Opposite of causing or characterized by great tragedy or disaster
“Some events might seem to create unbearable burdens, but a fortunate turn of events might magically appear to make for an altogether different and unexpected peace.”
Opposite of pitiful, characterized by extreme sadness or sorrow
“She'd written a happy tale about an adventure at sea, where Bones and Thomas sailed to far-off lands and explored like little boys do.”
(of a period or situation) Opposite of conducive to hopelessness
“The coming economic boom will be very joyful and will bring great happiness to everyone.”
Opposite of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
Opposite of feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief
Opposite of having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way
Opposite of feeling or showing great unhappiness or loneliness
Opposite of creating a feeling of anxiety or despair
Opposite of feeling or causing despair
“When I heard the helicopters above, I was optimistic about our chances of being found.”
Opposite of very great in degree, often with bad or negative repercussions
“What seems to many a trifling matter of wording could have profound consequences.”
Opposite of dire, typically characterized by disaster or human suffering
Opposite of significantly worrying in nature
“He sustained a harmless graze to his shin as he was skateboarding.”
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