(fatly) Opposite of adverb for composed of a notably small degree of body fat
“Those wrestlers were either too fat or so pumped up on the juice they would blow up after 2 minutes.”
(muscularly) Opposite of adverb for composed of a notably small degree of body fat
“He's blond, middle-aged, and muscular, wearing a tank top over his ripped torso.”
Opposite of adverb for thin or below average in width
“It's a bar where you can enjoy good company, a fat cigar, a dainty cigarette and a glass of fine red.”
Opposite of adverb for improbable in the degree of likelihood
“They point out that there is often a high chance of an adverse event no matter what course is pursued.”
Opposite of adverb for small in degree or amount
“Most studies of general practitioners' consultations show a strong degree of professional control.”
Opposite of adverb for significantly below an amount or level that is adequate
“Wall paintings in particular, once so abundant, have succumbed to decay, destruction, or covering over with whitewash.”
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