Creating characters is almost a game in itself, and in a nod to the genome project, their looks and characteristics are passed on to children. |
Businessweek has an article about the Beijing Genome Institute which mapped the rice genome earlier this year. |
The scientist whose company first mapped the human genome has formed a company to create life. |
We have mapped the human genome and embarked on identifying and curing heretofore intractable genetic conditions. |
The researchers are also using the markers as a guide in mapping the sugar beet genome. |
Or, mapping the human genome could be judged as the greatest advance in the history of our species since we stood up on two legs. |
Winter wheat is much more resistant than spring barley due to the hexaploidy of its genome. |
Such thinking in the scientific community prompted the ambitious plan to map the human genome. |
There is one overarching positive message for developing countries from the genome project. |
He was one of the guys who founded Celera Genomics, the first company to map the human genome. |
Although scientists have now successfully mapped the human genome, the next step is to make sense of it. |
Parts of the M. tuberculosis genome that are absent from the genomes of all BCG substrains and most NTM have been identified. |
It is possible that the genome length estimates of these maps were overestimated. |
His possible genetic markers promise to help identify and locate the emergence genes on the chromosomes, one of the goals of the genome project. |
The genetic code of the Roboastra mitochondrial genome is the same as that used by other mollusks. |
Now that the genome is known, scientists hope to accelerate the rate of evolution creating a range of genetically modified birds. |
He himself ballyhooed the moral lessons to be learned from the unpacking of the human genome. |
A genetical analysis demonstrated that two mutations affect the mitochondrial genome whereas the third mutation is of nuclear origin. |
The heart of this work is identifying the sequence of DNA subunits that constitute the human genome. |
Segregation patterns in families suggested a partially duplicated genome structure and disomic inheritance. |
The genome of halobacterium and thermophiles will give insight into new sorts of biochemistry. |
Curves are density function or relative frequency histograms across the genome. |
Consequently, the gene products recovered from this genome are expected to be extremely thermostable, or heat-tolerant. |
Meiosis is a specialized cell division producing four daughter cells, each containing a haploid genome complement. |
The sea urchin is one of the few marine organisms whose genome has been sequenced. |
There is widespread public concern about scientific adventurism with the human genome. |
For neo-Darwinism, new functional genes either arise from non-coding sections in the genome or from pre-existing genes. |
The human genome consists of 3 billion base pairs of DNA, parcelled out into 24 chromosomes. |
No regions of the genome exhibited nonrandom segregation of any markers in the unaffected females tested. |
What we had to do was to demonstrate that this was seedcorn, and that the money invested in the genome was money well spent. |
The expo has stalls on genome geography, genetic disorders and abuse of science. |
Its genome is made up of 100 million bases divided into six segments, or chromosomes. |
Multiple episodes of EBV reactivation led to decreased immunosuppressive therapy and serial quantitations of blood EBV genome copies. |
Here, we present the entire nucleotide sequence of the mt genome of the plague thrips, Thrips imaginis. |
Thus, this genome study is focused upon dogs exhibiting generalized epileptic seizures. |
Over time, however, diploidization of the genome occurs and disomic segregation becomes prevalent. |
We've moved from imagining a little homunculus lurking in the sperm to one hiding in the genome. |
The two became one organism, an arrangement called endosymbiosis, and swapped some genetic material to create a new hybrid genome. |
Correspondingly, an elastic stress is also associated with encapsidation of the genome. |
Therefore, valuable knowledge on vertebrate evolution would be gained by obtaining a complete coelacanth genome sequence. |
For example, it has a small diploid genome, self-fertile flowers, and a short generation time. |
Processed pseudogenes may originate by reverse transcription from mature mRNA and subsequent insertion in the genome. |
Now not all sequencing projects are carried out on such grandiose scales as the genome projects. |
This demonstrated that the component sequences amplified as partial gene segments were contiguous in the genome. |
We hear over and over again about global systems and panoptic vision on the one hand and genome chains and nano-entities on the other. |
The genome of P. carbinolicus contains clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats separated by unique spacer sequences. |
The RT enzyme converts the single-stranded virion into doublestranded DNA for subsequent integration into the host cell genome. |
The target regions were strategically selected to provide a representative cross section of the entire human genome sequence. |
The structure of chromatin is intimately linked to the function of the eukaryotic genome. |
Recently, the yeast genome was completely sequenced and no insulin-like genes were found. |
So far in this review we have described epigenetic housekeeping functions and their involvement in genome stability. |
Proof of such genes would require complete genome sequences of representatives from each of the basal metazoan phyla. |
Among the archaebacteria, the genome that is most similar to yeast at all thresholds is that of the methanogen Methanosarcina mazei. |
It is important to think of our bodies as a summation of the metabolic capabilities provided by our own genome and the microbiome. |
An organism is defined through the set of preferred codons shaping its genome. |
The puzzling question has been why there would be long stretches of junk or nonsense DNA in the genome. |
However, only a few works have addressed the response of the transcriptome to whole genome duplication. |
Much of the remaining junk DNA in our genome may also turn out to be former transposable elements that have mutated beyond recognition. |
The different aneuploid types were then binned into the same genome content classes used for the progeny of the CCC and CWW triploids. |
First, many heterochromatic genes have large introns relative to the genome as a whole. |
Replication of the mitochondrial genome is required to synthesize new protein to support biogenesis. |
He pointed out that our bipartite collaboration on the worm was exceptional among genome sequencing projects in its success and lack of friction. |
In the corn blight case, susceptibility to blight is conditioned by the mitochondrial genome. |
The recent release of the genome sequence for maize provided a particularly useful data set for this analysis. |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms are stably inherited, highly abundant, and distributed throughout the genome. |
Thus, we found no evidence for a modificatory genome size plasticity in D. villosum. |
Figure 2E, F, for example, shows a pentaploid cell with 14 chromosomes of the A genome and 21 of the B genome. |
Numerous phenotypic characters have been associated with DNA C-values and with genome size apart from the genetic effect. |
As originally defined by Winkler, genome referred to a monoploid chromosome complement. |
In silico screening of the available genome sequences corroborated results. |
The mouse genome, it seems, is more fastidious with its housecleaning than the human. |
The scientists will then take a small piece of tissue from the tail tip of the mice to examine the structure of the genome. |
This limited the CRISPR system to its minimal functional components and thus illuminated its potential as a powerful genome editing tool. |
Many people think that if there's something in the genome that controls our lives we're slaves to it. |
In the eukaryotic genome, SP1 binding sites are well-known enhancer elements in genes with ubiquitous, yet inducible gene expression. |
Were candidate sites chosen from completely linked, partially linked, or unlinked regions of the genome? |
To reduce the harmful effects of exposure to DNA-damaging agents, the human genome has evolved a complex network of genome stability pathways. |
Metazoans inherited a genome of some still undetermined size, but certainly numbering many thousands of genes, from their protistan ancestor. |
For each genome and each kind of bias, we compute a correlation coefficient that expresses the strength of the bias for the genome. |
When the genome changes occur in the absence of parallel changes in organismal complexity it appears that gene value is lost concordantly. |
The field pea has a large genome, which is relatively stable in size between species. |
According to them, the genome of the ostrich has the ability to let the skin form calluses when the skin is abraded. |
Whether or not transgenes integrate into specific chromosomes or chromosome regions of the genome has not yet been determined. |
The two populations allow for a comparative phenotypic analysis of species-specific genome introgressions in a common genetic background. |
We tested this hypothesis by reanalyzing the genome scan data for the mice in the original intercross. |
Research in disease aetiology has shifted towards investigating genetic causes, powered by the human genome project. |
What aspect of the ratite genome accounts for the larger size relative to volant birds? |
The fourth copy, containing the Topi insertion, was located in an unmapped area of the genome. |
Knowing what changes to the genome make cells cancerous can help oncologists defeat the tumor with tailor-made chemotherapy. |
Results show that the transformed DNA sequences remained linked in the recipient genome. |
Transferred genes are subject to those mutational processes affecting the recipient genome. |
A subset of the participants agreed to fully explore alternative strategies for shotgun cloning and sequencing the MAC genome. |
However, contrasting views of human demography have emerged from analyses of different components of the genome. |
Even the genome of our alleged closest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee, is largely unmapped. |
During latent infection, the viral genome persists as an episome, and viral gene expression is highly restricted. |
Multiple tracts in the same genome are inconsistent with a single haplotype. |
Residues in close physical proximity to those of a subunit encoded by another genome are clearly functionally important. |
Telomeres play important roles in genome stability and in maintaining the individuality of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. |
A total of 542 genes that are potentially deleted in the Kas genome were also identified. |
This would indeed be the case if one neglects the presence of fixed charge inside associated with the encapsidated genome. |
In order to trace genetic changes they then compared the B. pennsylvanicus genome to the sequence from a related carpenter ant, B. floridanus. |
The 228 markers used in the genome scan are represented with vertical ticks on the x-axis. |
We have no two plant lines that are identical for all alleles of genes yet differ appreciably for genome size. |
The near completion of the human genome project was announced with expressions of Promethean awe. |
Is a new discourse needed specifically to discuss resource allocation in the age of the human genome? |
Complete eukaryote chromosomes were investigated for intrachromosomal duplications of constitute a major part of the genome. |
There is, however, evidence of genome downsizing in polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors in some cases. |
Repeat sequences are short stretches of DNA that have been hopping around the genome by copying and inserting themselves into new regions. |
Data from animals suggest that the portion of the genome coding for reproduction-related function may be unusually dynamic. |
The P. reichenowi genome has been partially sequenced to approximately onefold coverage and assembled. |
A project is being planned to systematically catalogue and annotate all human protein sequences, with reference to the sequenced genome. |
In bacteria, these genes are clustered in operons, while in eukaryotes, they are widely dispersed throughout the genome. |
Parasite virulence genes identified as part of the leishmania genome project may be specifically targeted for vaccine or drug design. |
Recent genome sequence analyses have shown the quantitative importance of retroelements. |
One feature that distinguishes lentiviruses such as HIV from the other retroviruses is the complexity of the lentiviral genome. |
The most speciose insect orders like the Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera tend to have small genome sizes with very few or no exceptions. |
The GeneChip Drosophila genome array was hybridized with the test or control probes in parallel experiments. |
Its genome size is only 200 Mb and most repetitive sequences, as in Drosophila, occur in a pattern of long interspersion. |
Costs are still a few orders of magnitude too high for the sequencing of one's own genome to become commonplace. |
With a view to improve current fowlpox virus vaccine, we have removed the REV sequences from the fowlpox virus genome. |
Let the molecular biologists turn their attention to genuinely advantageous uses of their knowledge in ways that do not invade the genome. |
The draft genome sequences for japonica and indica rice have been published recently. |
The genome of the Edible Frog therefore consists of two parts of each of its parent species. |
Studies of plant mitochondrial genome inheritance are further complicated by the complex, multipartite organization of this genome. |
Scientists will be able to use the completed rice genome as a template for their work with the other cereals, such as wheat and maize. |
Once the DNA is converted back into RNA, the introduced mutations will occur in the genome of the RNA virus. |
Among important cereals, the wheat genome with 16,000 Mb is the largest and rice with 415 Mb is the smallest. |
However, the problem with genome scans involving thousands of markers is that the statistic values of FAs can reach quite extreme magnitudes. |
A DNA virus with a short genome of only 3200 bases causes hepatitis B infection. |
The process is repeated using every gene within every genome as the starting gene. |
However, even with the large size of this hexaploid genome, the genes within the three component genomes remain largely colinear. |
This homolog maps on chromosome 10L and is part of the most recent set of segmental duplications in the maize genome. |
One goal of comparative genomics is to identify which sequences of genes in the human genome are associated with which traits. |
There are four types of changes that may affect the order of the genes on the bacterial genome. |
Hence, selective events occurring in one region of the genome would be facilitated if there were an enhancer of recombination nearby. |
This can be expected, since different chromosomes in a genome can have different organizations of genes, euchromatin, and heterochromatin. |
A genome is all the genetic information or hereditary material possessed by an organism. |
This underrepresentation is of the same magnitude as the average for genes in the human genome. |
Segmentation of the RNA genome is a feature shared by a variety of animal, plant, and bacterial viruses. |
The hexaploid wheat genome is composed of three related diploid genomes designated A, B, and D with seven chromosomes each. |
Several organisms that are taxonomically related or have similar gene content, differ greatly in their genome size. |
Because of the repeated backcrosses, their nuclear genome is considered to be nearly equal to that of the paternal recurrent parent. |
Recently, the rat became the third mammal for which the complete genome was sequenced. |
This number can be compared with the 40,000 genes thought to be present in the human genome. |
The fact that erythrocyte size correlates positively with genome size in mammals, even though their mature red blood cells are enucleated, strongly supports this hypothesis. |
More recently, evidence has accumulated to suggest that an intriguing consequence of a multipartite genome configuration is the somatic modulation of mitochondrial genotype. |
The porcine genome was scanned to identify loci affecting coat color in an experimental cross between the Meishan breed and Dutch commercial lines. |
A robotic instrument can apply to a single glass microscope slide a representative piece of every one of the 6,100 genes present in the yeast genome. |
This study adds new data to the comparative genome map of the dog, red fox, arctic fox, and raccoon dog obtained recently by comparative chromosome painting. |
The universality of DNA attachment to the lamina in interphase growing cells means that nuclear volume cannot change substantially in evolution without changing genome size. |
In the ethological view, dreams perform the task of integrating the daily experience of an animal with the programme for life laid down in the genome of the species. |
This bodes well for its use in mutating genes and for identifying unrecognized genes in places of the genome that have been especially difficult to sequence. |
Sequencing of the Ustilago genome marks the first major expansion of Exelixis' agricultural biotechnology program beyond chemical insecticides and nematicides. |
Together, such understanding will link across biological fields to explain patterns of genome size variation in development, floras, ecological niches and evolution. |
Lateral transfer is the process by which genetic information is passed from one genome to an unrelated genome, where it is stably integrated and maintained. |
Acquisition of genomic aberrations, a hallmark of malignancy, in regions of the genome that contain hemopoietic cell regulatory genes may also contribute to lymphomagenesis. |
And the mouse's smaller number of base pairs may simply stem from that animal's ridding its genome more effectively of so-called junk DNA sequences than humans did. |
Zimmer also brings up the argument that simply by making the genome bigger that junk DNA may serve a useful function by making cells the correct size. |
Unfortunately, a change in the genetic code of the mitochondrial genome in both enteropneusts and echinoderms strongly rejects chordate affinities of the hemichordates. |
This is a consequence of the independent assortment of chromosomes, which results in approximate orthogonality between unlinked locations in the genome. |
Advances in our understanding of the human genome not only have a considerable impact on consulting individuals and their families but also on the population in general. |
In all three polyploids, the respective tetraploid and hexaploid genome sizes are slightly larger than the corresponding multiple of the diploid subsp. glaucum. |
The observed segmental structure of the Brassica genome strongly suggests that the extant Brassica diploid species evolved from a hexaploid ancestor. |
The whole genome sequence assembly was overviewed at the GenBank site. |
Haploid sperm from P. lucida fertilizes the M egg producing an ML female with the same maternal genome as her mother, but different paternal genome. |
Recent analysis of the Drosophila genome sequence supports previous suggestions of strong parallels between many fly and vertebrate cell cycle regulators. |
Mammals also show an extensive conserved synteny of chromosome X, even though translocations have often rearranged the genome of mammalian species. |
And if companies patent parts of the genome, they perhaps get exclusivity. |
The EBV genome and clonality were detected by Southern blot and PCR assay. |
One example of the biological importance of intergenomic coadaptation is the evidence that mtDNA interaction with the nuclear genome modifies cognition in mice. |
There is evidence that the stems of different Cuscuta species photosynthesize to varying degrees, and that the plastid genome is becoming reorganized. |
Eight commercially available clones containing intergenic regions from the yeast genome were used in duplicate as hybridization and data analysis controls. |
Scientists recently announced not only the first complete sequence of a plant genome, but also a computational analysis for the flowering wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Recombination can occur between exogenous DNA introduced into bacteria by conjugation, phage transduction, or DNA transformation and the bacterial genome. |
The elucidation of the fly genome makes it relatively straightforward to generate and study mutations in proteins previously associated with integrins from other systems. |
Specialized transducing phages generated from the prophage by illegitimate recombination usually contain the E. coli genes gal or bio that are adjacent to the phage genome. |
The virus itself is a spherical enveloped virion, between 80 and 160 nm diameter, and has single stranded RNA of about 30 kilobases, the largest genome of all ssRNA viruses. |
The first part of the book gives a brief history of genetic engineering and summarizes the techniques used to integrate recombinant DNA into the plant genome. |
In this process new genes are created by repeated gene duplications, and some genes may later become pseudogenes or even be deleted from the genome. |
As with the genome, the internet was going to transform our lives, remake society, abolish boom and bust, bring everlasting peace and make the Tories unelectable forever. |
For example, completion of the chicken genome will provide a valuable model for human embryology and development as well as for study of reproductive diseases. |
Our closest relatives, the chimpanzee, the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee, and the gorilla share with us a common ancestry of genes and genome organization. |
The programme therefore encompasses geo-science, oceanography, marine ecology, coelacanth biology, zoogeography, population genetics, and genome resource studies. |
This gene reshuffling also occasionally may splice genes in the wrong place in the genome, producing pathogenic bacteria or viruses as discussed above. |
To screen the genome for zygotic genes required for normal PCD without bias against lethal genes, we have performed a screen of genetic deficiencies. |
They and the public databases are the guarantors of the human genome. |
At each dichotomy, the presumed ancestral genome size was indicated. |
The extrapolation from any data set to the whole genome will be plagued by possible biases in representation until the two respective genomes are sequenced and annotated. |
He has been a lightning rod for criticism, despite his many successes, including his role as the prime mover in the rapid sequencing of the human genome. |
However, different parts of the genome may diverge at different rates. |
While the chloroplast genome is inherited maternally in most seed plants, in lodgepole pine and in the pine family it exhibits paternal inheritance. |
They tend to be in places in the genome which do not have a known disease-related function. |
Yet they are responsible for a multicellular organism with a complex central nervous system, and the human genome looks remarkably similar to this. |
Recombinant retroviruses are a widely used gene therapy vector because of their ability to permanently integrate a therapeutic transgene into the genome of a target cell. |
But who can name the guys who mapped the human genome first, for example? |
One of the promises of the human genome project which identified and mapped the genes on our chromosomes was that it could help to target medications better. |
As mapping the human genome reveals the actual evolution of the organism, so the history of culture traces an essential source of human personality. |
Why are there so many segmental duplications in the human genome? |
It's not so long since he was scorned by the scientific establishment after claiming he could produce a map of the human genome faster than anyone else. |
The life of the mind, the life of the genome and the gene pool are characterised alike in this way by change, and change which feeds on the random. |
In an important sense, a document such as the Magna Carta or the map of the human genome belongs to everyone, as do humanity's artistic and architectural masterworks. |
This falls within the expected range for a coleopteran genome. |
Scientists are working to unlock the secrets hidden in our genome. |
Thanks to the convergence of the information and genome sciences revolution, we are already on the threshold of isolating and characterizing virtually all useful genes. |
In the Arabidopsis genome, several putative cellulases can be recognized. |
Deletion maps are a simple and rapid way to build cytogenetically based RFLP maps of wheat, providing a first insight into the structure and evolution of the wheat genome. |
The study, which paves the way for a new era of bee research, marks the third insect genome to be sequenced, after the fruit fly and the mosquito. |
Once a laborious process that took months, modern labs now can buzz through an entire genome in hours. |
Going straight from the microbial to the human genome was a big step because when we set this up we didn't know for sure that the DNA sequencers would work. |
Traditionally, research has been directed at the in-depth comparisons of genome structure between metatherian and eutherian gene maps to better understand genome evolution. |
He publicly attacked a Melbourne biotechnology company for its aggressive enforcement of patents that cover vast tracts of the genome of every creature on earth. |
The application of genome, transcriptome, and proteome screening to cybrid clones of the two different types could therefore help to identify the relevant pathways and genes. |
With the unravelling of the human genome, researchers are already learning more about the structures of the key transferase enzymes involved in glycoprotein synthesis. |
The key to this bioengineering is having the genome of existing viruses, and more capable equipment and techniques for handling material at the molecular level. |
Within both groups, many plants possessed a genome content that deviated from the euploid parents by at least the approximate size of one chromosome. |
We developed genome images to visualize microarray data in a way that would facilitate comprehensive qualitative analysis of one or a few experiments. |
Also, there is proof that mutations in the human genome are not random, which opens the door for evolution with a purpose. |
The HCMV genome encodes numerous glycoproteins, of which gB, gH and gN are the most abundant. |
Similarly, foreign genetic material may be acquired at this locus by illegitimate recombination during genome concatemerisation. |
And yet, despite their having the entire genome of a Denisovan, Dr. Paabo cannot say much yet about what they were like. |
The percent mammoth contribution to the genome would be gradually increased on each hybrid embryo produced in vitro. |
Richard III thus became the first ancient person of known historical identity to have their genome sequenced. |
The designated leaders so far include superstars like Harold Varmus, a Nobel laureate, and Eric Lander, genome meister. |
Beginning November 1st 2011, a project began to sequence the entire oak genome. |
This occurs partly because random mutations arise in the genome of an individual organism, and offspring can inherit such mutations. |
The genetic information in a genome is held within genes, and the complete set of this information in an organism is called its genotype. |
In many species, only a small fraction of the total sequence of the genome encodes protein. |
Sequences and genome annotations have also been made available throughout the project's lifetime at the project's official site. |
The dinoflagellates share an unusual mitochondrial genome organisation with their relatives, the Apicomplexa. |
The genome of Chelonia mydas was sequenced in 2013 to examine the development and evolution of the turtle body plan. |
Advanced methods that sequenced the entire mitochondrial genome revealed systematic differences in DNA between different populations. |
The genome of Magallana gigas has been sequenced, revealing an extensive set of genes that enable it to cope with environmental stresses. |
This process leads to genome wide homozygosity, expression of deleterious recessive alleles and often to developmental abnormalities. |
In 2010, the fruit's genome was sequenced as part of research on disease control and selective breeding in apple production. |
It was the first gymnosperm to have its genome sequenced, and one clone has been measured as 9,550 years old. |
The genome of Picea abies was sequenced in 2013, the first gymnosperm genome to be completely sequenced. |
A large proportion of the spruce genome consists of repetitive DNA sequences, including long terminal repeat transposable elements. |
Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. |
The smallest mitochondrial genome sequenced to date is the 5967 bp mtDNA of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum. |
Type 2, type 3 and type 5 mentioned in the plant and fungal genomes also exists in some protist, as well as two unique genome types. |
Though the idea is controversial, some evidence suggests a link between aging and mitochondrial genome dysfunction. |
Several specialized databases have been founded to collect mitochondrial genome sequences and other information. |
The HTLV virus genome has been mapped, allowing identification of four major strains and analysis of their antiquity through mutations. |
This has inspired genetic researchers to begin examining the turtle genome for longevity genes. |
Such whole genome sequencing projects allow for studies on evolutionary processes involved in speciation. |
The complete genome for the cultivar Heinz 1706 was published on 31 May 2012 in Nature. |
In 2009, an international team of researchers announced they had sequenced the cucumber genome. |
However, an analysis of a first draft of the Neanderthal genome by the same team released in May 2010 indicates interbreeding may have occurred. |
These two conditions combined put the Y chromosome at a greater risk of mutation than the rest of the genome. |
Certainly, genome downsizing would be a widespread biological response to polyploidisation. |
In 2009, cattle became one of the first livestock animals to have a fully mapped genome. |
The international Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium announced in 2009 that they had achieved a draft sequence of the potato genome. |
A public genome sequencing effort of cotton was initiated in 2007 by a consortium of public researchers. |
They agreed on a strategy to sequence the genome of cultivated, tetraploid cotton. |
These later types of reads will be instrumental in assembling an initial draft of the D genome. |
This public relations effort gave them some recognition for sequencing the cotton genome. |
The discovery of the transgenes was made while performing metagenomic analysis of the sweet potato genome for viral diseases. |
Phylogenetic analysis of complete genome sequences found evidence for two distinct cocirculating lineages of IDV which freely reassort. |
The first cat genome, derived from a single Abyssinian cat named Cinnamon, was released in 2007 with relatively low sequencing coverage. |
Completion of the genome sequence of Brucella abortus and comparison to the highly similar genomes of Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis. |
A mitochondrial genome phylogeny of the Neuropterida and their relationship to the other holometabolous insect orders. |
Its small genome, rapid life cycle, small size, and large number of mutants and genomic resources make it an ideal angiosperm for plant research. |
Nucleic acid immunogens are designed to include the antigenic portions of the parvoviral genome which are incorporated into bacterial plasmids. |
Sequencing of the smallest Apicomplexan genome from the human pathogen Babesia microti. |
Whereas 16S rDNA sequences are highly conserved, the genome of some bacterial species harbors multiple copies of the ribosomal operon. |
Polymorphism of the migration of double-stranded RNA genome segments of avian reoviruses. |
Mammalian reoviruses, members of the genus Orthoreovirus, are nonenveloped double-stranded RNA viruses with a genome composed of 10 segments. |
After many generations, thousands of copies of each retrotransposon now reside in the mammalian genome. |
Retrotransposons pepper our genome, moving to future generations in egg and sperm. |
In addition, the genome of the leaf cutter ant is scheduled for publication in the Feb. |
The lentivirus used in this study should insert genes into a set, safe, piece of the genome. |
However, advances in primer technologies and lysing techniques have led to more reliable and accurate whole cell genome amplification. |
More strikingly, the exotoxins produced by many pathogenic bacteria are encoded in the genome of lysogenic phages. |
The clues lie in the genome of the carnivorous bladderwort plant, Utricularia gibba. |
The clue is in the carnivorous bladderwort plant, Utricularia gibba's genome. |
One major difference between the fern and seed plant genome is their chromosome numbers. |
If the human genome hadn't been more or less sequenced last year, it would have been sequenced this year, or next year. |
The mutations in melanoma cells occurred in parts of the melanocyte genome that are normally turned off. |
The design and construction of a DNA microarray for any given microbial genome are straightforward. |
Such therapeutics are produced in somatic cells having a genome with an artificially altered PrP gene. |
The SMRT approach may allow scientists to speed-read the genome within five years, Turner said. |
Soon after, researchers at the Institute finished sequencing the bacterium Mycoplasm genitalium, the smallest known genome. |
A team from the University of Liverpool's Institute of Integrative Biology have successfully mapped the genome of the naked mole rat. |
In some cases, the researchers also conducted whole genome sequencing or transcriptome sequencing. |
Transcriptomes are less expensive than sequencing an entire genome and have been developed for other insect pests. |
The gene for the leusine transfer RNA from the chloroplast genome was amplified using polymerase chain reaction. |
Transposons are parasitic DNA elements that when activated can insert into new genomic locations, leading to genome instability. |
It is within this context that the recently completed Neandertal genome has arrived. |
A recombination-derived mitochondrial genome retained stoichiometrically only among Solanum verrucosum Schltdl. |
The Oncomouse has tumor-causing genes inserted in its genome so that it can be used for cancer research. |
During oogenesis, discrete sites within the fruit fly genome undergo repeated rounds of DNA replication. |
The genome sequences of the watermelon are publicly available at the Cucurbit Genomics Database, which is created and maintained by Fei's group. |
This accomplishment makes the black cottonwood, a type of poplar, the third plant species whose genome has been sequenced. |
Diether Lambrechts through whole genome sequencing of colon and endometrial cancers with MMR deficiency. |
In 2008 Allen, Bowler and colleagues sequenced the genome of the first pennate diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. |
The first genome sequence for a reptile was published three months ago, and it was the sequence of the green anole genome. |
Genomic sequencing reveals that the Halobacterium genome contains genes that are homologous to both eukaryotic and bacterial repair genes. |
Prevalence of the parvovirus B19 genome in endomyocardial biopsy specimens. |
The HIV genome does not replicate episomally, but depends on integration into the host genome for replication. |
Complete genome of the uncultured Termite Group 1 bacteria in a single host protist cell. |