JOTAF / Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Sep 1, 2012
In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were... more In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), ti n (Sn), copper (Cu) a nd mercury (Hg). Hea vy meta l contents of s a mpl es were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned i n a mi crowa ve oven. As a res ult of this s tudy, a verage heavy metal contents of 50 s amples found a s ; l ea d (Pb):0.0600 ppm, ti n (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrari ons of copper a nd ti n i n samples a re below average level s wherea s s ome res ul ts i n l ea d a nd mercury a re a bove the a vera ge l evel s .
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, Nov 20, 2015
Mycotoxin occurrence in foods, especially in uncontrolled produced traditional foods causes serio... more Mycotoxin occurrence in foods, especially in uncontrolled produced traditional foods causes serious health problems. In this study, traditional Küp cheese samples were collected from different part of Anatolian region in Turkey (Ankara, Nevşehir and Yozgat) and analyzed to determine Aflatoxin M 1 (AFM 1) level. AFM 1 analysis was carried out by, immunoaffinity column (IAC) clean-up and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) attached with fluorescence detector (FL) The level of AFM 1 in all samples was in the range of 16 and 136 ng/kg which is lower than the maximum tolerance limit of the Turkish Codex Regulations (250 ng/kg). The levels of contamination indicated that more detailed and continuous monitoring is required to increase the public health conscious and reduce consumers' exposure to AFM1.
JOTAF / Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Nov 29, 2016
In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, ... more In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, Pb) and some minerals (Al, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Mg) were determined in raw cow's milk and water samples collected from 3 different regions at 3 different periods (November-December, February-March and April-May). The regions from those areas are close to heavy industry plants (Yeniçiftlik), food producing plants (Gümüşçay) and highways (Şakirbey) in Biga county of Çanakkale province, Turkey. Metals and mineral contents of the samples were determined by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). This study showed that heavy metal concentrations in the two most important liquid food were found to differ from region to region due to environmental factors such as rainfall and industrialization. However, for mineral concentrations in the water and milk samples, no change was observed according to regional pollution parameters.
Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, Jan 14, 2016
Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight di... more Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight different provinces in Turkey was investigated. A total of 279 samples were surveyed. Apart from L. monocytogenes, L. ivanovii and L. gravyi, L. innocua were determined from the cheese samples, while L. welshimeri and L. seeligeri were not detected in any of the samples. 21.5% of the samples were contaminated with Listeria spp.. However %15.77 of samples was positive for L. monocytogenes. The incidence of L. grayi, L. innocua and L. ivanovii isolated from samples were 2.15%, 1.43% and 2.15%, respectively. A total of 60 Listeria spp. positive samples were analyzed and it was determined that. L. monocytogenes was the most prevalent species with 44 (73.3 %) isolates recovered, while 16 (26.6 %) belonged to other Listeria spp.
In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were... more In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), ti n (Sn), copper (Cu) a nd mercury (Hg). Hea vy meta l contents of s a mpl es were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned i n a mi crowa ve oven. As a res ult of this s tudy, a verage heavy metal contents of 50 s amples found a s ; l ea d (Pb):0.0600 ppm, ti n (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrari ons of copper a nd ti n i n samples a re below average level s wherea s s ome res ul ts i n l ea d a nd mercury a re a bove the a vera ge l evel s .
American Journal of Food Science and Technology, Feb 2, 2016
In this study, the relationships between the electrical conductivity and temperature for differen... more In this study, the relationships between the electrical conductivity and temperature for different milk fat contents were investigated during the incubation of kefir. For kefir production, three milk samples at different fat contents (0.15, 1.7 and 3.0%) and two incubation temperatures (25 °C and 35 °C) were selected. The inoculum level was 2%. The kefir fermentation time was approximately 10 h and the pH of kefir samples were 4.4 in the last stage. The test results showed that electrical conductivity (EC) increased at both the temperatures. The average EC values of non fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.72 mS/cm-6.4 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.72 mS/cm-5.71 mS/cm at 25 °C. The average EC values of full fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.84 mS/cm-6.41 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.84 mS/cm-5.63 at 25 °C. The average EC values of low fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.54 mS/cm-6.39 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.54mS/cm-5.5 mS/cm at 25 °C. Electrical conductivity of samples showed little improvement at low incubation temperature and fat content. Statistically, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in EC among samples.
A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on... more A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on the kinetic parameters of pH change by kefir grains yeast population, using whole milk, semi-skimmed milk and skim milk of cows. Fermentation temperature (25-35 º C), total fat level (3.0, 1.7, 0.15 %) and inoculum level (2%) w/v had simultaneous effects on the acidification process in kefir fermantation. The changes in pH of pasteurized cow milk inoculated with 2 % culture were investigated during fermentation at 25-35 º C. Measurement of pH change was followed first order kinetics during kefir fermentation. The optimal kinetics model for pH change during fermentation of kefir was the linear mathematical model. Furthermore, statistical analysis indicated that fermentation temperature and time significantly affected pH change of kefir. pH reduction rate of kefir was maximum at semi-skimmed milk (1.7 %) at 35 º C.
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the κ-casein gene (kappa casein, CSN... more The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the κ-casein gene (kappa casein, CSN3) in buffaloes and determine its effects on milk yield traits. Data were obtained from 2016 to 2019 from all animals in the ongoing Anatolian Buffalo Breeding Project. Genomic DNA was collected from a total of 209 buffaloes of different ages and sexes, namely 31 Murrah, 46 Anatolian buffaloes, and 132 of their crosses (Murrah × Anatolian). Genotyping of CSN3 gene by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique with restriction enzyme (AcuI) revealed three genotypes: AA (0.689), AB (0.282), and BB (0.028), and the frequencies of A and B alleles were 0.83 and 0.17, respectively. A total of 113 milk yield data and 74 milk component analyses of dairy buffaloes were used to compare CSN3 genotypes for milk yield traits. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in lactation milk yield between CSN3 genotypes:
In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, ... more In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, Pb) and some minerals (Al, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Mg) were determined in raw cow's milk and water samples collected from 3 different regions at 3 different periods (November-December, February-March and April-May). The regions are from those areas that are close to heavy industry plants (Yeniciftlik), food producing plants (Gumuscay) and highways (Şakirbey) in BigacountyofCanakkaleprovince,Turkey. Metals and mineral contents of the samples were determined by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). This study showed that heavy metal concentrations in the two most important liquid nutrition were found to differ from region to region due to environmental factors such as rainfall and industrialization. However, for mineral concentrations in the water and milk samples, no change was observed according to regional pollution parameters.
Bu calismada Trakya Bolgesinde uretilen kasar peynirlerinin kursun (Pb), kalay (Sn), bakir (Cu) v... more Bu calismada Trakya Bolgesinde uretilen kasar peynirlerinin kursun (Pb), kalay (Sn), bakir (Cu) ve civa (Hg) iceriklerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla bolgeden 50 adet kasar peyniri ornegi toplanmistir. Ornekler mikrodalga firinda yakildiktan sonra agir metal icerikleri Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) cihazi kullanilarak belirlenmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore kasar peyniri orneklerinde ortalama olarak Pb:0.0600 ppm, Sn: 0.0366 ppm, Cu: 0.5036 ppm ve Hg: 0.0214 ppm duzeylerinde belirlenmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda elde edilen degerler orneklerin ortalama Cu ve Sn icerikleri belirlenen limit degerlerin altinda, Pb ve Hg iceriklerinin ise limit degerlerin ustunde oldugu gostermektedir.
In this research, 50 samples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were ... more In this research, 50 samples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), tin (Sn), copper (Cu) and mercury (Hg). Heavy metals contents of samples were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned in a microwave oven. As a result of this study, average heavy metal contents of 50 samples found as; lead (Pb):0.0600 ppm, tin (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrarion of copper and tin in samples are below average levels whereas some results in lead and mercury are above the average levels. Keywords: Kashar cheese, lead, tin, cupper, mercury *This study is a part of Bengi Eren Oztur’s master thesis
Bu arastirmada, farkli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten beyaz peynir uretiminde elde edil... more Bu arastirmada, farkli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten beyaz peynir uretiminde elde edilen teleme ve peyniralti sularinin bazi ozelliklerinde, isil isleme bagli olarak meydana gelen degisiklikler incelenmistir. Bu amacla inek sutu, telemede gerekli kalip boyutlarina (%8.5x7)±0.3 cm) ulasmak uzere Kontrol (cig sut (K), 68 oC/10 d. (A), 75 oC/5 d. (B) ve 85 oC/5 d. (C) sureli pastorizasyon islemleri icin sirasiyla, 75, 73, 72 ve 70’lik dort kisma ayrilmistir. Birinci kisim sut (K) pastorize edilmeden, A, B ve C ornekleri ise sirasiyla 68 oC’de 10 d. 75 oC’de 5 d. ve 85 oC’de 5 d. sureli isil islem uygulamasindan sonra isitilmis sutlere %0.02 oraninda kalsiyum klorur (CaCl2), %1 duzeyinde R-703 ticari kodlu D.V.S. (dri-Vat-Set) starter kultur ilave edilerek Beyaz peynire islenmistir. Cig sutte ve bu sekilde uretilen teleme ile peyniralti suyu orneklerinde toplam kurumadde, yag, titrasyon asitligi, pH, toplam azot, protein, maya-kuf ve kolifom organizmalar sayilmis, ilaveten te...
Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight di... more Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight different provinces in Turkey was investigated. A total of 279 samples were surveyed. Apart from L. monocytogenes , L. ivanovii and L. gravyi , L. innocua were determined from the cheese samples, while L. welshimeri and L. seeligeri were not detected in any of the samples. 21.5% of the samples were contaminated with Listeria spp .. However %15.77 of samples was positive for L. monocytogenes . The incidence of L. grayi , L. innocua and L. ivanovii isolated from samples were 2.15%, 1.43% and 2.15%, respectively. A total of 60 Listeria spp . positive samples were analyzed and it was determined that. L. monocytogenes was the most prevalent species with 44 (73.3 %) isolates recovered, while 16 (26.6 %) belonged to other Listeria spp .
Bu arastirmada fakli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten uretilen beyaz peynirlerin bazi oze... more Bu arastirmada fakli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten uretilen beyaz peynirlerin bazi ozelliklerinde isil isleme bagli olarak meydana gelen degisimler incelenmistir. Bu amacla peynire islenecek cig sut dort kisma ayrilmis ve K ornegi Kontrol (Cig sut) olmak uzere, A ornegine 68 oC/10 d, B ornegine 75 oC/5 d ve C ornegine 85 oC/5 d sureyle pastorizasyon islemi uygulanmistir. K, A, B ve C ornekleri icin sirasiyla 75, 73, 72 ve 70 1 sut kullanilmistir. Beyaz peynire islenecek butun pastorize sutlere %0.02 oraninda kalsiyum klorur (CaCl2) ile %1 oraninda R-703 ticari kodlu D.V.S (Dri-Vet-Set) starter kultur ilave edilmistir. Bu orneklerde depolamanin 0., 15., 30., 60. ve 90. gunlerinde toplam kurumadde, yag, tuz, titrasyon asitligi, pH, toplam azot, protein olmayan azot, ucucu yag asitleri, penetrometre degeri ve toplam bakteri, maya-kuf ve koliform organizma sayisi belirlenmistir. Ayrica peynirlerin duyusal degerlendirmesi de yapilmistir. Bu analiz sonuclarindan uygulanan farkl...
A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on... more A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on the kinetic parameters of pH change by kefir grains yeast population, using whole milk, semi-skimmed milk and skim milk of cows. Fermentation temperature (25–35 oC), total fat level (3.0, 1.7, 0.15 %) and inoculum level (2%) w/v had simultaneous effects on the acidification process in kefir fermantation. The changes in pH of pasteurized cow milk inoculated with 2 % culture were investigated during fermentation at 25-35 oC. Measurement of pH change was followed first order kinetics during kefir fermentation. The optimal kinetics model for pH change during fermentation of kefir was the linear mathematical model. Furthermore, statistical analysis indicated that fermentation temperature and time significantly affected pH change of kefir. pH reduction rate of kefir was maximum at semi-skimmed milk (1.7 %) at 35 oC.
Turkiye'nin sekiz degisik illerinde toplanan geleneksel Kup peynirinde Listeria spp ve L. mon... more Turkiye'nin sekiz degisik illerinde toplanan geleneksel Kup peynirinde Listeria spp ve L. monocytogenes varligi ve isnsidansi arastirilmistir. Toplanan 279 peynir orneginin Listeria spp % 21.5, L. monocytogenes %15.77’de, L. grayi %2.15, L. innocua %1.43 ve L. ivanovii % 2.15 oraninda kontamine oldugu belirlenmis, L. welshimeri ve L. seeligeri ise tespit edilmemistir. Listeria spp. pozitif toplam 60 ornekte en yaygin tur olarak 44 (% 73.3)’unde L. monocytogenes ve 16 (% 26.6)’sinda ise diger Listeria spp. belirlenmistir.
JOTAF / Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Sep 1, 2012
In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were... more In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), ti n (Sn), copper (Cu) a nd mercury (Hg). Hea vy meta l contents of s a mpl es were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned i n a mi crowa ve oven. As a res ult of this s tudy, a verage heavy metal contents of 50 s amples found a s ; l ea d (Pb):0.0600 ppm, ti n (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrari ons of copper a nd ti n i n samples a re below average level s wherea s s ome res ul ts i n l ea d a nd mercury a re a bove the a vera ge l evel s .
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, Nov 20, 2015
Mycotoxin occurrence in foods, especially in uncontrolled produced traditional foods causes serio... more Mycotoxin occurrence in foods, especially in uncontrolled produced traditional foods causes serious health problems. In this study, traditional Küp cheese samples were collected from different part of Anatolian region in Turkey (Ankara, Nevşehir and Yozgat) and analyzed to determine Aflatoxin M 1 (AFM 1) level. AFM 1 analysis was carried out by, immunoaffinity column (IAC) clean-up and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) attached with fluorescence detector (FL) The level of AFM 1 in all samples was in the range of 16 and 136 ng/kg which is lower than the maximum tolerance limit of the Turkish Codex Regulations (250 ng/kg). The levels of contamination indicated that more detailed and continuous monitoring is required to increase the public health conscious and reduce consumers' exposure to AFM1.
JOTAF / Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Nov 29, 2016
In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, ... more In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, Pb) and some minerals (Al, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Mg) were determined in raw cow's milk and water samples collected from 3 different regions at 3 different periods (November-December, February-March and April-May). The regions from those areas are close to heavy industry plants (Yeniçiftlik), food producing plants (Gümüşçay) and highways (Şakirbey) in Biga county of Çanakkale province, Turkey. Metals and mineral contents of the samples were determined by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). This study showed that heavy metal concentrations in the two most important liquid food were found to differ from region to region due to environmental factors such as rainfall and industrialization. However, for mineral concentrations in the water and milk samples, no change was observed according to regional pollution parameters.
Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, Jan 14, 2016
Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight di... more Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight different provinces in Turkey was investigated. A total of 279 samples were surveyed. Apart from L. monocytogenes, L. ivanovii and L. gravyi, L. innocua were determined from the cheese samples, while L. welshimeri and L. seeligeri were not detected in any of the samples. 21.5% of the samples were contaminated with Listeria spp.. However %15.77 of samples was positive for L. monocytogenes. The incidence of L. grayi, L. innocua and L. ivanovii isolated from samples were 2.15%, 1.43% and 2.15%, respectively. A total of 60 Listeria spp. positive samples were analyzed and it was determined that. L. monocytogenes was the most prevalent species with 44 (73.3 %) isolates recovered, while 16 (26.6 %) belonged to other Listeria spp.
In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were... more In thi s research, 50 s amples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), ti n (Sn), copper (Cu) a nd mercury (Hg). Hea vy meta l contents of s a mpl es were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned i n a mi crowa ve oven. As a res ult of this s tudy, a verage heavy metal contents of 50 s amples found a s ; l ea d (Pb):0.0600 ppm, ti n (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrari ons of copper a nd ti n i n samples a re below average level s wherea s s ome res ul ts i n l ea d a nd mercury a re a bove the a vera ge l evel s .
American Journal of Food Science and Technology, Feb 2, 2016
In this study, the relationships between the electrical conductivity and temperature for differen... more In this study, the relationships between the electrical conductivity and temperature for different milk fat contents were investigated during the incubation of kefir. For kefir production, three milk samples at different fat contents (0.15, 1.7 and 3.0%) and two incubation temperatures (25 °C and 35 °C) were selected. The inoculum level was 2%. The kefir fermentation time was approximately 10 h and the pH of kefir samples were 4.4 in the last stage. The test results showed that electrical conductivity (EC) increased at both the temperatures. The average EC values of non fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.72 mS/cm-6.4 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.72 mS/cm-5.71 mS/cm at 25 °C. The average EC values of full fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.84 mS/cm-6.41 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.84 mS/cm-5.63 at 25 °C. The average EC values of low fat milk kefir were in the range of 4.54 mS/cm-6.39 mS/cm at 35 °C, and 4.54mS/cm-5.5 mS/cm at 25 °C. Electrical conductivity of samples showed little improvement at low incubation temperature and fat content. Statistically, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in EC among samples.
A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on... more A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on the kinetic parameters of pH change by kefir grains yeast population, using whole milk, semi-skimmed milk and skim milk of cows. Fermentation temperature (25-35 º C), total fat level (3.0, 1.7, 0.15 %) and inoculum level (2%) w/v had simultaneous effects on the acidification process in kefir fermantation. The changes in pH of pasteurized cow milk inoculated with 2 % culture were investigated during fermentation at 25-35 º C. Measurement of pH change was followed first order kinetics during kefir fermentation. The optimal kinetics model for pH change during fermentation of kefir was the linear mathematical model. Furthermore, statistical analysis indicated that fermentation temperature and time significantly affected pH change of kefir. pH reduction rate of kefir was maximum at semi-skimmed milk (1.7 %) at 35 º C.
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the κ-casein gene (kappa casein, CSN... more The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the κ-casein gene (kappa casein, CSN3) in buffaloes and determine its effects on milk yield traits. Data were obtained from 2016 to 2019 from all animals in the ongoing Anatolian Buffalo Breeding Project. Genomic DNA was collected from a total of 209 buffaloes of different ages and sexes, namely 31 Murrah, 46 Anatolian buffaloes, and 132 of their crosses (Murrah × Anatolian). Genotyping of CSN3 gene by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique with restriction enzyme (AcuI) revealed three genotypes: AA (0.689), AB (0.282), and BB (0.028), and the frequencies of A and B alleles were 0.83 and 0.17, respectively. A total of 113 milk yield data and 74 milk component analyses of dairy buffaloes were used to compare CSN3 genotypes for milk yield traits. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in lactation milk yield between CSN3 genotypes:
In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, ... more In this research, the concentrations of essential metals (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co), toxic metals (Cd, Pb) and some minerals (Al, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Mg) were determined in raw cow's milk and water samples collected from 3 different regions at 3 different periods (November-December, February-March and April-May). The regions are from those areas that are close to heavy industry plants (Yeniciftlik), food producing plants (Gumuscay) and highways (Şakirbey) in BigacountyofCanakkaleprovince,Turkey. Metals and mineral contents of the samples were determined by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). This study showed that heavy metal concentrations in the two most important liquid nutrition were found to differ from region to region due to environmental factors such as rainfall and industrialization. However, for mineral concentrations in the water and milk samples, no change was observed according to regional pollution parameters.
Bu calismada Trakya Bolgesinde uretilen kasar peynirlerinin kursun (Pb), kalay (Sn), bakir (Cu) v... more Bu calismada Trakya Bolgesinde uretilen kasar peynirlerinin kursun (Pb), kalay (Sn), bakir (Cu) ve civa (Hg) iceriklerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla bolgeden 50 adet kasar peyniri ornegi toplanmistir. Ornekler mikrodalga firinda yakildiktan sonra agir metal icerikleri Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) cihazi kullanilarak belirlenmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore kasar peyniri orneklerinde ortalama olarak Pb:0.0600 ppm, Sn: 0.0366 ppm, Cu: 0.5036 ppm ve Hg: 0.0214 ppm duzeylerinde belirlenmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda elde edilen degerler orneklerin ortalama Cu ve Sn icerikleri belirlenen limit degerlerin altinda, Pb ve Hg iceriklerinin ise limit degerlerin ustunde oldugu gostermektedir.
In this research, 50 samples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were ... more In this research, 50 samples of kashar cheese produced and sold in Trakya (Thrace) region, were studied for analysis of heavy metals as Lead (Pb), tin (Sn), copper (Cu) and mercury (Hg). Heavy metals contents of samples were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after having been burned in a microwave oven. As a result of this study, average heavy metal contents of 50 samples found as; lead (Pb):0.0600 ppm, tin (Sn): 0.0366 ppm, copper (Cu): 0.5036 ppm, mercury (Hg): 0.0214 ppm. The obtained results show that mean concentrarion of copper and tin in samples are below average levels whereas some results in lead and mercury are above the average levels. Keywords: Kashar cheese, lead, tin, cupper, mercury *This study is a part of Bengi Eren Oztur’s master thesis
Bu arastirmada, farkli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten beyaz peynir uretiminde elde edil... more Bu arastirmada, farkli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten beyaz peynir uretiminde elde edilen teleme ve peyniralti sularinin bazi ozelliklerinde, isil isleme bagli olarak meydana gelen degisiklikler incelenmistir. Bu amacla inek sutu, telemede gerekli kalip boyutlarina (%8.5x7)±0.3 cm) ulasmak uzere Kontrol (cig sut (K), 68 oC/10 d. (A), 75 oC/5 d. (B) ve 85 oC/5 d. (C) sureli pastorizasyon islemleri icin sirasiyla, 75, 73, 72 ve 70’lik dort kisma ayrilmistir. Birinci kisim sut (K) pastorize edilmeden, A, B ve C ornekleri ise sirasiyla 68 oC’de 10 d. 75 oC’de 5 d. ve 85 oC’de 5 d. sureli isil islem uygulamasindan sonra isitilmis sutlere %0.02 oraninda kalsiyum klorur (CaCl2), %1 duzeyinde R-703 ticari kodlu D.V.S. (dri-Vat-Set) starter kultur ilave edilerek Beyaz peynire islenmistir. Cig sutte ve bu sekilde uretilen teleme ile peyniralti suyu orneklerinde toplam kurumadde, yag, titrasyon asitligi, pH, toplam azot, protein, maya-kuf ve kolifom organizmalar sayilmis, ilaveten te...
Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight di... more Presence of Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes in traditional pottery cheeses produced at eight different provinces in Turkey was investigated. A total of 279 samples were surveyed. Apart from L. monocytogenes , L. ivanovii and L. gravyi , L. innocua were determined from the cheese samples, while L. welshimeri and L. seeligeri were not detected in any of the samples. 21.5% of the samples were contaminated with Listeria spp .. However %15.77 of samples was positive for L. monocytogenes . The incidence of L. grayi , L. innocua and L. ivanovii isolated from samples were 2.15%, 1.43% and 2.15%, respectively. A total of 60 Listeria spp . positive samples were analyzed and it was determined that. L. monocytogenes was the most prevalent species with 44 (73.3 %) isolates recovered, while 16 (26.6 %) belonged to other Listeria spp .
Bu arastirmada fakli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten uretilen beyaz peynirlerin bazi oze... more Bu arastirmada fakli pastorizasyon normlari uygulanmis sutten uretilen beyaz peynirlerin bazi ozelliklerinde isil isleme bagli olarak meydana gelen degisimler incelenmistir. Bu amacla peynire islenecek cig sut dort kisma ayrilmis ve K ornegi Kontrol (Cig sut) olmak uzere, A ornegine 68 oC/10 d, B ornegine 75 oC/5 d ve C ornegine 85 oC/5 d sureyle pastorizasyon islemi uygulanmistir. K, A, B ve C ornekleri icin sirasiyla 75, 73, 72 ve 70 1 sut kullanilmistir. Beyaz peynire islenecek butun pastorize sutlere %0.02 oraninda kalsiyum klorur (CaCl2) ile %1 oraninda R-703 ticari kodlu D.V.S (Dri-Vet-Set) starter kultur ilave edilmistir. Bu orneklerde depolamanin 0., 15., 30., 60. ve 90. gunlerinde toplam kurumadde, yag, tuz, titrasyon asitligi, pH, toplam azot, protein olmayan azot, ucucu yag asitleri, penetrometre degeri ve toplam bakteri, maya-kuf ve koliform organizma sayisi belirlenmistir. Ayrica peynirlerin duyusal degerlendirmesi de yapilmistir. Bu analiz sonuclarindan uygulanan farkl...
A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on... more A mathematical model was developed to describe the effect of temperature and fermentation time on the kinetic parameters of pH change by kefir grains yeast population, using whole milk, semi-skimmed milk and skim milk of cows. Fermentation temperature (25–35 oC), total fat level (3.0, 1.7, 0.15 %) and inoculum level (2%) w/v had simultaneous effects on the acidification process in kefir fermantation. The changes in pH of pasteurized cow milk inoculated with 2 % culture were investigated during fermentation at 25-35 oC. Measurement of pH change was followed first order kinetics during kefir fermentation. The optimal kinetics model for pH change during fermentation of kefir was the linear mathematical model. Furthermore, statistical analysis indicated that fermentation temperature and time significantly affected pH change of kefir. pH reduction rate of kefir was maximum at semi-skimmed milk (1.7 %) at 35 oC.
Turkiye'nin sekiz degisik illerinde toplanan geleneksel Kup peynirinde Listeria spp ve L. mon... more Turkiye'nin sekiz degisik illerinde toplanan geleneksel Kup peynirinde Listeria spp ve L. monocytogenes varligi ve isnsidansi arastirilmistir. Toplanan 279 peynir orneginin Listeria spp % 21.5, L. monocytogenes %15.77’de, L. grayi %2.15, L. innocua %1.43 ve L. ivanovii % 2.15 oraninda kontamine oldugu belirlenmis, L. welshimeri ve L. seeligeri ise tespit edilmemistir. Listeria spp. pozitif toplam 60 ornekte en yaygin tur olarak 44 (% 73.3)’unde L. monocytogenes ve 16 (% 26.6)’sinda ise diger Listeria spp. belirlenmistir.
Papers by Binnur KAPTAN