book have consistent and decidable extensions, namely, Euclidean or hyperbolic geometry over real-closed fields. |
It remains the case that most people are quite skeptical that we will ever make sense of the Euclidean path integral, especially in the semi-classical regime. |
The Euclidean construction axiom allows for the extraction of all real square roots and thus includes even more constructions than the Pythagorean axiom. |
This is a peer reviewed journal devoted to the Euclidean geometry. |
But why does space have to be Euclidean, nice and flat and square. |
The approach that concentrates on non-Euclidean geometry is ideal for students who already have a mastery of Euclidean geometry, but it cannot replace such a mastery. |
Now within any bounded region of Euclidean space it can be shown that Cantor's continua coincide with continua in the sense of the modern definition. |
A modern realist would say that what mathematicians hadn't realised is that, as well as Euclidean geometry, there also exists non-Euclidean geometry. |
Beltrami in this 1868 paper did not set out to prove the consistency of non-Euclidean geometry or the independence of the Euclidean parallel postulate. |
The Vertical Angles Conflict Activity was designed for students about to embark upon the study of Euclidean geometry with reference to formal definitions and proofs in class. |
Most such regions are usually two-dimensional Euclidean planes, but one-dimensional and three-dimensional regions are also possible. |
The topics include surfaces in Euclidean space, separation and orientability, global extrinsic geometry, and the global geometry of curves. |
In addition to relying on absolute time, classical mechanics assumes Euclidean geometry for the structure of space. |
It was also during this period that the ideas of calculus were generalized to Euclidean space and the complex plane. |
Locally in the physical 3-dimensional space we approximate curved surface by the Euclidean plane tangent in a given position. |
Specifically, 2x2 real matrices R describe either the Minkowskian plane or the Euclidean plane. |
Like I'm a member of a secret priesthood, guardian of mind-bending knowledge beyond Euclidean space. |
The round torus metric is most easily constructed via its embedding in a Euclidean space of one higher dimension. |
In the theory of curves in Euclidean space, one of the important and interesting problems is the characterization of a regular curve. |
Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space while complex data structures belong to a hierarchy of multivectors. |
This corresponds to the incircle of a cross-section and can be computed in linear time using the Euclidean distance transform. |
At bottom arbitrary, these bent axes and fractured parallelepipeds were not Euclidean proofs but spoofs of them. |
Euclidean plane or spherical geometry ought to be strictly determined in the potential applications. |
From there, Euclidean geometry could be restructured, placing the fifth postulate among the theorems instead. |
The Euclidean Hubble coefficient is being defined as the space expansion with respect to Euclidean Distances. |
His father taught him drawing and observational techniques from the age of four and Brunel had learned Euclidean geometry by eight. |
Sometimes it was clearly a Euclidean artefact amid the infinite variety of organic natural forms. |
These map the same reality in different ways, like Euclidean geometry and Riemannian geometry. |
It is also known as a type of non-Euclidean Geometry, being in many respects similar to Euclidean Geometry. |
If we picture the universe using Euclidean geometry, we can imagine going straight out forever. |
If space is curved then Euclidean geometry, which is one of many axiomatic systems, does not apply. |
Ordinary Euclidean geometry is an example of an infinite Affine geometry since the two axioms are valid in the plane. |
The Euclidean norm is most often used in the Lipschitz optimization, but other norms can also be considered. |
In Euclidean geometry, nonintersecting lines are always parallel. |
The simplest mathematical spaces are known as Euclidean spaces. |
An early success of the formalist program was Hilbert's formalization of Euclidean geometry, and the related demonstration of the consistency of those axioms. |
Riemannian geometry was introduced by Riemann in 1854 as the n-dimensional generalization of the theory of curved surfaces of the 3D Euclidean space. |
The main purpose of the herein study is to provide a method to build galactic density profiles which requires the conversion of light travel distances to Euclidean distances. |
In taxicab geometry, the perpendicular bisector and the circle are defined in the same way as in Euclidean geometry, but they look quite different. |
And even with respect to Euclidean space, anything beyond three dimensions ceases to be intuitable, though it can be handled quite well with the tools of mathematics. |
Thereby there are Smarandache multi-space solutions in the Einstein's gravitational equation, particularly, solutions of combinatorially Euclidean spaces. |
In mathematics, Euclidean geometry used to be taught in something close to its original presentation two thousand years ago as a rational progression of ideas. |