Many graziers in the area do trips everyday around the station to their waterholes, their dams and ground tanks. |
Some graziers are planting paddocks with kale or turnips for winter forage in the North. |
Many graziers in the Far West of New South Wales rely on working dogs to help round up goats. |
Before refrigeration, it was common for butchers to also be farmers and graziers. |
The recovery bill has reached half a billion dollars, and the February and July floods affected around 1,800 dairy farmers and graziers. |
With their backs to the economic wall, many graziers are trying to survive by putting more livestock on the already depleted land. |
Many programs depend on permission from local rural landholders, graziers and farmers for access to and through their properties. |
He intended to keep things that way, repelling would-be graziers, firewood cutters and poachers with an iron hand. |
The forum is aimed at young farmers, graziers and people in the wider agricultural industry in the Western Division. |
The demand for land focused hostile attention upon the graziers, who reared cattle and sheep commercially on extensive pastoral holdings. |
At the Brisbane boarding school he attended as a child he met many sons of Charleville graziers. |
There are also Nama graziers in the Richtersveld National Park to the north, and across the border into Namibia. |
Entrepreneurs, graziers, farmers and professionals formed an elite, which dominated municipal politics and was generally hostile to the labour movement. |
However, an ongoing study has found that dairy graziers do make money and are highly satisfied with the grazing lifestyle while doing it. |
Even with the increased investment level, graziers managed to come out ahead in feed production costs. |
In 1866 the westward movement of Queensland graziers brought sheep to the northern border area of the territory. |
Although wool prices recovered from 1934, many graziers owed their survival to Aboriginal labour. |
This could emphasize the need for strategies to optimize the returns the graziers may get from their livelihood. |
From that perspective, any cost savings the graziers gained didn't come as result of a decreased equipment investment. |
But what the graziers lost in income they made up in cost control for feed, hired labour and, as previously noted, interest payments. |
Although they had slightly more invested in field equipment, graziers seemed to use it more efficiently. |
The 13 graziers with the lowest basic cost are in the top group while those with the highest basic cost are in the bottom group. |
Because Canadian winters don't allow year-round pasture, graziers still have to invest in field machinery. |
It has a population of over 5500 inhabitants, most of them graziers, even many of them work in industry. |
He listened to bush mothers and stockmen, drovers and graziers, troops going into and returning from battle, committees, councils, prime ministers, popes and royalty. |
The graziers experienced a lower per-cow yield of 332 litres annually. |
They got that way by co-evolving with pre-industrial grazing practices: sufficient herds of native graziers, dense packed by healthy populations of predators. |
The unique partnership program connects novice producers with experienced graziers, acting as mentors, to help the novice producers implement best management practices in their grazing operation. |
Although many of the graziers are elderly, and few families reside together at the stockposts, the grazing regime reflects a wider system involving the support of families living in villages outside the Conservancy. |
Following long-standing traditions extending back over many centuries, the graziers move between stockposts, inhabiting different posts at different times of the year to optimise the grazing for their animals. |
But, for many experienced graziers mid-winter provides the ideal time to review and evaluate their previous season's management and prepare new strategies for the upcoming season. |
Although the people of Okehampton appreciated the additional business brought by the troops, the graziers protested as the lifestock was driven off. |
Graziers tell stories of good years when the grass is up to their waists, but at the moment, only patchy areas have enough rain to put a nice bit of grass on the ground. |
Graziers on the tablelands are in dire straits because they do not have enough winter feed and will have to keep reducing stock. |