Opposite of attentively occupied with
Opposite of deeply engrossed or fascinated by, or with, something
(keen on) Opposite of having an attraction to
“I have a deep physical attraction towards Boris, but I'm completely indifferent to his personality.”
Opposite of to be overcome by lust or aroused
“May was unimpressed by his advances, and gave him a look of disdain.”
Opposite of tending to ask questions or to investigate, typically for information or knowledge
“Tom wasn't accustomed to detail and became apathetic to what his coach had to say.”
Opposite of to be continuously haunted or possessed by something, especially negative emotions, ideas or desires
“She was an incredibly strong woman, untroubled by the common stresses and anxieties associated with nursing.”
Opposite of grasped or clutched in one's hands
Opposite of deeply immersed in thought or an activity
“He remained alert and was fully aware of his surroundings.”
Opposite of to have taken control of with one's hands
“The child released her mother's hand and ran off to play once they reached the park.”
Opposite of to have triggered enthusiasm or eagerness
“The movie's plot was terrible and bored us to death.”
Opposite of to have instigated the curiosity or attention of someone
“The new Star Wars movie definitely bored Robert who dislikes science fiction.”
Opposite of past tense for to take a tight hold of
Opposite of past tense for to hold or engage the attention of
Related Words and Phrases