Opposite of to use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
Opposite of to cause to scatter or disperse
Opposite of to use up the supply or resources of
(of time or an opportunity) Opposite of to fail to take advantage of
“Be sure to take this opportunity that only comes around once in a lifetime.”
Opposite of to cease to have or retain something
“Over the course of several years, Stacey would accumulate a lot of money through some very prudent investments.”
Opposite of to completely bungle (an opportunity)
“Well aware that he'd never again have the chance to commit himself wholly to the undertaking of such a mammoth project, Larry was determined to maximize his opportunity.”
Opposite of imprudent or excessive expenditure or the waste of resources
Opposite of the action of using up a resource
“Protection of the global environment and conservation of Earth's resources represent an enormously complex challenge at a time of rapid globalization.”
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